Unpopular Opinion on DC'ing

Teslaboi Member Posts: 107
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

The penalty for doing it should be EXCRUTIANTINGLY higher, and it should reset after 48 hours instead of (I believe, could be wrong) the current 24 hours. DC'ing needs to be MUCH more de-incentivized.

The amount of decent games I get as survivor or killer because some pansy decides to quit midway is ABYSMAL. 5 minutes is obviously not enough to discourage people, and I understand how ######### it would be if you were forced to DC due to a hacker, but the amount of DC's I see for ABSOLUTELY NO reason compared to because of hacking is not even comparable.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk, this isn't a debate, you can disagree if you like.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    Penalties do not adequately discourage undesirable behavior in games. Just look at other games, such as soccer. It's a common strategy to fake an injury in soccer so your teammates can rest and recover during the time-out phase.

    Rather, it would be better to have solutions which make the undesirable behaviors more uncommon (for example, having mandated water breaks in soccer every dozen minutes or so).

    Dc'ing is a bit more difficult to solve, since it is a purely selfish decision at the detriment of all other players in the match. You cannot force a player to play a game that they no longer wish to play. A bot that replaces them would have no such objections, however.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 564

    So a couple of things with your post.

    Firstly your understanding of the disconnect penalty is wrong. How it works is you get a standard 5 minute DC penalty, that increases when a player disconnects, relatively close to their prior disconnect, so the first disconnect is 5, then I believe its 15, then 30. My time may not be exactly correct. This is standard for any online game for a number of reasons. People crash, people are abused or put in situations where others are trying to deny a proper match. Hilariously, because DBD has the disconnect penalty and how DBD is designed, when a player rage quits, forcing a loss for the survivors, that player can take the DC penalty and move on. Its actually when players such as hackers or stream snipers, are using the threat of the DC penalty to hold streamers or any target hostage, by constantly targeting and repeating this. The DC penalty, actually achieves nothing and causes way more harm.

    Anyway, if all these complaints about DC penalties were legitimate, then that would mean people would have to be regularly receiving, 15 minute, 30 minute, Hour+ bans. Unless you are saying that these people are disconnecting once a night, in which case its not really an issue if they are only occasionally disconnecting.

    So I actually took a bit of time to double check some things and found this.

    DC peanlty startsstarts at a 5 minute ban, then 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, and finally a repeating 72 hours.

    So apparently these are the times for each DC penalty every 7 days from the last penalty. So if people are disconnecting as much as you and others imply, then surely you have to agree that they can only DC so many times before it simply becomes imposable to play. Its simply unreasonable to say people are regular disconnecting. Most likely, people will play for a bit, DC, and then go play something else. Maybe pick up DBD the next day or something. Disconnecting is not an issue, and it usually done for a reason. Forcing people to participate in a match when they want to accept their loss spreads more toxicity, and holds players hostage in matches. The DC penalty solves nothing, and causes so many issues.

  • Teslaboi
    Teslaboi Member Posts: 107

    I wasn't going to reply to posts but this comparison warrants it.

    For this comparison to be applicable you'd have to assume people are being forced to DC or homeless people are choosing to be homeless. The solution to homelessness you showed is cruel and unfair to the individuals who have no choice to be in the situation they are in. where as mine is punishment to those who have a choice to ruin the game for others.

  • Teslaboi
    Teslaboi Member Posts: 107
    edited August 2022

    I wasn't going to reply to posts, but I felt warranted here.

    These two comparison are not applicable to each other. For that to be the case, homeless people would have to willingly choose to be in the situation they are in or survivors would have to be forced into DC'ing at the rate they are. One is a cruel act to people who likely aren't in their situation out of choice and the other is a punishment for going out of your way to make something less enjoyable for others.

    EDIT: The root of the problem by the way, is people not liking the current state of the game. So I ask you, why play it if you're going to quit midway? Save your potential team mates the trouble and play something else. The player count speaks louder to BHVR than making the game unfun for others

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    They should also que those that frequently dc with one another. Have them play games to completion to earn back being in regular lobby ques.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I feel like just a flat 10 minute penalty would probably deter the behavior well enough.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347

    The point of the DC penalty was never to make even the first DC put people in a "well, guess I might as well quit for today" situation. A single DC can totally happen for perfectly legitimate reasons like connection trouble or even the game crashing, it's when several happen in short succession things get either kinda sussy or someone is playing on a connection that might be too unstable for online games.

    It's supposed to inconenience the dude that DCs when they go down first or when the first survivor they chased didn't go down in 15 seconds and, and increasingly inconvenience them if they don't take the hint. Not make someone that crashes think "Well, I can't be bothered waiting half an hour so I'll just play something else".

  • Tigernutz1979
    Tigernutz1979 Member Posts: 38

    Most of the dc's I have personally seen are when a survivor either doesn't like the killer (like, i had all 4 survivors instantly dc in one match), or at 1st down if it happens quickly. Surely Bhvr can set up something that differentiates between a dc due to pettiness and a dc due to a hacker. A few nights ago I faced my first ever hacker, I stayed in the game right until the end.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421
    edited August 2022

    That would do very little against rage quitters and unnecessarily harsh against unintentional dcers. RQ would still do stuff like run into the killer and suicide on hook, but people who have bad connection or an out of date rig would be crushed by it.

  • FrostyEyesSusie
    FrostyEyesSusie Member Posts: 421

     the other is a punishment for going out of your way to make something less enjoyable for others.

    That assumes there is no such thing as a game crash or connection issues.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I haven't had a singe person DC today, and yet in about 7 out of 8 games someone gave up. You can't force people to play the game out, whether you want to or not.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    DCing is bad yes, but higher penalties is not the right solution. DbD is a game written on spaghetti code and people crash for many different reasons. Steam players consistently get booted off every Tuesday for Steam maintenance and they still pick up a DC penalty for it.

    The game would be in a better place if they gave survivors an incentive to not DC or suicide on hook. Something like a completion streak bonus where if a survivor doesn't try to kobe and struggles on hook during second stage for 5 games in a row they get a +10% bonus every game the keep the streak going for after that. Unfortunately an incentive like this would be overly complicated to implement because sometimes trying to kobe or dying on hook so that last player can find hatch sooner is the right move to make and the incentive would also be affected by game crashes or network problems, but at least there would be something to encourage players to not DC.

    There are other solutions as well but All too complex for BHVR to pull off. I think they are the Entity and like to watch us suffer.