Increase the penalty for DC

Lyonic Member Posts: 224

There has been a total wave of disconnecting and I feel the best way to tackle it is to change the way the system works.

-1 pip, and starts at a 5 minute ban,

then 10 minutes,

15 minutes,

30 minutes,

1 hour,

3 hours,

6 hours,

12 hours,

24 hours,

48 hours,

and finally a repeating 72 hours.

I mean, most people can quit a game and go afk for a while no worries but 5 mins is kind of a joke. People are wasting addon's and offerings, and are unable to complete quests etc because of d/c culture.

The best way to solve this I feel is to get rid of the 5 min, 10 min and 15 mins as thats really no time at all. and you would have to disconnect 3 games in a row to get a 15 min ban,...

I would like to see it start at 30 mins,

then jump to 24 hours if they quit again within a 24 hour period.



  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    quitting a game is never a viable solution im sorry. I feel like im taking crazy pills.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    That first 5 minute ban is pretty fair, you need to take into account accidental DC's as well. Otherwise one faulty internet connection could put a SWF out of action for most of an evening.

    But I'm good with the 2nd DC going straight to 30 minutes, skipping the 10 and 15. You take the first 5 minutes as a warning, you either fix your internet or you're prepared to sit it out if it happens again.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I'd also say mark those players for a priority que to lobby together. Let them spoil each other's games until they learn to play matches out to completion.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    that seems super fair.

    I didnt account for internet issues.

    I do think you are right about, either fix your internet or sit it out.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    They had something like this in DOTA - all the toxic people where put in a bad people queue.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    Yeah I mean im so excited about wesker dlc coming and the thought of people just disconnecting...

    5 min - 30 min - 24 hour ban

    3 strike and you are out for 24 hours

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I'm all for disincentiving disconnecting during perfectly normal games, as it is disrespectful for the other players and especially lethal for teammates, but there are circonstances that would make these restrictions really harsh.

    What about hacker games ? There seems to be quite a lot of games taken hostages these days.

    Or toxic players actively trying to make you DC. (ran into one, would not recommend)

    Or successive connection failures (not only talking about internet failures, but a lot of people are experiencing glitches where they are disconnected from games or lobbies despite having a correct connection)

    So I think we should tread lightly on the subject of DC penalties, as they could be felt as very unfair depending on the circonstances.

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    It's a game filled with straight up unfun garbage that's been left to fester for years. You can't expect 4 people to happily put up with the third double range Starstruck Nurse in a row, or a Plague stacking four slowdowns and humping a 3 gen for the entire match. You can't expect people to put up with getting literal migraines from Clown and Doctor.

    It sure is. I could either play a deeply irritating match, or I could just, not.

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    No, you literally can't. Either from disconnecting, going AFK, or suiciding on hook, you can't force people to play.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168
    edited August 2022

    Yeah you're right abt ppl going out of their way to make survs DC

    Facecamping Bubba prime example

    Or bleed-out slugging with killers like Doc, Nurse, Clown and so on

    DCing is a big problem overall but players who do what I listed above have no right to really complain about it imo. DCing robs them of their time-waste satisfaction lmao.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited August 2022

    Survivors have a terrible "I don't want to play this game" problem, that I haven't seen this bad anywhere else.

    Killer I don't like? DC

    Map I don't like? DC

    Got injured first? DC

    Ran every meta perk, Gideon map offering, four flashlights, teabagged at the exit but still got downed and hooked? DC

    What are you classing as "deeply irritating" that it warrants screwing over 3 other players and sitting out for 5 minutes for the sake of saving up to 60 seconds? I'm willing it bet it's nowhere near irritating enough to warrant that. FYI, both the hook timers and the bleedout timer are shorter than the minimum matchmaking ban for a DC.

    Survivors need to realise that DCing when there's something you "don't like" is the equivalent of throwing the monopoly board across the room when you land in Jail and storming off in a huff.

    I have never seen a survivor DC and thought "good on them, they're getting out of an unpleasant situation", I've only ever been deeply embarrassed on their behalf.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    It's not a survivor only problem tho, I've had a lot of Killers DC lately as well

    One of them DCed at 3 gens and whinged in the EGC about genrush despite both gens being done quite a time apart.

    Survs just make up the bulk of it due to ratios and such

    Like a killer DCing is an instant win so I'm not complaining about it but it's anticlimatic to make a good play in chase and the killer goes "im done lol" and pulls the plug.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    This. If you don't want to play, don't play. Don't sign up to play then quit 2 minutes in.

    Do not queue up in the first place.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited August 2022

    Maybe it's because I tend to play killer a bit more than survivor, but I can't say I experience it all that much from killers.

