Harsher Punishments for Instant DCers

We need harsher punishments for players that disconnect instantly when they get downed for the first time. Five generators, and three survivors need to complete them all? I just had a night of consecutive matches where players disconnect when they get downed immediately, or try to instantly kill themselves on hook.

Can we get 24 hour suspensions for people who disconnect? We need harsher punishments to make people think twice about doing it.

Additionally, if a survivor disconnects before a single generator is done, or before a fixed amount of time in the match has progressed, say 3 minutes; provide a minor repair boost to the remaining survivors until the first generator is complete in order to alleviate the unnecessary pressure caused by a rage quitting player.


  • Carnivorone
    Carnivorone Member Posts: 84

    People are Dc'ing because this game has become trash. Blame the game and the new update is the wisest option

  • Carnivorone
    Carnivorone Member Posts: 84

    I don't DC, but friend after friend of mine in SWFs would. I used to blame them. Now I blame the game for being trash.

    Stop with the attitude of thinking your better than everyone. Everyone is just a person on the other end of a game, and they leave the game for a reason

  • Asura
    Asura Member Posts: 47

    You have literally said nothing related to the topic at hand and instead try to throw accusations at me. Refrain from commenting if you're not going to add anything constructive.

    We have serial disconnectors. People are disconnecting right at the beginning of a match, game after game. If you had a reason to disconnect that soon, then you shouldn't have queued up for a match. Simple as that. This needs to be addressed. We need either more restrictions towards players that disconnect, or have matchmaking only queue them up together, so they don't ruin normal people's fun.

  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390
    edited August 2022

    Imagine getting a 24 hour penalty due to an unexpected power outage

    I'm glad you're not in charge of this game

  • yes_hello
    yes_hello Member Posts: 146

    I live in a tropical zone with a heavy, heavy wet and stormy season lol. Summer thunderstorms and autumn hurricanes are extremely common. They aren't ALWAYS ~severe~ and don't ALWAYS result in a power outage... but it's happened several times over the years. I do not believe it is healthy for this particular game to be so punitive with with DCs with how volatile the game is in itself, in addition to a seemingly bigger issue at hand that is causing the drastic increase.

    I do not deny DCing is incredibly frustrating for everyone else, and I do not condone it. However, I can at least understand why it's happening more, and hopefully SOME solution will result in a diminishing DC pattern. Didn't Friday the 13th have a system wherein the data was tracked and after X amounts of program-perceived ragequits/DCs, that player would be tagged and sent to the "salt mines" where they were temporarily (24 hours, and so on) placed in P2P servers with other frequent flyers? 😂 I'm not suggesting this be a thing in DBD, but I would be very interested in knowing if it served its intended purpose successfully.

  • Asura
    Asura Member Posts: 47

    Yes, every survivor I play with that gets hit once by the killer magically experiences a power outage. Thank you for providing an alternative idea or suggestion. Very constructive feedback. Please refrain from commenting if you have nothing of value to contribute.

  • Asura
    Asura Member Posts: 47

    80% of my matches last night had a player disconnecting at the beginning. The only reason I can see it happening more is because players are not receiving any penalty. I'm not aware of what Friday the 13th's policy was, but what you described sounds like exactly what this community needs. Serial disconnectors should get matched together, or prevented from matchmaking as a Survivor until a probation period ends (while still allowed to make custom matches or play as killer, until they start disconnecting as that role as well).

  • yes_hello
    yes_hello Member Posts: 146

    Absolutely understand, and please know that I was referring mostly to any of the times I may have personally disconnected. I never DC in a ragequit way, nor do I immediately defend anyone who does... I just know with recent changes, I understand some of the DCs / give-up-on-first-hook players. That's what I meant by deeper issue; there are still several genuinely un-fun mechanics / (indirectly) encouraged play-styles that even make me not want to proceed with certain matches. I know not all games need to IMMEDIATELY go in my favor, though, so when someone DCs because they were downed first, and that's the ONLY reason... yeah, that's annoying.

    So, as I'm sure you could imagine, it wouldn't feel very good being banned from playing a game you love playing because of a power flicker or real circumstance that precluded you from finishing or leaving the game idle. I'm not even sure if the Friday the 13th "salt mines" gimmick was even real, or if it was an urban legend created to dissuade people from DCing. Either way, I don't have much optimism that BHVR would ever have the resources to implement something so intricate.

    Still, though, I hear you and I wish the DCing would stop, too.

  • ThatYellowBunny
    ThatYellowBunny Member Posts: 6

    I agree with the salt mines idea. Even if it’s be difficult, that’d be a fantastic alternative to longer/ more punishing probations.

    I’d also make probations lengthen each consecutive time it is done in a day, and, depending on how effective that is, maybe move it up to how many times it is done a week.

    It is indeed important to make sure people aren’t punished for outages or life emergencies, so I think the salt mine concept is a genius way to clean up the general pool of players.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    to the salt mines with the DC'ers! let them have their 2 minute match with few bloodpoints for the rest of their days!

  • yes_hello
    yes_hello Member Posts: 146

    In theory, yes! :) And please forgive how rude this may seem, because I am genuinely just trying to make a point lol, but BHVR couldn't even implement their own currency-based incentive promotion to increase their player base without it immediately breaking upon release, then turning it off for MONTHS because they still can't figure it out. I am NOT a developer, so I truly don't have any grounds to stand on when criticizing bugs, but... yeah, I don't have much faith in a complex consequence system when the game is still littered with basic bugs and balancing issues :(

    @Mat_Sella lol hopefully something like that wouldn't affect queue times or player base sizes, either. The more people in salt mines = fewer people in the regular servers = longer queue times for fair players. Ahh, no matter what, DCers cause issues at all angles, but I doubt it would ever be that macro of an issue. Honestly, I think we all know that this will ultimately be left untouched, and eventually, the game's balance will hit that "sweet spot" again and the DC patterns will even out. Not the most ideal way to fix it, but probably the most likely.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Agreed. If somebody DCs, it kills the game for four other people. They should be getting day-long bans that scale up to week or month-long.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,055

    Well, first thing is first, Fog Whispers shouldn't be immune to the rules forced on the rest of the community. They are allowed to DC all they want. Fix that first.

  • Asura
    Asura Member Posts: 47

    This was something I only learned about the other day. I have no idea why Behaviour thinks it's fine for Fog Whisperers to be "above the law" and be immune to disconnect penalties. This promotes bad behavior and "okays" it for all the other rage quitting children.