On one hand I understand, as it compromises their careers, one the other it does feel a bit unfair.
Fog Whisperers can DC without Penalty!

So if you are fog whisperer, you can dc against cheaters without issue. But if you are not, good luck!
Thank you for treating all your players equally!!!
On one hand I understand, as it compromises their careers, one the other it does feel a bit unfair.
However, if everyone could DC without penalty, it might make survivors DCing mid game even worse, which I'm not looking forward to either.
5 -
Just when I thought they couldn't surprise me anymore lol
17 -
If they really care about their careers, why only fog whisperers? There are many DbD streamers that are not fog whisperers.
This is double standard and i hate it. Why i have penalty when i dc'd against cheater but fog whisperers won't? This is so unfair.
29 -
This is not fair.
20 -
Fog Whisperers are probably targeted the most by those Hackers. The other person I have seen targeted a lot is an ex-Fog Whisperer (not tru3), who is pretty unbearable to watch. And with this person, I think it is pretty funny that Hackers are annoying them.
That being said, I dont encounter Hackers in my games, so disabling the DC-penalty would be wrong for the general player (which makes at least 99% of the playerbase).
So I can just guess that Fog Whisperers are targeted way more often than others so they can DC. And it is not as if they can DC whenever they like, if they are doing it in regular matches without Hackers involved, they will probably lose their Fog Whisperer-Status pretty fast.
17 -
That's true. I don't know how to feel about it.
0 -
Fog Whisperers are essentially a branch of the company, so I'm not surprised to hear they have certain privileges. I understand why Tru3 would be upset though. He's one of the game's most popular streamers (i personally dont watch him anymore fwiw) and he's been targeted by hackers for a long time.
6 -
Fog whisperers aren't targeted nearly as much as other streamers. Lilith omen literally had to switch to an alt account because his penalty was too high.
Meanwhile FW rarely get them in comparison to these 2.
oh yea add coconut, dead, and chemzy to that.
18 -
is there proof for that? and i mean reall proof like a recording of a fogwisperer showing that they can disconect without a penatlity not some trust me bro from an ex wisperer
5 -
So what fog whispers have d/c'd on steam and didn't get a penalty?
It's one thing to say they can and another if they are actually doing so.
2 -
Was just a guess on my part, because I thought if Hackers want to hurt BHVR, the first persons to annoy are the Fog Whisperers.
0 -
If thats true thats pretty shady in my opinion just yesterday i had a hatchet throwing bubba who could fly
11 -
So cheaters will now focus non-Fog Whisper streamers, which I assume they targeted more often anyway.
Did this fix anything?
11 -
What would be interesting about this, IF it's actually true and not just hearsay, is that it implies that the system they have can distinguish that it's a diff type of player therefore the DC penalty should not apply. If it can do that, then why not try to apply the same to people that get disconnected due to game/server errors and those who just simply leave the match for w/e reason? Penalise the latter and not the former, considering people have 0 control over that.
6 -
Do we have visual proof or just 1 tweet to go off of?
4 -
I'd be very surprised if this is fact. I hope Tru3 is wrong. I can't believe BHVR would have one rule that applies to everyone but the people they decide it doesn't apply to. The current hacker pandemic is not just affecting streamers with a Fog Whisperer badge. I watch hexy get targetted night after night, and Lilith and CMWinter and SpooknJukes..... Would be crazy for otz and friends to be able to disconnect and not face a penalty, but force others with viewerships in the 1000's (eg. hexy) to have to wait it out when they get taken hostage, or face a penalty.
1 -
To be fair towards BHVR here, they are in quite a tough spot right now:
- We have a huge amount of immediate forfeits at the moment, so disabling DC penalties would just result in an increase of that issue.
- We have a group of very sad individuals who cheat and are specifically targeting twitch streamers and content creators in order to ruin their games and hurt the game.
It's a lose-lose situation, really. Disable DC penalties and the amount of early ragequits will skyrocket, keep them enabled and content creators will suffer heavily.
I really hope they can get another banwave out soon that will take care of a lot of those cheaters, aswell as update their anticheat to be better at detecting cheats - but while that is a WIP, they need to find some sort of middleground, which isn't easy.
1 -
I think it should be the same for everyone, especially since hackers can target those who aren't fog whisperers.
At a minimum, we should get a set number of DCs per day that are allowed without penalty. Like 2 or something? There are legit reasons for it, not to mention internet outages.