    If I was even keeping track, I could probably count all the killers who have DCed against me in the past year on one hand.

    Survivors however, have learned to use the DC as a 'weapon' in a way that killers simply don't need to. Killers can just decide to camp, or open the exit gates themselves, or go into farming mode, etc.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224
    edited August 2022

    Simply put - there needs to be a "Surrender" option. It's the only way to stop these games where people are held hostage.

    The problem as a killer, is I cant MAKE survivors do gens. . If i could "instantly fix gens"

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    Just a difference in our matches I'm sure. Everyone has diff matches

    Idk why but it seems lately in about... I want to say maybe 2 in 10 matches the killer will give up or DC. Even if the game's not over for them at that point.

    Also fun fact the killers who I see DC the most are Hags and Demos. Not sure why, but it's something I noticed over my time.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    It also cheapens the experience for me as a killer - its like, some scumbag ragequits and now i feel bad for the other 3 guys and feel like i need to go easier on them

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    Killers have a terrible "I'm going to make this match as miserable as humanly possible for the four other players and they BETTER like it" problem.

    You need to stop comparing DBD to symmetrical games. It's a janky, poorly balanced asym, where one side in particular has the power to make the match deeply unfun for the other side.

    Also, they keep making stuff for this game where either no one, or only one person, is having fun.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Exactly what we need to clean up our gameplay experience. I think a lot of solos would find things much better without a petty dc or two putting everyone else at a disadvantage.

  • Lyonic
    Lyonic Member Posts: 224

    Yeah it would clean it up real quick, easy to implement. Gotta wonder why they havent already.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939
    edited August 2022


    If they made D/Cing go to 30 mins on the second time (as an example), the queue times would get legendary and the playerbase would dwindle. People disconnecting doesn't come out of nowhere. Of course being a Solo Q player, I've seen a team mate disconnect just because they were the first one downed. That's ridiculous, but also pretty rare in my experience. Most of the d/c's come from Killers being arses. Literally no one likes to be facecamped, camped or tunneled right off the hook at the start of the match. That's where the vast majority of D/C's come from. Or else, due to bad manners (like being camped on your first hook at 5 gens and the Killer is hitting you on the hook. Or the tired, meme Bubba camping in the basement nodding.).

    Once I was slugged as the last survivor, the Wraith carried me to the hatch pretending to give it to me, slammed it my face, carried me to the door and hit it implying for me to open it. I wouldn't because he was a d*ck. He'd camped everyone else. And he just stood there ringing his bell, not downing me. He would have had me trapped in the game until I opened the gate. I had no choice, so of course, he lets me get to just before it's opened, then grabs me, leaves me slugged and rings his bell constantly for the entire 4 minute bleed out.

    I SHOULD have disconnected. And next time something like that happens to me, I will. I have a difficult time wrapping my head around the concept that a survivor has to endure the unbridled ego of a 15 year old basement dweller or be punished severely. So until Devs do something about the miserable state of Solo Q, and addresses the potential for Killers to do crap like that (and it happens quite a bit), the D/C penalty should stay where it is.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I think there is a server bug. I got booted but have no penalty. I am actually not sure as many survivors are genuinely rage quitting as I initially expected.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    A bit off topic, but jail is literally the best place to be in late game monopoly, lol

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    I lost roughly 200 million bps worth of prestige and perks I bought and paid for are now locked... lol.. I'll DC whenever I want to as many times as I can. I have and will continue to if I even play anymore since 6.1

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    How would you implement a penalty for people going afk or dying on hook?

    The best incentive to have people play would probably be to make the game fun.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Remove hook suicide first, give them free chance to escape as a compensation.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    you can very well remove kobeing penalty and skillchecks without harming normal game in any way, and crows are already there so we CAN detect and punish afk too.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    No, that's not going to help anything. People are going to DC no matter what. You can't force players to stay in a game they don't want to. If they can't DC, they'll just go AFK or intentionally throw the game.

  • Nitpohls
    Nitpohls Member Posts: 18

    What about the crazy amount of hackers lately? You cant even DC to not give them any satisfaction and get penalized. Maybe start controlling the hackers better, then think about the DC timers

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    So, just let people infinitely attempt to kobe off the hook until they hit struggle? Pretty sure that would harm normal gameplay.

    Killers don't get crows for going AFK; not every survivor that gets crows is actually AFK.

