The reason why Reassurance is a gigachad perk

Immature teammates trying to suicide on hook? Nope, not today bucko.
To suicide on hook, they have to ignore two struggle skillchecks in a row. Guess what Reassurance prevents from appearing?
Also, 1 person can add up to 180 seconds for them on struggle phase alone due to this: Once at the start of struggle to make it 90s, then at 50 to make it 80, then at 40 to make it 70, then at 30 to make it 60, then at 20 to make it 50, then at 10 to make it 40. If you have a second teammate, then you have no time efficiency loss, and can thus sustain them forever (as long as the killer doesn't manage to prevent people from getting in range and activating it).
Okay, but they cannot stop my slippery meat, so... Whose laughing now?
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There's actually a hard limit on the time it can be extended for two survivors tag-teaming it to negate the 10s cooldown loss.
That limit is... 60 minutes.
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Another reason why Rebecca is best girl.
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That awkward moment where getting facecamped by your teammate is worse then getting facecamped by the killer
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That's when I'd just shake my head at that
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Seems pretty petty. Survivor queues are like 1-2 minutes anyway. If I have a match where my team decides to go down by making the most stupid plays possible I wouldn’t want to spend much longer in the match. But do not DC please stay in the match for 4+ minutes because I don’t want to get timeout again
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I'm absolutely going to do this Just for those who give up just by looking at the killer.
Looks like they are going to have to eat the DC penalty instead of suiciding.
I know I'm petty
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People suiciding on hook don't get a valid opinion.
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Lol this was exactly what I was thinking when I saw Reassurance. The perfect tool for punishing quitters.
I wish they’d extend the range a bit though. Getting within 6m of a camping Leatherface is kind of a death sentence. It will definitely be a staple in my solo queue build, for sure.
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I cant wait for the day that a killer can hook a hacker and the other survivors can spam reassurance on them. Hold the hacker hostage for once.
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They need to re-add hook skillchecks with Reassurance so that survivors can die on hook if they want to, to stop the game from being held hostage.
Just spawn them at a much slower interval than usual.
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I'm going to absolutely love this perk.
The anti camping and no quitting potential seems great
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So as a killer main are you going to just not hook survivors to prevent them from killing themselves on hook?
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People that suicide on hook don't get an opinion.
I'll play normally with the other survivors and ignore the immature player waiting beneath hook if they make it that obvious they're trying to get themselves out of the game. Like you know, defending gens, chasing the other survivors, etc.
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You can also hold people with no intention of suiciding hostage
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They'll just disconnect instead. And you'll get to use that perk once in a blue moon anyway. Not so chad of a perk in my opinion.
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It's literally like a parent punishing their child
Oh you want to throw the game by killing yourself? Your going to stay in the game instead. You think about what you have done
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What people that feed the killer a 2K at the very start of the match?
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Yup, which is why there should still be skillchecks, just at a much slower interval.
It is incredibly dumb if devs let this go to live as it is, with the griefing potential it has.
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I'm now waiting for a video clip of a basement Bubba and Rebecca Chambers facecamping a survivor in the basement. True terror!
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Can't wait for a match where its only me and some moron teammate left with 3 gens still to do, I try to kill myself so they can get hatch and then they use reassurance to stop me because their ego is so fragile.
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So, instead of a hard game with one hook suiciding, turning it into a 3v1, i now get a 2v1, because one additional guy is doing nothing than prevent that suicide? I dont know how the perk works, but i guess you have to be in a certain range or something, right?
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Wow. So instead of my useless teammate suiciding on hook and leaving in a short amount of time, I have to continue to put up with them and their self-sabotaging behavior. Awesome, I guess.
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Pretty sure you don't determine who gets an opinion. For instance my opinion is it's pretty pathetic that your first response to a perk meant to help with camping is you got a new griefing tool.
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The perk wont stop people from not playing a match they dont want to play.
