Are Nemesis and Oni ever going to be killswitched and fixed?

Nemesis hasn't had functional sounds or animations for long as I remember. I feel like multiple times per match I get hit by his tentacle just because the sounds and animation for it literally just didn't play.
Oni for the past month and a half has been bugged to have Wooden Oni Mask as base-kit (and I think it still stacks with Wooden Oni Mask). This makes it so he basically just has his power for literally the entire match upon injuring someone once.
I haven't seen any mention that BHVR is aware of either of these issues in any patch notes.
The Oni bug is know for longer time I think, perhaps wont be kill switched, who knows if this killer will be fixed any soon tho.
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Nah, Oni can keep the bug. He is actually usable with it. At least until they get around to adjusting his add ons.
Maybe they will fix Nemesis to celebrate Project W. You never know!
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Onis bug isn't as bad as you think it only happens when a injured survivor fast vaults over a pallet or window, and no it doesn't stack with wooden mask.
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The Oni bug has been fixed I can confirm as I play him more than anyone else, he is fine currently. Nemesis I played 2 or 3 games with and seems fixed killer POV wise.
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Please explain how I can overcome a killer having literally no sound or animations for his attacks, with skill? Like, how do I react to a Nemesis using his tentacle when there is no audio or visual effect indication he's using it? Do I just crouch and weave at random, and hope for the best? Is that meant to be fun?
I don't think it was ever an issue in Nemesis' POV.
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No halfway decent Nemesis is going to just walk around with the tentacle readied. They're going to ready it and then immediately use it.
This might sound crazy, but maybe a nearly imperceptible decrease in speed for 0.5 seconds, isn't enough of a telegraph for an attack.
Before replying, please reflect on the fact that you're going to bat in defense of a killer's primary attack being bugged to have no audio or animations.
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It makes the killer intolerable to put up with, so no, I think it is enough to justify a killswitch.
On no planet is 0.5 seconds enough to notice a nearly imperceptible decrease in speed. Nemesis barely slows down at all while in tier 3 in the first place. What you're expecting from people is unreasonable.
Sometimes the animation is only partially bugged, so it looks like he's putting the tentacle away, before suddenly firing blue ######### out of his chest at you. The current state of the killer is one where there's no consistent way to read his primary attack. It's just a mess.
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Wow... had a bad day?
If there is a bug, there is a bug... no matter how game-breaking it is.
And nemesis having sound effect issues is BAD a lot of times.
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You're telling people to git gud because they say the killer is bugged... nothing to do with the killswitching ;)
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I guess Trickster should be killswitch too since some knives hits don't play
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I have a hard time playing against Nemesis sometimes. I have problems hearing and the fact his sound is bugged sometimes makes it even worse. Let alone the fact that when he hit someone on the other side of the map you could hear the sound... was that even fixed? Can't even remember
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You really need to stop pretending that less than a second is enough time to notice that he's moving 15% slower. That is not enough of a telegraph for an attack. Sometimes killers get stuck going around a loop. Sometimes they just slow down.
Noticing how slow you are moving while hindered is a hell of a lot easier to see then recognizing that Nemesis will occasionally move 15% slower for a split second.
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######### has been disabled for far less than being "game-breaking".
Literally never said he was uncounterable. You've been arguing against something that only exists in your head.
I said he was intolerable.
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"You gotta git gud by knowing when Nemesis is using his tentacle without any audio or animations by recognizing in 0.5 seconds that he's moving 15% slower and also somehow intuitively know the difference between him actually putting his tentacle away and the animation bugging to make only look like he's putting it away."
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Wow, so using sound queues to dodge a power is "Lack of skill"?
when those sound queues are missing it takes away skillfull counterplay
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You don't seem to understand that noticing a 15% decrease in speed *in less than a second*, *on top of* of the complete lack of consistency in how this attack is telegraphed, to the point that it sometimes looks like he's literally putting the tentacle away, is kind of ridiculous.
By the way, this is a developer that once disabled an entire map for like three months because breakable door didn't spawn.
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"Clown shouldn't have been killswitched because having permanent speed hacks and aura reading technically isn't gamebreaking"
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So you think Nurse, Pphead, Blight, artist, ect would be fine if they had no sound queues?
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I am not going to explain to you how a killer having either no telegraphing or inconsistent telegraphing makes them intolerable to play against.
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I mean, if you just spread out and do gens, you can still counter him. I doubt Clown with a 10% boost and aura reading is stronger than a double range Nurse stacking aura reading and expose perks.
I still have no idea why you're talking about whether or not something can be countered. An argument literally no one made in the first place.
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You do realize that audio and visual cues are a fundamental of DBD? Without them, both survivor and killer would be hell to play.
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Give me a Clown with 2 permanent stacks of Play With Your Food. No chase would last more than 30 seconds! The screams of the dying survivors would warm the sadistic cockles of my cold black heart! I will devour the souls of survivors!
