Pyramid desperately needs a buff/add on rework

NemmyMan3000 Member Posts: 228
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Man it is depressing trying to use your power at loops and since Pyramid is slow winding it up its almost never connects.

Dont even get me started on the add ons, why does Obsidian Goblet exist? It honestly has no value.

Tbh his nerf was still unnecessary to this day and he needs to be tuned up to actually be useful sometimes.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I think the reason the average player thinks PH is bad is because they aren't willing to do the things that make him good. He ignores all anti tunneling mechanics, if you play around the barbs you will never lose. If you play PH to be a nice killer and play fair, you will lose most matches.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,466

    I mean he could use an add on pass yea

    but he doesnt desperately need it

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    He used to be decent, but people didn't like that he was anti-loop so they nerfed that. Problem is he has no map control so he has to be anti-loop.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Here's a video where ya boy tru3ta1ent puts on a clinic on how to hard tunnel with Pyramid Head

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,143

    if you hook someone with torment, his torment->cage->tunnel someone off cage is really strong. with range add-ons, he can instantly put someone from injured to dying state straight out of a cage.

    i do agree that his punishment of the damn can be outplayed however this is one of ranged power that goes through walls. I think the idea behind Obsidian goblet is that survivor can tell which direction your facing to fire the punishment of damn by looking at red stain, so I think undetectable is designed to remove red stain. Its not iri add-on worthy though.

    I kinda wish they buff his purple add-ons. they're so bad... like what is the point of scarlet egg? 1.5 seconds of extra killer instinct for being on trails is so bad. maybe they should change it to you gain aura reading when the survivor is on trails and the effect persists for 1.5 seconds after leaving them.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,884
    edited August 2022

    His add-on suck out loud, but I think part of the reason they haven't yet been addressed is because his basekit is so strong.

    Still, it'd be nice to see his add ons get some sort of attention.

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165

    Basekit is fine for the moment but PH does need add-on help. He has some of the most useless add-ons currently in game.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    His kit seems designed around bringing Ebony Mori and just tunnel and camp with zero repercussions.

    Obviously he is more than that, but that seems to be the main appeal unfortunately

  • TheMruczek
    TheMruczek Member Posts: 191

    I think Bhvr should get smoother cooldown for PH after he cancels his m2 just like they did with Plague basicly a year ago.

    As for add-ons, just like Oni, half of his add-ons are weird or really weak.

    Does he need add-ons pass asap? Nope that spot takes Freddy, but PH and Oni still need to be looked at.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    I've got bad news for you:

    Pyramid Head is the single most over-hyped killer in the game.

    People will tell you he is S-tier, or at the very least, top of A-tier. And why?

    C A G E S

    People like to pretend that PH can just put people into cages for free, every time. They like to forget (or are simply unaware) that the survivors have 100% control over not getting tormented. He literally cannot send a survivor into a cage unless they let him do it to them. Torment Trails take a very long time to set up, have extremely limited placement requirements, drain his shockwave, make a TON of noise, slow him way down, have a super limited number that can be placed, AND vanish on their own in an embarrassingly small amount of time.

    And on top of all of that, survivors can STILL ignore them by just crouch-walking for 0.5 seconds.

    You are absolutely right, OP. But the overwhelming majority of this forum will shout you down.

    PH is not S-tier. He is not A-tier. He's BARELY B-tier. And anybody who does great with him could be doing just as well if not better with a majority of the other killers in the game (obvious losers like Sadako excepted).

    And yeah. Don't even get ME started on his Addons. The worst selection in the entire game. He's basically an addon-less killer. Yet another reason why he is not now and will never be anything but a wildly over-hyped B-tier.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,143

    the issue is that all you need to do is put a tiny amount of torment under a pallet or near window. his torment prevents you from looping(going in circles) if you try to avoid it. In term of his anti-loop, his weakness is holding-w and changing tiles, but there is only so many tiles you change until you accept that your going to get tormented. Since the survivor perks do not work on his cages, his cages min-max and optimize the killer's objective.

    its just that his 1vs1 became weaker after his negative changes.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    edited August 2022

    This is what i always complained. He needs a QoL change, the speed to put the sword on the ground is too slow compared to how he was. Fix that and he will me better to play. His antiloop is torturous, playing around it is much easier than ever.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,164

    His add-ons lack variety and they need a bit more diversity and usefulness. But his basekit is fine. He is THE killer who can prevent a lot of (powerful) survivor perks from triggering: DS, OTR, BT, WGLF, We'll Make It, Deliverance etc. And I think exhaustion also doesn't reset, but I could be wrong.

    So your goal is it, to get people tormented, get them in a cage find that cage at the opposite side of the map, then down them and hook them again. Yeah. you read that right. PH is THE killer for tunneling.

    I don't do that regularly when playing him, but I still use the fact, that they don't have OTR etc after they get out of a cage, if I need to.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,164

    It is always so fun to watch survivors avoid your goo like it is something that instant kills. That is why I use perks which are triggered by hooking (like Pop or PR) but also use perks that just work with a down (like Infectious) or are completely passive. This way I can utilize both possibilities.