Prestige Conversion Rates Have Robbed Me Of Over 100 Million Bp's, Perks, Etc.



  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    i don't understand how you don't feel ripped off? another 4 years to get what should've rightfully been yours? you paid for the game just like everyone else.. and did you even get some sort of information from the actual game itself? It's 100% someone's fault the people who decided to rework the prestige system should've treated you and everyone who plays equally.. maybe it doesn't "bother" you as much as others. but it definitely peeved me and many others off.. It's not a fair system and its a MAJOR screw up that needs to be corrected.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 134

    Because they don't owe me anything. I'm "compensated" in that I didn't lose any items, addons, or offerings by not prestiging, and while that's small comfort, even if I wasn't...they still don't owe me anything, because I didn't lose anything. The characters that have unlocked perks still have those perks, the outfits that were unlocked are still unlocked.

    Would I want there to be a process where maybe I could state what happened and they could evaluate it and grant me the ranks? Sure, but that would take a lot of resources on their part. Would I want them to maybe re-evaluate what happened for similar cases and decide to change it? Yes, but that probably wouldn't be possible or fair now.

    It's frustrating and disheartening, for sure, but it's a perceived loss. Nothing was actually taken from us. We failed to take advantage of the system, and yeah, it might have been more clearly publicised but at the end of the day, it's not something that was rightfully mine, it's more like a promotion I didn't take advantage of.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 134

    When I paid for the game and bought the game, all my survivors were level 1 with only their level 1 perks unlocked. Even now when I buy dlc, that remains the same.

    Me giving them money does not mean I have control over what they do. I am not an investor or a shareholder, I am a customer, a player, and I am entitled to those rights only.

    I'm going to step outside of this for a moment and say, I know DBD is the kind of game that attracts polarising mindsets, but this situation isn't unfair, like most of the world, it's ruthlessly fair. You cannot rewind time because you missed something, you do not get what others have when you weren't there, you cannot say you just didn't buy a lottery ticket that week. It. Is. Fair.

    The only thing that works against the kind of fairness of life is kindness. People help you if you are kind. People want to be around you if you are compassionate. People listen when you're not screaming at them. Do you have to raise hell sometimes? Absolutely. But you have to pick your battles so that you're not the boy that cried fowl when the wolves finally come.

    This case, kinda sucks in my head, I'll admit. But I've actually only gained - access to maybe 60 perks most of my characters didn't have already.

    I can be mad at the perceived loss, or I can, as I'm trying to do, look at what I've actually gained instead.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Your Prestige is working as intended. There is no issue there.

    The perks should not have re-locked themselves. Bring it up with support, nobody here can do anything for you

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Where are you getting P2-47 from?

    If you didn't have everything unlocked then what you told us in the OP is misleading. What you're claiming is not how the update was supposed to work. If your characters were P0-40 with the teachables unlocked then those teachables remained unlocked after the update. If you had tier 3 perk on a character then you still have that tier 3 perk after. There would be more people complaining if this wasn't the case.

    The update did not remove what you already had. If it for some reason did, you should be contacting support about lost progress.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    The fact is.. It was rightfully yours... as you also paid for the same game and played pre-patch.. To give to some but not others isn't fair at all.. We're patching the game but only some of you will get the prestige and some of you tough luck... yeah no.. you paid for the game JUST like everyone else... That's a rip-off and you know it

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I had Ash P2 lvl 50 (which is basically P3 - minus 1 click of a button!!)

    Yes, but that "1 click of a button" would have cleaned out all of the items, offerings, and add-ons in Ash's inventory. The game did not consider P2 lvl 50 to be basically the same as P3, nor should it have, because going to P3 would reset the character.

    The Prestige levels rewarded after the update were based on both the amount spent and the amount sacrificed. While I understand your frustration, your statement here minimizes an important aspect of the way prestige worked before the update. Before the update, going up a prestige level meant sacrificing 1.7 million Bloodpoints, possibly including event items/add-ons/offerings or retired offerings. Prestige being "1 click of a button" is more applicable to the way it works today, where you just spend 20k Bloodpoints and lose nothing.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited August 2022

    In this scenario, while they do appear locked, they still show up in bloodwebs as purchasable and in inventories as tier 1 if a given character didn't already have them higher.

    As an example, I have the game on PS4, but have barely touched it since Crossplay came out. I didn't have many teachables unlocked but among those I did was the Nightmare, at level 48. His perks are locked when I look at his bloodweb, but show up in yellow on characters I know didn't have them (most I did prior to update was level killers to 15 so they'd have 4 perk slots). The one killer I've leveled since the update, Pinhead, has Blood Warden at Tier 3, Fire Up at Tier 2, and Remember Me at Tier 1. I will concede, however, that I can't remember if I got any of those upgrades prior to the update or after, but since Pinhead is the only character I significantly leveled after if I'd gotten them after on anyone, it'd be him. Even if I'm mistaken about the timing of the upgrades, I still had the perks on him, along with any Shrine of Secrets purchases I had, such as Hex: Ruin.

    Additionally, on PC, I only built up my Killers pre-update high enough to be P1 since I didn't wanna lose their cakes I'd built up on them. This put them all at P1, Lvl 50 (give or take a few I'd leveled more) after the update. In the process of building them to P2, and a bit of leveling I've done since, unlocked perks show up in higher tiers for upgrades. Additionally, the Stranger Things perks appear on my characters who didn't already them them in Tier 1, which I presume is because I unlocked them as teachables prior to the update.

    I hadn't thought of it in those terms but "based on the amount spent and sacrificed" is a good way of putting it.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    this is true I have all killers and survivors p3 L50 before the update but Michael Myers and David are like my main mains and I P3 them a long time ago and I know I went over in BP after they both hit P3 L50.

    I sure if the BP count was right Michael Myers and David be like p50 if not higher.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    Here is the thing: he heared something about "yadda yadda prestige before the next patch. Yadda yadda I am doing it right now!" and instead of informing himself in any way or form his FOMO took the better part of him and he prestige all/most of his survivors, as most of them were P0 Level50. He lost tons of perks and especially event items that way, but thought that after the patch everything would be reinstated.

    Thats why he is raging about "One click of a button should not take it all away. There was no warning to this IN-GAME!!!". The simple fact is, though, that there was a warning. The warning we all got for years when prestiging: you will gain a prestige level, you will lose all perks and items. Do you wanna proceed? Yes/No"