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Nemi is bugged? Been playing him 4 ever haven't noticed anything odd
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The killswitch is a dumb system
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Literally nothing I said related to the visual and auditory bugs being unfun and unfair. I didn't even mention those words in my comment.
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Me still waiting for the infectious bug to get fixed. You know the one where sometimes survivors will keep doing the scream animation or even stay in the "being healed by" animation making them perma crouched.
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Oh jeez youre right, because reacting to something thats .35 seconds long and has a curve to it is a piece of cake
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you think because of that they need to get kill switched? Its such a small thing that does not even make a huge impact for Oni or Neme. Just cause those bugs are there does not mean survivors dont escape. Its such a minimal problem and i cant beleieve someone is actually whining about it.
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It's almost as if I place a higher priority on actually having fun than whether or not I escape.
It's interesting that you think a killer spending the last several months being bugged to randomly have no audio or animations, and sometimes play animations that are the opposite of what's actually happening, is a "minimal problem".
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Still refusing to acknowledge that sometimes the animation bugs to *show him putting the tentacle away*.
"Just somehow notice when he slightly slows down for 0.5 seconds and crouch (and hope that killer ping doesn't dictate you get hit regardless) and if it shows him putting the tentacle away, just, uh, keep crouching anyway and hope for the best I guess."
Definitely a lot of fun and feels good to play against.
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Yeah, it only happens in almost every chase several times.
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Literally nobody has made such a huge effort to complain about it besides you
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Yea but is it any worse than players who don't want to heal and leave a ocean of orbs everywhere...I had one game as Oni where no one healed and I had a near Perma rage because no one healed
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The mindgame of "did he put the tentacle away or did the game just break and make it only look like he put the tentacle away but is in fact actually using it". That's not a mindgame, by the way. The killer is doing nothing on their part to mindgame. The animation is just randomly breaking. Nemesis is still a boring killer, even with his primary attack being bugged so that you can literally never trust your eyes or ears. He's both boring, and deeply annoying.
Literally untrue.
Yes, it's worse.
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You cant compare both, not healing against Oni when you have a chance is poor decission making by the Survivors, they got penalized for their mistakes and the Killer got rewarded, they had a chance to avoid such scenario.
What do you expect people to do? not vaulting a single window? Not dropping a single pallet? Just getting hit and then press W until Oni catches up and downs them? Right now the only way for an Oni to not get his power seconds after the first hit is if the Survivor just refuses to move after getting hit.
By the way the bug is not only when Survivors vault, is whenever they perform actions like dropping a pallet, entering a locker, vaulting etc.
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Okay yes because that was the main take away here. Not the killer's primary form of attack being bugged for several months to have no consistent way of being read.
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whats wrong with Oni? He’s been an amazing killer. A - B teir at least. His power is an insta down that can hit multiple survivors so if you’re tunneling bonus points. It’s mobility is insane and you can insta down with the strike and dash combo. And if you can’t hit your strikes you can M1 regularly. He has quick pallet shreds like Demo and Bubba. Even faster than Bubba and only slightly slower (I think) than Demo. His only real counter is medkits and honestly that counters every killer except Plauge.
Really easy to use and the only real learning curve is learning how to straif with demon dash and learning how to hit the demon strikes. Good 1v1 potential and good map pressure with his mobility.
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I've only seen the bug occur on fast vaults whenever I play Oni the drops are the same amount on everything else or I haven't noticed any extra drops I should say.
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You do know there's a Bug Report forum right? Where you can do this crazy thing called "reporting bugs". And if a bug has already been reported then the Devs are aware and it'll get fixed (okay, probably not for a fair while given BHVR's record on bug fixes).
Just continuing to complain here accomplishes nothing.
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The bug is having Wooden Oni Mask and Splintered Hull as base, since vaults is what you will see more often as Killer it looks like it only affects vaults but it also affects dropping pallets and other stuff.
Look at this video, you can see at 1:15 how Steve drops a pallet and 4 orbs appear instead of the 2 he is supposed to drop.
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Ok that makes sense like I said I only noticed on vaults so that's probably why since on drops I'm more focused on chase
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Oni is fine, he is not bugged. Leave oni alone.
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Dude I wouldn't waste my breath on that PapiFelix dude anymore. He obviously thinks he's better than everyone and has his mind made up. No amount of reasoning or arguing will change his opinion. Funny thing is If his name is the same on PSN I've queued with him several times and he's usually the 1st to die 😂
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Ok I can get oni but nemi? On Their side it looks the exact same so either way they are reacting to what you are doing and hitting you
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I like you so much for saying this
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I feel like you're actively trying to be ignorant and create a strawman argument. The person is saying Nemmy should get kill switched (I don't think so as a Nemmy main) because of a glitch that doesn't show him pull up the tentacle or make a sound so he stands still in running animation while having 0 indicator of using his tentacle