1 -
At the end of the day, it's terrible for anyone to experience a hacker, let alone be targeted by one and be penalized for wanting to disconnect from the match.
While I can attest to what it feels like to experience hackers within my matches, I can't claim to know what it feels like to be targeted, and some of DBD's most popular streamers like Tru, SpookyLoopz, PotatoLegion, SpooknJukes, etc, are being targeted specifically because they ARE NOT fog whisperers, and these hackers know that there's nothing that these streamers can do about it.
Regardless whatever your opinions about these streamers may be, they are DBD's number one source of free advertising, and if they can't be treated fairly, then the rest of us don't have chance in hell.
0 -
I have no idea if it’s true or not but the system can definitely recognize if someone’s account is a Fog Whisperer or not.
0 -
that's not happening?
0 -
Thank you for treating all your players equally!!!
Why should they literally always treat all players equally? If a specific easily identifiable group of players is being heavily targeted by hackers and needs to temporarily have their disconnect penalties adjusted or turned off then why should they be handled exactly the same as other players who don’t have that problem? On top of which fog whisperers have specific duties for Behaviour and if the dc penalties are interfering with those then it becomes a work issue for the company.
So yeah, not all players need to be treated exactly the same because they’re not actually the same.
3 -
So if you are not fog whisperer, cheaters can target you and force you to dc? So you will have long penalty times but it is okay because you are not fog whisperer?
Nice logic dude.
I am watching Tru3 and he has 15 minutes penalty right now. Because cheaters are targeting him. But it is fine because Tru3 is not fog whisperer.
15 -
if this is true thats pathetic, treating fog whisperers with respect so they can get content doesn’t help with the cheater problem and everyone else is being shafted
0 -
That’s right, and I blame the cheaters for it, not Behaviour.
2 -
And i blame BHVR for that. It is their game and if there is issue, they need to fix it.
"Hey cheaters, do not touch my fog whisperers but you can target anyone else!" is not solution. It is double standard.
7 -
BHVR treats every player equally, but some are treated more equally than others.
4 -
The cheaters have no control over who they were matched with, so the idea that they are 'targeting' anyone is ludicrous. Sure, they might be playing at the same time and HOPE to get into a streamer/whiisperer's match, but that is just random chance and MMR in the end.
It's not as if ONLY whisperers are getting cheaters, everyone has them now and then. Some people never even notice them. Subtle cheating makes it even harder to figure out. It's only when it is blatant that it is definite, and even I have seen blatant cheaters on many occasions. Not lately though, thankfully.
3 -
It’s not a double standard because players aren’t the same so don’t have to all be treated exactly the same. Certain players are targeted more heavily and them being unable to work for the company has bigger repercussions for the business.
And Behaviour has historically occasionally turned off disconnect penalties across the board when hackers were causing issues and every time they did the disconnects in normal matches skyrocketed. So it’s totally understandable why they might want to surgically limit turning off DC penalties for specific players and not everybody.
Should Tru still be a fog whisperer? I don’t know, maybe? 🤷♂️ I’m not sure why he got booted from the program so have no opinion on it.
Should they extend the DC amnesty to include a list of other high profile streamers who don’t happen to be Fog Whisperers? Possibly, obviously that involves them looking at accounts on a case by case basis though so is a more involved, longer process compared to simply flipping a switch that says “turn it off for Fog Whisperers who we already know are heavily impacted.”
Should they turn it off for everybody? Not necessarily, the great majority of people see hackers very rarely let alone ones that keep them in a position where they have to actually disconnect so worst case the average player may on very rare occasion have to leave a match and get a five minute penalty. It’s not nearly as big an issue for them while the “remedy” of turning off DC penalties for everybody does cause noticeable problems for everybody in the game.
0 -
Are there even any killer main fog whisperers anymore? I haven't seen hackers holding survivors hostage (presumably by constantly blowing up gens). That's been almost exclusively a killer streamer problem. I've definitely run into more hackers recently, but I don't get held hostage cause I'm not a streamer
1 -
I am also confused by people's statements that cheaters are "targeting" Fog Whisperers and content creators. Are we sure this can even happen the way the lobby system is set up?
I think the best answer so far is for BHVR to step up their anti-cheat sub-system instead of forcing players to get punished for legitimate non-malicious disconnects.
If I get a cheater holding me hostage, which is very very rare, I just go AFK and do something else. However, I have zero people following me so I feel for streamers who get stuck in those situations.
