What teir do you think wesker is and why

I think he may be a teir depending on how much that hindered effect or how many first aid sprays there are between the hindered and dash ability
He will probably have a great anti loop
His power sounds like it could be as good as Blight, but it also sounds like there's a lot of different things going on, which could end up being as effective as Freddy...
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He’s not even out yet how am I supposed to know
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I will judge him after i try him myself. For now, i have no idea.
But i love Resident Evil and Wesker is cool. So i will put him to B, just because i love franchise.
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Must be weak and if he is strong on the ptb, he will get nerfed just like artist did
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Let me just look into the future to try it out and I will give you a rating
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Artist's power was so busted on PTB, she deserved nerf. And after "fair nerf" she is still top tier killer.
But ofcourse all about skills. If you are bad, you are just bad. Even Nurse will not make you good.
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B to A, cuz no mobility
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He will be D tier like the last few killers. I just know it, because it is obvious. If he has anti loop, there will be a group that calls him A tier, but it will be obvious to everyone else that, "nah."
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Fair just an assumption from the way how he was described
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Hoping wesker will have a teleport or super speed in power set.
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Honestly artist nerf was deserved
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I imagine that if they went the superspeed way it would be something along the lines of toned down blight. Limited bursts at really short distances that may help you catch up to the survivors in some loops.
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Idk why, but I feel like every licensed killer is pretty garbage, around C tier
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That's very possible depending on a lot of things but possible
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he is ? tier.
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All I know is that he will be S-Tier and D-Tier at the same time. Like always.
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I mean just look at all the licensed killers we have now and think about how good they are compared to the majority of free killers
idk if it is some kind of a fetish they have that they design every single licensed killer with super weak power, except for maybe myers and bubba who got some pretty decent chances to instadown and win the match in like a very short span of tiime, if survivors make the mistake of grouping up ofc
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If you told me there was a killer who could be invisible, had barely any delay from exiting invisibility and attacking, had a map-wide teleport, passive game delay, and the power to instantly kill any survivors without a hook state I'd think they were horrifically overpowered and very overturned.
I just described Sadako, one of the weakest killers in the game.
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Also my bet is on a Faultier or a Schnabeltier.
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Dam fair point
But then you look at dredge and he's up there it will probably depend of the tiny details
Killer has a map wide teleport and a 50/50 mind game with mediocre stealth
For the sake of him being good I hope your wrong you might be right but I hope not
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I'd argue that Nemesis, Pyramid Head, Pinhead, Ghost Face, Demo, and hell even Pig are all better killers than Myers.
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Yeah I was just gonna let them have that agreed on this
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Myers is not good. Hell, Bubba was bottom-tier until his rework, people only bought him for old BBQ.
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Demogorgon is better than both of those Killers, he's probably the best licensed Killer we currently have
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My brother/sister in the fog the ptb isn't out yet how tf are we supposed to rate anything?
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Guessing from what you heard from the live stream
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im guessing around A or B, what with the dash and stuff
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Dredge is definitely not D tier.
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A in the Beta, nerfed to C but treated as S since survivors are learning power, so they cry and complain and we settle on another D rated hardly played Killer, after a secondary/unnecessary nerf.
topic over.
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I really hope not
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I would not say he is better than current bubba, if myers can get hit t3 fast then he outperforms demo easily as well, the fact that both those killers can just down you in one go is underestimated, also myers is not as loopable as most of m1 killers we have
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Myers has to first get to T3, which takes a while if the Survivors aren't blind.
Demogorgon is better than Bubba. Bubba's Chainsaw is nigh useless at Windows, whereas Demogorgon's Shred is amazing at both Windows and Pallets
Post edited by ThatOneDemoPlayer on0 -
If a killer lost it is ONLY because of skill, no other reason. I know you are skilled, no need to remind me of how bad i am. Lets hope wesker get nerfed, killers deserve nerf because it is too hard for survivors.
In the ptb against artist there were matches i winned and lost, the same as always; but yes, a deserved nerf, she was too hard to play against, i prefer when it is easy, easy is fun and not boring.
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If Myers hits t3 fast. Which happens in about 1 every 100 games when dealing with decent players and not the Nea tbagging at a pallet.
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You know something not right when someone's asking for a nerf of a killer that's not even playable yet
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Not really she sucks. She’ll 100% get a down but it takes her so long to do so against a good survivor that gens are popping. If she places crows leave the loop. She’ll eventually out you in a bad position where even if you do leave the loop she’ll get an M1 hit after she catches up but that’s just anti-loop killers for you.
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Nemesis tier maybe a bit up
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Hopefully shirtless tier. * bonked *
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Normally I would say no but maybe an exception
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U feel like his abilitt is gonna be like a mini blihht rush, mby high b tier low s tirr when the ptb is done, assuming there arent more than 2 sprays per survivor
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His power sounds extremely map dependent. If it gives him cross map mobility like billy then that will certainly help his case a lot. In loops though I remain skeptical unless he can charge + vault quick enough at any given angle to catch up to the survivor.
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I feel like it's gonna be a mini demo shred but it displaces surivors and gives them hindered
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The issue if we're comparing killers to a mostly unique killer if anything he's probably gonna be like demo or Victor
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I think there's only so much we can tell by reading/hearing what a power does. We need to play it first.