  • rook10682
    rook10682 Member Posts: 23

    You can sort of filter out hacker issues actually. If the average match is designed to be 15 to 20 min. Make it to where after 15 min (or 20, you would have to play with that) The DC penalty goes away. So players that at least put in the effort for that long MIGHT have a reason to DC, if the match is SUPER slow and stalematey due to 3 gens and what not or more importantly, if the hacker takes the game hostage, you can wait out 15 min and DC without incurring the strong repeat punishments, so it doesnt count on your repeat offender record at that point. Hackers sometimes keep people hostage for an hour or more, so its better than that I guess....not perfect but...its a little room on both sides of caution.

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    Jacobim, here. Have this latte. It's not foamy.

    Feel better?

  • Grum
    Grum Member Posts: 273

    Both of these are obviously terrible ideas.

    The first would be impossible to implement and completely ineffective even if you did. People can just make sure they move around a little at some point.

    The second is overly punitive to new players that don't know what they're doing; and also punishes people for attempting to struggle when it's potentially the only viable option.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Treating only the symptoms leaves the disease unchecked. Survivor is extremely unfun, unrewarding, and grossly unbalanced in favor of killer. The only time survivors win is when the killer plays to lose. BHVR is wildly slow to make corrections to this issue.

    Why should a DC penalty even exist? It is not a competitive symmetrical game where it can be perfectly balanced.

    All the fun has been completely removed from the game for the sake of top end balancing so killers never lose now.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited August 2022

    Huh? I don't think limiting amount of try without reducing timer is that hard at all.

    Pretty much every survivors that gets crows IS actually afk for 80% of time, if you are scared of it, maybe give it an additional 1-2 minutes until penalty activate so survivors can try to avoid it, since game can detect afk itself, adding such mechanics to killers wouldn't be that hard either.

    I doubt people just to avoid playing for the sake of avoid playing, at that point they can just run around and try chasing killers, cleansing totems, do gens and all such things.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited August 2022

    True. I agree that being able to surrender on some conditions would solve a few of these problems.

    Maybe if the game gets longer than 15 minutes (since then it's either a really close game and survivors wouldn't DC, a hostage situation or an excessively dragged out game people should be able to surrender from), if you've been bodyblocked in a corner (if you've been unmoving and closer than 5m of a killer for at least 60 seconds without getting hit?), if you're slugged and only one of your teammates remain (to give them an opportunity to get hatch).

    It's true that it's harder as killer to get out of such a situation. Maybe the killer should be able to open to door at any point in the game to put the endgame collapse into motion ?

  • Kweh
    Kweh Member Posts: 88

    This is dangerous. I have such good muscle memory if I get even slightly tilted I can autopilot those d/c clicks in less than a 1.5 seconds.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    No, but we can prevent them jumping right back in to doing it again.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I wholeheartedly agree. 15 minutes seems to me like a good compromise, when it's either a very close game that can still be won for either party, a hostage situation, or a dragged out game that any of the parties should be allowed to surrender from.

    I wouldn't be against a surrender option or a "quickly bleed out" option too when being slugged with only one survivor left, to give them the chance at hatch the killer is denying them.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    That's a bad thing in itself.

    They should at least make it more cumbersome to DC, add in another confirmation screen that defaults to 'No' or something.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,328

    They're going to add bots in the future anyway. So if DC's still happen you'll get a bot for a teammate :)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited August 2022

    I don't know about bots, but it would be neat if a DC'd survivor remained in the game for about 30 seconds or so, with a clear indicator they've actually DC'd, maybe their entire character turns greyscale and they still get the DC icon over their portrait with a countdown clock around it.

    This would allow; killers to still make hooks and gain value from hook perks, survivors to complete heals/unhooks for points/challenges and gain value from perks that require heals/unhooks, and would eliminate DCing for the hatch.

  • omegalul
    omegalul Member Posts: 47

    So the player should get punished even more just because the game crashes or the servers got problems?

    That makes absolutely no sense to me.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,873

    But you can minimize the opportunities these entitled babies have, to disconnect on a match they don’t want to play. I seriously can’t fathom why these asshats keep coming back like lemmings, expecting their next gaming session to be any less frustrating/fun. They ragequit over the dumbest ######### like being found first- really??? Do you think someone with this mind frame can handle a game with Pinhead using Plaything & Pentimento? Hell no! They’ll disconnect so fast, their router will have an orgasm. Extend the time so someone ELSE who will at least TRY, can be in that lobby of the Pinhead game, saving the other 3 good sport solos a majors headache (they’ll still lose PH w/ those perks btw, 😜 but at least they could put up a fight).

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    This game regularly disconnects you because of server errors and there's a surge of hackers atm holding people hostage. If anything we should lower the DC penalty lmao.

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    And then again I dont understand how y'all dont think how if we just bump the DC penalty people will just suicide on hook instead