1 -
Is it true that Fog Whispers get no DC penalty? I am pretty sure I have seen Otz have to wait one out after a crash, and I would think he would be the most obvious steamer to get a pass on them since he is the FW with the largest following.
0 -
I tried to reply to an earlier statement that someone made about not being able to target. (I'm not sure whay it did not appear in the thread.... moderation settings????) What was explained to me last night, by a streamer who had spoken to one of the cheaters, they are using some kind of software which doesn't 100% guarantee getting into a specific streamers lobby, but it makes it more likely.
3 -
SpookNJukes had a video the other day where he was on Pc and was met with a hacker, he went afk, booted up his PS5 and the first match he gets into was another match with a hacker doing the same thing as the first.
First hacker starts at 3:40
4 -
Ive had the same 2 hackers in my lobby as killer b2b 5 games in a row, usually a dwight or nea.
0 -
It's a toggleable whitelist the devs have I believe
I think they disabled DC penalties for tru3 at one point as well because cheaters kept giving him 72 hour ones. At the very least devs can manually remove someone's DC penalty so this whitelist thing shouldn't really come as a surprise
Although, once again it goes to show BHVR doing the most bandaid possible fix to a problem
"Cheaters targetting content creators and streamers of our game? Let's just let the ones we care the most about DC". While I don't think it's their intention to leave non FW content creators to eat dirt, it doesn't seem like much else will happen for a while since anti-cheating measures are usually pushed with regular updates which takes time
0 -
When that happened they first got rid of Tru3 penalty then hackers did it again so BHVR just got rid of DC penalties for everyone.
About what you say in your second paragraph I believe BHVR usually takes action without thinking all posible outcomes (or at least the worst possible outcomes), giving Whisperers the privilege of not having penalties because they are being targeted while others having worse issues are left behind may create a huge PR blunder, especially since some very big time streamers are left out and they have a very big fanbase... which is exactly what is happening.
1 -
Yeah I remember cheaters kept doing it so the devs kept disabling it for everyone until they fixed whatever exploit they were using
Pretty funny ngl.
1 -
And for those doubting the validity of Tru3s claim....
12 -
Oh, there is a Fog Whisperer version of the game! LOL
0 -
I believe this is going to become much worse before it starts to get fixed... not gonna put what I think its going to happen to not give hacker ideas (or get myself banned) but if what I think is going to happen does happen they better act quick.
0 -
Just join the fog whisperers dude. Clearly BHVR is only cares about them. Hackers can target other players but not FW!
5 -
Hey, viewers are not everything. You are good player 😅
0 -
Is anybody really surprised only BHVR's best little shills are given the privilege of not having their experience completely ruined by a rampant hacker problem that they're basically doing nothing about
3 -
I'm just surprised BHVR chose to go down this path of "protecting" some streamers, when it's pretty obvious what is going to happen to those who don't have the same protection.
1 -
I don't really see an issue with this if it's true, they tend to be the people most targeted by hackers so this seems reasonable. Although preferably BHVR just gets their ######### together on the security front and gets a better anticheat system.
4 -
But cheaters aren't targeting you, you just get unlucky
0 -
I'd say in the past week or 2 probably about 5% of my games have a hacker, many of which held the game hostage. 1 Was subtle hacking (had endurance every time i hit them even though they had no perks and no items that gave endurance and wasn't off of hook or anything.) And another where they just finished all the gens and immediately escaped in 5 seconds. It's happening to regular people too.
The problem is that they target you. For example, let's say i don't play by the survivor rulebook one game and they get mad. Now they can target me by joining my lobby over and over again and having a different name.
0 -
11 posts up you can see Tofu confirming they're off for him. Get your facts straight before starting with the boogeyman nonsense.
4 -
This was my thought. The knee-jerk reaction is to get mad, but really, this is just acknowledging (as much as they ever will) that there's a cheater problem and they can't stop people from targeting big name players en masse.
You're SoL if you're a major content creator but not a Fog Whisperer, though. Although, on the other hand, the vetting is important so that they wouldn't hand out the privilege to somebody who would abuse it - giving streamers (or god forbid, everybody) the ability to DC carte blanche would be a horrible idea.
Killer cheaters tend to be less hostage-holdy and more murder you all immediately, but I've still seen clips of ones like Trappers whose traps take 10 minutes to struggle out of or Pigs who spawn you in with a trap and the search is at self-care+sloppy+coulro+pentimento speed.