Why are they working on other games

When this games coding is full of spaghetti and they can't seem to get hit reg/ping latency between killer and survivor right. Let alone things like dropping pallets, stunning the killer but also being hit. Or swinging at a survivor vaulting a window, them just barely landing on the other side but your weapon bouncing off. Lets also talk about the numerous bugs each patch brings. Like how incentives were talked up as an easier way to get items and level while taking BP away from WGLF and BBQ. But then immediately turning it off and not prioritizing fixing it until basically the next chapter is out.
It astounds me that not only do they think people will support the other 3 games, but that people ACTUALLY will and pretend things are just fine within DBD. They act like they are Bungie or some #########. It's wild. They honestly need to stop funding other projects and hire new coders and quality testers
Yeah you're right. Guess I'll just keep playing this game in a polite protest.
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This is a toxic relationship, you need to let go and let them live their own life without constant judgement from you.
Sorry, wrong post. You do realize that the team working on DBD aren’t the only people who work for BHVR right? Most to all of the people making these other games never worked on dbd to begin with.
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It's called Vertical Integration.
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I like how this is always a question asked like people are somehow stupid. I do know this. Yes. I also know, unlike you have seemed to realize, FUNDING is pushed to other departments and developers for THEIR games inside of said company. Funding that could go to a better coding team and testers so that all these broken things don't contnue to happen. Or that some of the spaghetti is straightened out after 6 years.
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Their new game will fail just like the last one. They're a sub par developer that had a great concept (DBD) that they will just milk until it does finally die and then they'll disappear.
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Not every employee at BHVR is working on Dead By Daylight you know.
Companies tend to split their developers into different teams that work on different things. Besides you wouldn't want every BHVR employee working on dead by daylight, because adding more programmers to a code base doesn't solve issues.
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Horizontal. Vertical would be designing game engines and managing the professional scene.
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Wow its almost as if Behaviour is a COMPANY which means they would like to expand their PORTFOLIO, and in turn their PROFITS because they are a BUSINESS.
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I’m sorry if you felt like I was treating you like you were stupid. I’ve met others here who genuinely don’t understand that the Dbd devs aren’t the entirety of BHVR.
Anyway, I understand that they could give more funding to Dbd, however this isn’t really something that the Dbd devs themselves can control. But it’d be nice if the Dbd devs put some of the money that they spend on acquiring licenses and making cosmetics towards fixing the issues you mentioned, if possible.
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they have a great track record with other games.
deathgarden failed immediately out of launch, they were sued into oblivion for their west world clone, their contracting work for ports has been lauded as poorly implemented and technically poor, eternal crusade was shutdown after 5 years of open development, and dbd breaks every patch.
it would be foolish not to pursue other endeavors at this point
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So they should give up?
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its clear they can only handle contracting work.
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Being DbD only company seems a little risky tho
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Again...So they, a development company, should not develop anything?
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Do you think contract work doesn't involve development? Are you that dense?
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Sigh. You ain't worth it. Have your negativity.
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Good answer.
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BHVR has allways worked on more games then DBD lol. there a company, a game company cant support themselves on 1 ip
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Say it louder for the people losing their minds in the back.
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"Why is a company pushing other enterprises and diversifying their assets instead of spending all of their resources on the game I play?"
No idea, it is a mystery indeed.
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Bhvr used to work on alot of Movie games, like Scooby doo, disney, pixar
they also worked on warhammer and even halo
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They legit worked on warhammer and halo. like.... they even made a sims game lol
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Yes. I even mentioned Eternal Crusade which was a cool idea that was poorly executed.
They were a contracting company for 20 years or so. Their first IP was Naughty Bear which was a fun game marred by technical issues.
Even their ports are subpar because of all the technical issues.
Notice a pattern here?
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God this community is something else
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Someday, someone will explain to you how jobs, teams, projects, products and companies works.
Unitil then enjoy your childhood.
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Not really going to sit and explain economics to you but ultimately BHVR is a company made to make money.....Simple....They are competing against all the other major game companies so yeah i wonder why they are diversifying...
Also do you even know what spaghetti code actually means...
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theyve been around since the 90s, im sure bhvr will still float around after both us and Dbd die
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Maybe they are getting tired of working on one Project for more than 6 years and wanna do something new?
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I guess that's why
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guy i hate to break it to you but generally video game companies try to avoid being known for only one game
in recent years bhvr have really only been known for naughty bear, dbd and deathgarden, and you don't see a lot of people talking about deathgarden and naughty bear. before that as i understand it, they were developing licensed shovelware under a different name and staff.
if anything i'm suprised it took them this long to start working on other games.
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Why shouldn´t they?
A bigger team for dbd doesn´t mean a better game.
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Then why do you waste your time with DbD and it's forum if you seem to hate it so much? If you don't like it, don't play it, and do not annoy the people that actually enjoy the game with your negativity.
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they try, it makes sense to not have your whole company alive only because of one game.
but unfortunately they always fail, dbd is their only successful project ( rip deathgarden) and they struggle to properly handle that project.
if dbd dies bhvr dies with it. so they're trying not to let that happen.
A for effort
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Game companies have every right to work on other games.
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I think the real question we should be asking is...
Why do people continue to support games pushed out by companies like EA and Activision, who milk their customers for every penny, before releasing the same exact game a year later without learning any lessons from the previous iterations?
While I don't think DBD is balanced enough for BHVR to abandon updates on the game, I think the studio has put enough focus on DBD to justify branching out to new projects.
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Tech workers are not simple tools you can change between teams to bolster production, first they have to assess the code, identify how it works, what does what, learn how the team works etc, it can take months for a person who just joined a development team to start being useful for said team, especially coders.
Thinking "this team of 20 would work much better if I just dump another 20 people in there" is a very common mistake in tech industry, usually made by people with bussiness degrees who dont know a single thing about computers, if you dump a huge number of people who dont know a single thing about a project production will plummet because veterans have to teach newcomers everything instead of working, at best you can put a few (always depending on the size of the team) so maybe 1 or 2 people can show them how things work.
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Unless you have 2 sitting at a chair together, one to do the code, and one to watch where the logic problems are
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Would love to know how you think the games code is "spaghetti" lol. Do you work there? Just because production bugs crop up doesn't mean the code is "spaghetti". It could mean that the logic is incredibly complex and you clearly don't appreciate that. Can you understand how many variations of different interactions with an incredible amount of distinct things can get out of hand quite quickly? Just simmer down and don't be so disrespectful to the professionals developing this game.
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As I said it's a great concept, unfortunately it's being hindered by awful dev leadership. I could hardly care if you're annoyed, if you can't handle negativity maybe you shouldn't visit the forums.
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It's almost like the loudest feedback is from the people who have problems with a product. Because the peopel who are fat and happy are off enjoying said product. But considering Killer times are up to 13 minutes during peek hours and survivors are almost an insta queue, that clearly means they can't even get balance with DBD right. Let alone putting out a patch that fixes one thing and breaks 6 others
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Its called artist burnout and sometimes working on a separate project inspires new ideas for old ones