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General Discussions

What's Your Main Main?

Member Posts: 134
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

When you log in to DBD and you feel like playing your most favorite role and most favorite person... Who do you choose? And Why?

Do you main Killers or Survivor?

Also What Platform do you usually play on?

I ask out of curiosity...

*I Main Bill and Quentin for Survivors. Legion and Blight For Killers*

I play Survivor about 70% of the time and play on console/playstation.

Post edited by Sparks741420 on

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  • Member Posts: 286

    Phew. Even though I can't say I find survivor super fun atm I think I'll never really switch to being a killer main. Idk. Just not my thing. So surv is probably still my preferred role.

    Fav survivor is Felix. Yes, his cosmetics are nice and all and I guess he's eye candy - but even more than that I like his lore and how it ties in with the entity and all. Idk, I wasn't really interested in the lore of DBD until I stumbled over some YT videos about it. I listened to them as bedtime stories for a while and Felix's just stuck.

  • Member Posts: 5,449


    She is simply the best.

    None in Dbd can compare to her.

    All who try to defy her suffer a terrible demise.

  • Member Posts: 108
    edited August 2022

    Survivor i main leon and play on xbox series x i only really play killer when the tome challenges are easier / less grindy for the fastest way to the end

  • Member Posts: 9,435

    David and Dredge. Both P6 with every perk available as I correctly interpreted the prestige update conditions and made sure to get all my other characters to P2 or 120 perk tiers.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I bought this game for Freddy, i saw he is in that game. 2018, best year of DbD... I played Freddy a lot.

    Meg was my first survivor, she was cute. And then i saw Kate, i bought chapter for her. Clown was boring tho.

    After years my mains changed ofcourse. I am usually playing Jill, Kate and Mikaela as survivors.

    On killer, Nemmy and Nurse. Sadly i hated reworked Freddy, i am not playing him anymore.

  • Member Posts: 702

    play on pc, killer main. I play all killers, usually rotate through them every match. But my MAIN MAIN is Oni. For survivor, baby Dwight will always be my favorite. Killers seem to commit hard and then get frustrated when they can’t catch the teabagging baby Dwight and it’s hilarious.

  • Member Posts: 8,588
    edited August 2022

    50/50 but I play a bit more survivor these days. Killer hasn't been challenging since well before the patch and I'm bored with it. Matchmaking on killer doesn't provide a challenge 90% of the time.

    Survivor- Zarina and Yun-jin

    Killer- I play Nurse 50% of the time and a mix of every other killer the other 50%. Nurse, Spirit, Plague, Hag are probably my best.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    I’ve had a ton of different mains over my time playing Dbd, but now I don’t really have one and I pretty much play any killer I feel like playing at that moment.

    For survivors, Steve’s my favorite by a mile.

  • Member Posts: 662

    Sadako, I really hope they don't change her core design.

  • Member Posts: 944

    I prefer survivor almost always Dwight, when I play killer Wraith / Blight I hate playing killers with no mobility

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    My avatar says it all

  • Member Posts: 1,417

    Take a wild guess.

  • Member Posts: 3,081

    I really spread it around, I have at least 5 survs and 7 killers I use regularly, at least for long stretches, and rotate back. I don't have any characters who aren't at least prestige 1, and at least half of the total roster are P6 or above.

    Now if you told me today I could only use one killer and one surv going forward...I'd probably choose Spirit and Haddie (Actually I'd probably stop playing DBD, but for the purposes of this discussion I'll indulge).

    If Sadako ever gets buffed, my answer there would probably change.

  • Member Posts: 61

    Jill and lisa for surv, Sadako and legion for killer on pc.

    Jill just too badass, and the condemn mori's on sadako are just chefs kiss

  • Member Posts: 7,156

    Dweet for survivor.

    Mikey for killer.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Jane is my go to when I don’t know who to play

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Old Freddy is my real main.

    Always was, always will be.

  • Member Posts: 939

    Survivor; I play Bill about 70% of the time. Cheryl would be next.

