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Too many bloodpoints

Member Posts: 224

Why should killers be granted like 28-32k+ bloodpoints for literally just camping a tunneling? Like you’re in a game where the killer is camping and the survivors just keep trying to unhook the hooked person and keep dying and the game lasts like 3 or 4 minutes long and the killer end up getting like 30k bloodpoints?? Why?? He literally did nothing but camp and get easy kills. If survivors “gen rush” extremely quick and leave right away they get like 15k bloodpoints. I think they just adds another incentive to camping and tunneling because they don’t have to worry about getting a low amount of bloodpoints.

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  • Member Posts: 224

    Like when there’s an event and there’s 5 double bp offerings up and the killer is extremely bad and no survivors are using toolboxes but we do gens fast, I literally have to go around doing totems or purposefully killing myself so we can get heal points and unhook points/altruism so I can get use out of the offerings and not just have like 15k bp but the killer can just stand there and have survivors throw themselves at him and end the game in 4 minutes and have like 30k?? Lol

  • Member Posts: 224
  • Member Posts: 944

    survivor score events are trash it's one of the many reasons killer queues are so long

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Killers that camp will get way less points than ones that don't, unless the survivors feed them. They don't have nearly as many chases or hooks and their scores suffer as a result.

    That said, killers have always had better point gains than survivors. It's unfortunately just how the scoring system is designed - killers always end up taking all four categories and can't be removed from the game early, where survivors rarely have the opportunity to max out more than one category slash role on their team and stop gaining points when they die.

  • Member Posts: 224

    I can literally do all 5 gens by myself, nobody gets hooked, and not see the killer once and I’ll have 17k bloodpoints. It’s not really “competing” it’s lack of points for survivors. The point is, is that if survivors finish the game too quickly they are not rewarded good (because the game was finished too fast) but if the killer finishes the game too quickly, (with only 4 hooks in 3 minutes) they are rewarded a lot better, for doing nothing. Survivors shouldn’t get less for finishing too quickly

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    I have had some 38k games as survivor, you need to do all the things though. Funny enough, objective is the category that I am almost always lack substantial points in. So, I have been running a tool box with built to last, and have found that to help quite a bit.

    My favorite build is Blast mine, Quick and Quiet, Head on, Built to last.

    If you don't have a juiced toolbox (40+ charges), you can swap out built to last with flash bang, DS, or Deception.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Are you seriously saying 32k is TOO MANY? in a game where you NEEDS 10m+ bps to have fun?

    There is no such things as "too many bp", only thing that exists here is "not enough bp".

    Even the devs are not understanding this fact, that led to overall reduction in BP gain... which is extremely detrimental and have a potential to make game super boring for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 224

    If you read what I posted you would known that’s not what I was talking about. I don’t understand why if the killer finishes a game too fast (killing all the survivors within like 5 minutes and not really getting any hooks) they still get like 25k-32k sometimes, but if survivors finish the game too quickly (3 people or everybody doing gens and the killer not downing anybody and then they open the door and leave) they won’t get that many points. It’s annoying because then (if survivors want more than like 18k bloodpoints) survivors have to go purposefully kill themselves so people can get unhook and heal points, etc.. on top of that, this doesn’t discourage camping or tunneling, because the killer can camp (survivors try to save but still get downed) and still get a lot of points even though they only hooked everybody once, etc. like I feel like survivors are punished for being too fast and it’s bs

  • Member Posts: 1,104

    Why should killers be granted like 28-32k+ bloodpoints for literally just camping a tunneling?

    Is literally the first thing you said.

    Killers who actually devote themselves hard to camping don't often get 28-32k. They don't score enough in the Hunter category because they don't chase enough, they lose points in the sacrifice category when the survivor goes to the next stage without being unhooked first and the usually don't get much Brutality either as they're not kicking gens and harassing other survivors. If they don't get the 4K they don't get the 2500 bonus Deviousness points to max out the Deviousness category either.

    Killers who camp and tunnel usually make less than 25k.

  • Member Posts: 224

    I then explained what I meant in the next part. “like…”

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    survivor bp gains need heavy adjustment, if they actually lowered bp gains under any circunstances i would uninstall

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    I highly doubt any killer who is camping (truly camping) is making 30k in a match... they lose points for camping. More than likely the killer is within 24-32 meters and the survivors are giving them no reason to venture further away by staying near the hook. I see it a lot both as a survivor and a killer. Being too altruistic and rushing to save will doom teams plain and simple. I see it all the time - people running in for hooks within 10-15 seconds to save their teammates... kind of silly actually. As a 50/50 I find it funny how one side likes to blame the other side without looking at their actions to see what could have been done for a better outcome.

  • Member Posts: 84

    This game is unbalanced killer sided trash.


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