
Haddonfield was always a horrible map for killer, but the current Haddonfield just feels way too awful to play on as killer, mainly because of the windows to the buildings being low enough to not cause any stagger; 115% killers can only really catch up because of Bloodlust, and if youre a 110% killer, youre better off giving up unless you have semi-decent anti-loop, the distance you gain as survivor is just wait too much. It's one of the few maps where my smile just immediately drops as soon as I load into the match.
Since topics like this are subjective, and anyone can have an opinion on this topic, I am asking... Am I one of the few people that thinks Haddonfield post-rework is worse for killer than Haddonfield pre-work?
it's a bad map still honestly
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I have not seen post-rework Haddonfield, and really do not want to, but I never deemed impossible to win on pre-rework Haddonfield.
It wasn't easy, but not impossible either. I've no doubt they made the map worse.
They always do.
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I mean the outside area got better for killer, but the buildings, as a result, got better for survivor.
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It basically reminds me of old haddonfield the most powerful thing survivors had going for them were the houses and oh wait that's basically the same thing lol
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I never said it was impossible, catching survivors in the outside area isnt too hard, some generators spawn in very awful spots for survivor, but there are also some really safe generator spawns indoors. Half of the indoor generator spawns are right by god windows, or windows with no stagger.
The game just feels incredibly painful to play when all the survivors do is go immediately to a non-stagger window or god window as soon as they get injured; it happens every game, it's why I hate the map so much, it's boring and repetitive, and just overall a poorly designed map.
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It's still bad, but I'm not quite certain I'd say it's worse than before.
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And to off set that you have the best 3 gens any map can offer. Still a pretty survivor map tho
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It’s bad for both sides tbh. Have you seen the size of the dead zones? It’s basically no man’s land outside of the houses.
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Wasn't here for pre , but rn I dont like it. Way too many windows on each house , basements with boons , and the middle sucks.
I do okay with hag if I get lucky and have some dumb survivors but I still am rolling the dice that the traps I set around like 2 houses will work .
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Give me old Haddonfield any day. At least I could game some of the loops. Tgis new one is very frustrating.
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I find New Haddonfield well-balanced. The houses are quite safe for survivors, but pretty much everything outside is very unsafe. And it’s very common for 2-3 gens to spawn outside, guaranteeing that survivors must venture there to escape the trial. It’s important to understand that survivors need to have areas of a map where they have a chance to loop or escape the killer.
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It's worse for survivor lol
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Every house is a god loop, and the map is huge. Not sure what the devs were thinking with this one.
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worse? they are both awful, especially if you have people that know how to loop. buildings are too much safe
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I don't like it on survivor or killer.
If you're going up against a competent killer, about 1/3 of the map is just open space that you can almost see all the way to the other side, so both scratch marks and movement are easy to spot. The gens are fairly well lined up so a killer can just patrol one side of the street then the other to see if gens are being worked (particularly if they're running Surveillance due to the enhanced 8 meter gen noise).
As a killer if you're going up against a competent SWF there's a bunch of easy loops survivors can take to extend chases to let others get gens done, or take protection hits and disappear.
If you're in solo queue, you're generally just screwed.
Plus the map still hitches and lags. I really wish they'd optimize the game (or hire another company to do it). Overall the game runs worse for me than AAA titles made in the last couple of years, even with relaxing the game's graphics settings. I periodically run the "verify integrity of game files" option in Steam just to make sure none of the files are corrupted, but they always check out fine.
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The map wasn't the issue. The issue was incompetence.
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I have no problem with Haddonfield. On either side. Yes it still has some strong loops buts its way more balanced now. Its actually one of my favorite maps.
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The buildings can be a pain to deal with, but you can get some easy 3 gens on that map. I found that the main building with basement tends to be the best because often times you can have two gens within eyesight of each other outside then another not far away. If you focus on that and not waste a bunch of time chasing survivors on the other side of the street then you should have a good chance of winning. Not exactly a fun experience but it's doable.
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The map is terrible for both sides. But the devs force survivors to run nothing but the buildings as the middle of the map is the most massive deadzone I have ever seen. Most of the pallets outside are crap, except maybe two car ones and one that I can remember by some bushes. The gen that spawns near the end of the street is far away from anything resembling safety. Also three genning is super easy if you pay attention. I saw a gen spawn inside a house on the first floor and then outside the 'same' house just off the porch. I play immersed on that map (not my style), but chases are just not worth it.
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Lots of buildings are always going to be an issues for killers. I don't think it's too bad, they have to cross the middle point to find gens. You just have to have something to keep gens from popping and maybe a loop breaker.