    Killer; Haven't played Killer for quite some time, but Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Survivor: I would say Mikaela and Cheryl. Funnily enough, I used to hate Mikaela and everything about her character, but for some reason she's kind of grown on me and now she's one of my main mains. I used to primarily main Nea, but I kind of abandoned her because of playing other characters for a while. She might return as one of my mains, though.

    Killer: Artist. I love everything about her. Dredge would be a close second.

  • Member Posts: 113

    Tutorial Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 390
    edited August 2022

    i'm mostly a survivor main and when i play surv i use Steve and Jake. i love Stranger things and my fav character is Steve so this is the reason. i use Jake for his halloween skin, i really like it a lot.

    When i play Killer i almost play only Nurse, Ghostface and Pyramid Head. Nurse is unique and i always have fun with her, Ghostface is my "relax character" if i want to chill out after a hard day i usually play him. Pyramid head is somewhere in the middle, i love SH so he is somewhere in the middle between ghostface and Nurse, i don't tryhard too much with him but i don't play soft either-

    EDIT: oh and i play on PC - Steam

  • Member Posts: 256

    My main Killer is probably Demo, if I had a rough day and or don't know what to play I can just autopilot. Nemesis and P-Head are close seconds. I would love to be good with Huntress but I simply can't get good with her and kinda refuse to put a crosshair on my monitor.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    I main Dwight when I play survivor and on the killer side I play whoever has a daily or tome challenge, although I avoid playing nurse as much as possible. If I had to choose a favorite killer it would be Michael. He is silent but deadly.

  • Member Posts: 192

    Detective Tapp, I play survivor 95% of the time. On Xbox Series X. Also medically retired with too much time on my hands.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    This game is blight to me. Every single game of blight you have to play a lot of tiles differently and on the fly due to the rng of the maps. Getting better at certain things is what makes me play video games and blight has no end in that regard. I play pc and when my survivor friends want me to play, I'm that bill who can't accurately gauge distance from my lack of survivor game time.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Yeah, Blight has ruined other killers for me. His add-ons also offer so much variety. Do I run Adrenaline Vial for the crazy flicks, or compound 21 for the mind games, or maybe double speed to go wicked fast, or maybe use the add-on where the last dash is an insta-down. So many fun choices.

    I know that Blight probably will get a nerf, but I really hope they nerf his base move speed to 110 percent rather than touch his add-ons. (Well except for Alchemist Ring and compound 33, they should honestly get a nerf or rework)

  • Member Posts: 6,078

    I main Zarina, even more so since the prestige update. It almost feels pointless putting bp into other characters because there's no guarantee of useful items so i may as well stick with my main. I main demogorgon for killer but I only play killer once in awhile when I'm in the mood

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Steam user on PC

    Survivor Main with Leon, secondaries in Ash, Steve, Jill, Meg, and Cheryl

    Killers I play a lot: Nemesis, Freddy, Bubba, Onyro, Deathslinger (before he was murdered), and Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 17

    I never main a survivor because im a sociopathic slave who likes to laugh at hopeless survivors t bagging infront of bloodwardened exit gates with my pyrry

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Jonah and Trickster

  • Member Posts: 228

    I was mained Freddy and Billy before devs gutted them. Now i still play them but not as much as used to be. And never will be anymore.

  • Member Posts: 140
    edited August 2022

    For survivors, it's been Dwight for quite a while now, but I want to go back to playing Elodie again because she's an absolute icon. As for my killer main, I hate to say (but you love to hear) that it's not Blight anymore. I don't think I really even have a killer main at this point because I like to switch things up every match. Everyone is getting an equal amount of attention from me.

    Quick edit, I am probably around an even 50/50 split for killer and survivor. I'm also a PC gamer.

  • Member Posts: 9,028

    For survivor it's jake I like his cosmetics and his lore and everything about him really also ace

    for killer it's legion legion is the perfect put no effort and shut your brain off killer

    And I play on xbox

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    I play both sides evenly, so Im not a main to either role. But I do main certain characters for each role.

    For survivor, I main Claudette, Yui, Jeff, and Nea; I do play other characters but I mostly use them. Survivor is just where I go to goof around with others and just overall have fun, tunneling and camping is a bit annoying but I normally just move onto the next match and stuff.