They start suiciding, you use it, they still try to kobe and reach struggle stage then they hang there until the effect goes away and either die or you reapply it or someone unhooks, then they go AFK or go to a window/locker and start spamming fast actions until the Killer comes back and hooks them for the last time.
If someone doesnt want to play they are not going to play, suicide is just the fast way to go but going AFK or annoying the Killer until he finishes you off are other ways to get out of a game quickly.
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And If I see it as a killer I'm just going to allow it lol hooks suicides are unfun for both sides for me and i would say its perfectly allowed as the game can end for the suicider if the cap is 60 minutes and the survivors wouldn't be working with me as they are preventing me from getting a kill and in fact helping a fellow survivor lol
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Well you shouldn’t be allowed to screw your teammates over easily, doesn’t matter if it’s against a killer you don’t like.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
lol so an already annoying 3v1 turns into a 2v1 because there's a new face camper in town, and it's not the killer ha.
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Nurse is the only killer I refuse to play against. I don't care about anything else in the game, camping tunneling whatever. Don't care. Doesn't bother me. Everyone else is already screwed by default vs her, I'm just helping us all get into a winnable match.
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I mean... that's also just 3 survivors doing nothing, and one survivor bored to tears working on all 5 gens, lol
Also, does that 6 meters work through floors? So if you were right above a hook say on midwich, would you still be able to stop the timer?
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I think that's the whole point of the perk y'know? Risk vs reward?
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Yeah, they eat a DC penalty because they want to give up, and if they quit as often as they can, they'll eat a 72 hour penalty, sounds good to me
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Almost like you could escape if you had 4 people trying to live...oh wait, that's right, you just give up
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I think there are some people who will try to give up anyway if you save them with this perk. Maybe some will be even more dedicated to give up, like running to a killer and just doing nothing for the team until they die.
It's a nice tool but it will not stop people who really WANT to not play. They can just DC or run to the killer or go AFK or just troll sandbagg their teammates, so I wouldn't celebrate yet.
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Pretty much.
It won't really change much on the suicider's end, just add a slight delay while the killer farms the other survivors spamming it.
If it makes it to live in its current form it'll be a novelty for a while. After that, most people will get tired of getting almost immediately taken down along with the suicider or further slowing down gen repair, and skip it. As it is a decent Nurse/Blight/Bubba/Huntress can destroy someone attempting an unhook. Hell, even a half-decent Trickster can camp a hook and down an unhooker. Stealth killers and Legion are going to really have fun. Trappers and Hag....holy #########. This could be an actual boost for Trappers.
If the perk becomes meta it'll be expected to show up every trial, and killers can just proxy camp until they see the second survivor. Even if a third survivor comes in to assist, that's three people not on gens. There's a fair chance this could actually backfire against killers expecting it. It won't do anything against the killers that just camp to get the one kill.
In the end, the only players that would really make the extra effort are the ones who take it as a personal offense when someone suicides/DCs. With the drop in BPs they'd be otherwise getting doing totems/chests and at least getting some gens done before they get taken out, the numbers of those players will likely drop as well.
I'm going to have to make a scorecard of some kind for this.
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Gonna end up like Friday the 13th with survivors shooting eachother lmao
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GO DO GENS! Even better, UNHOOK YOUR TEAMMATES! You're worse than the suiciders with this trashy sandbagging!
This perk needs two changes. The aura of the survivor using this perk needs to be revealed to the killer, and the survivor using this perk needs to not be able to do anything except unhook other survivors or chase actions. Both until the survivor they marked gets rescued or dies.
This would still make the camper (the reason for the perk) reconsider camping, because now they have a nearby shiny target to chase. It would also eliminate all of these worthless teammates from even bringing this perk because they planned on hiding in a bush and waiting out every single first hooked survivor instead of playing the game.
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Basement Bubba Army is already making YouTube Playlists to stay entertained while keeping that guy on hook for 5-6 min.
I'm not even joking @_@
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As a basement bubba I'm prepared for having my guests stay in my room for hours heck I all I need to do is put on my Spotify on loop and I'm set lol
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The ultimate Rift Shard grind