    For killer, I main Hillbilly, Legion, and Demo; I use a wide variety of killers (except for Trickster, I literally never use him), since they all have unique gameplay, but I "main" these because they are my favorite amongst all of them. I find killer to really be enjoyable when you use chase perks or use perks to remove the Terror Radius (spooky), I do sometimes get destroyed by strong survivor perks and items but it happens.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Killer main on PS5

    Killer: Demogorgon

    Survivor: Steve

  • Member Posts: 1,163

    Recently Quentin has become my fun time character.

    Michael and Nem are about 50/50.

  • Member Posts: 439

    I'm quite a loyal person, so I'll go with Rin Yamaoka, despite all the nerfs she have had to endure. It's not ideal, but I do like her and do refuse to leave her be, even though I'd have clearly performed better with Anna (I've been havin a blast with her and her hatchets lately..).

    Although I'm half deaf, I do still enjoy playing with Rin the most, but the queue times do really hurt.. It's simply not possible to play more than five matches per a day, unless I were to stay up late or be willing to wait more than five minutes for a match, which is literally a match in-between.

    So, I do stick to survivors almost 24/7 - To Yun-Jin more often than to Feng, although it used to be the other way around.. Once Mikaela gets her outfit and becomes the Ice Queen, I may change my mind.. But I do kinda doubt that, as I do feel drawn to Yun-Jin's screams. Yup, a part of my personality is speaking, known as sadistic.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I mostly play survivor, because I only play when a friend is online and we might as well play survivor together then. I can't really say which role I enjoy most, as Killer tends to always be satisfactory games, and Survivor is most often very frustrating, but at the same time I like cooperating with others... The best of both worlds for me is friendly Killer.

    As a survivor, I main Kate (biker Kate = <3).

    As a killer, I main Legion and Hag.

  • Member Posts: 3,551

    I main killers currently more than survivors but overall I play more feng ming than anyone so she is my main main. For killers I play lot of different one and I still haven't found my main main. There is currently not S tier killer I like to play if they buff spirit ever to 115% I might pick her. I hope they buff more killers to S tier.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    Yeah c33 for sure. Used to agree with lilith that alch ring was fine but after the -10% distance survivors got, there's many times they have nothing to work with. But also there are quite a lot of maps where you always get somewhere safe. How often do you use alch ring against a survivor that knows you have alch ring and they just w to next tile anyway, just out of curiosity? I'd probably put it at 85% for me.

    I also doubt blight will get a base kit nerf. As pretty much everyone would rather have blight be the top dog that can contest high level swfs over nurse. Someone's gotta fill that role and I'd much rather it be the highest skill cap thing in the game over muscle memory the killer.

  • Member Posts: 366

    steam player

    Killer - Sadako. used to be freddy but sadako has taken his place now

    Survivor. I guess meg

  • Member Posts: 46

    I play on pc and use a GameCube Switch controller when I play survivor. It's the only controller I like for looping, but the joycon is breaking constantly when I wiggle.

    My main for survivor is Jake, he is the only one I can hear scream without being annoyed. Also he is really handsome lmao

    I play killer when survivors queue takes too much time, I started with Daddy Myers but I switched to Anna and it's hard for me to go back to Myers who is much weaker. I enjoy playing him for chill games tho, he doesn't make much noise and his breathing is relaxing tbh

  • Member Posts: 138


    It used to be Jill, but now it’s Lisa

    As for killer, I like to condemn people with my girl Sadako 😌📼

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Survivor it's Mikaela, Ace and Jill

    Killer it's Dredge, Nemesis and Cenobite

  • Member Posts: 167

    I main gremlin (Jonathan Byers) for the survivor side and miss piggy for the killer side

    I usually play on pc 50% survivor and 50% killer now, I occasionally play on PSN and when I do I play bloodied Steve (since I wasn’t able to snatch Jonathan or any stranger things cosmetics on my PlayStation account before stranger things left) as survivor and pig as killer on psn.

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