Tunnelers & Campers

beardedlucifer Member Posts: 15
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The tunneling & camping has made the game unbearable, camping if you're with friends they'll do gens and most likely escape, randoms are another sad story, tunneling, many killers tunnel and they become even more tryhards if you bring a key, I think a killer who does that maybe wouldn't get a ban as they should but take 100% fewer bloodpoints & lose 2 pips + he should be matched only with the best survivors that can make be a challenge or even hackers since it's he only thing a Tunneler deserves. but the Devs don't care they only buff killers and killer perks, + every new killer has a new tryhard perk, while survivors after Laurie strode every survivor has pretty meh perks, I just stay in the game to see when it's going to eventually die since they only care about one side of the players, which is fine just delete the survivors since they nerf everything we have and make them AI maybe killer mains will stop crying ☺️

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Get caught and the consequences are out of your hands. It's all fair play and up to teammates to overcome.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    You for got to add efficient gens (genrush) to the title.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    When was the last time you had enough breathing room to go for 12 hooks.

    I'm usually at 2-3 gens done after 1 hook now days, so if people don't die on or right after 1st hook its a forgone conclusion.

  • beardedlucifer
    beardedlucifer Member Posts: 15

    I understand a killer that tunnels me or anyone with 0 deaths and at endgame, but since the 1st second of the game tunnel anyone is just frustrating, many killers have got decent 4k without tunneling and camping, I can't understand why someone enters the game with the need to ruin someone's day.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    That is the problem, it is nothing personal. There is no ill intent, it could be you, it could be the other guy, or the other one, or even the other one. If gens are flying and I want to keep playing, I need to turn it into a 3v1. I am not good enough at the game to stop people from ending the match in 5 minutes if three people are on gens. Do not worry, there is always next match where maybe that killer is good enough to 2 hook everyone before going for executions. But you deal with the cards you were given, I don't exactly like playing against those types of survivors either. But you do not see me complaining. I just do what I have to do.

  • beardedlucifer
    beardedlucifer Member Posts: 15

    Thing is I wouldn't mind but they just nerfed everything for us and it's unfair the killer will always catch you, I don't understand why I have to be frustrated? I'm not a pro I believe I'm decent and I'm always a team player, so I just hate that, many survivors already do nothing and practically work with the killer or don't do gens wait for us to die and take hatch, like that isn't enough they've nerfed anything that could help us against that, when you go solo it's 4v1 all over again.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542
    edited September 2021

    Did you ever stop and think why killers might tunnel,slug or camp people that bring in keys, keys are broken even more now that mori got nerfed big time. As a survivor don't play victim when you bring in key when you know they are broken and will get nerfed at some point,

    Killers got next to no warning that mori were going to be nerfed, why because ever killer would of used a mori like survivors are using keys?

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • beardedlucifer
    beardedlucifer Member Posts: 15

    Excuse me for trying to survive then? Just as you want to kill I want to survive the difference is I'm not targeting you specifically beating you in the head with the key, P.S. just because I know some killers are tryhards I most times leave the key at the hatch to pick up later ☺️ u wanna bring Franklin's? Fine by me. Don't play victim either keys aren't broken, and how will they nerf them exactly? They better not or if they do they should nerf everything else about killers too.

  • FIzzbin
    FIzzbin Member Posts: 21

    Game mechanics don't prevent it so the devs must think it's okay. In fact against solo queue, it's probably a great way to rise in MMR since you can probably always get 2+ kills doing it. Instead of blaming players, you probably should take up any complaints about it with Behaviour. After watching Otz's camping Leatherface test, I bet you could get to top MMR with Leatherface by just camping. Sounds like that is exactly how the devs want killers to play.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Even otz has started camping and is getting destroyed with 3 hooks 5 gen games. I would love to see your killer gameplay.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    As of now the majority games i dont tunnel or camp (have too) i also know my mmr is not low (also not saying its the highest) but i am not nieve, i understand why killers are doing this/survivors are rushing gens. Just get better and bring perks that compliment your weakness...This goes for both roles. Yes i have not 3-4k every single game but most still. Just finished a game with Plague and felt gens were flying but i brought no gen perks and they had 2 proves and 1 resilience...still got the 4k. Just got to step up with MMR.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    This is the problem I have with tunneling and camping... Killers will do it from the very start of the game. I wouldn't mind this strategy if it rarely happened but it's in almost all of my games. It's not ok to prevent a player from playing the game and it needs some changes.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Blame the game for not being balanced. Killers play nice and 3 gens pop, Killers play in an unfun way and Survivors lose and come to complain on forums.

    Maps are too big, Survivors have 0 secondary objectives, Killers are forced to waste time dealing with very strong loops, countless pallets on maps like The Game, have to break down doors to make some loops even remotely fair, soon they will have to hunt Boon totems.

    All Survivors have to do is Gens. That is all. As long as that remains, the game is not changing.

  • Ginger_ninja493
    Ginger_ninja493 Member Posts: 63
    edited September 2021

    I think you just need to accept that tunneling and camping is a strategy to secure kills nowadays, especially with sbmm. If you get tunnelled or camped just move onto the next match it usually isn't personal and is just the killer playing the game. If you are so worried or frustrated about it then just bring the usual meta perks like borrowed time or desisive strike. And before you go DS is useless after it's nerf then get a grip because it is an anti tunnel perk not a 60 second shield, if you have time to do a gen or heal then you aren't being tunneled. Even perks like kindred and camaraderie are useful against campers. If you bring a key then you are asking to be tunnelled out the match, keys are easy escapes with very little skill so why wouldn't the killer go for you to get rid of it?

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I just reached to higher sbmm, and suddenly all 4 matches I played (GF,Nurse,Wraith,Slinger) were hardcore tunnel that 1 guy had under 7000BP. The moment 1st hooked guy downed just 20sec later, all I think is slap the Gen real hard and ignore dull totems then escape with no Altruism. Despite I escaped all 4 matches. There was no fun in any of these matches, far worse than dying in non-tunneling matches.

    Gen rush & Tunnel/Camping goes for both side.

    Often I have 1-2 hooks as Trapper and all Gen done. Its easy to see Survivors start to toy with me to earn some Boldness when they know the Gates are ready. Often I got from 2 hooks into 4k after the last Gen done with End game build.

    Killer losing early doesnt mean he lose. Survivors losing early mean 3-4k.

  • coaltrain503
    coaltrain503 Member Posts: 87
    edited September 2021

    You want to complain that the devs only buff killers and nerf survivors, and are doing this a mere two days since the patch notes for Spirit's nerf got posted. Here is an idea: go play killer a ton, climb up to a decent mmr level, and then see which side is truly the weakest. See which side is truly in need of buffs. I ######### dare you. You survivors are not gonna rest until every past damn killer has been nerfed in to the ground, and you're second chance perks all recieve unneeded buffs while all killer perks become worthless, so that you all can switch your brains off and play on autopilot and pull easy wins out of your asses. All you have to do to win is sit on a gen and hold a button, and occasionally tap another. Quit your whining and get good

  • baseballfan4877
    baseballfan4877 Member Posts: 364

    they are just doing objective bro.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited September 2021

    This. I know how to deal with it and can easily do so, and those people trolling by claiming it's ok it's in the game and saying to learn to play around it don't want to recognise the real issue at hand: it's a game health issue.

    Plus we know for a fact that these people are doing it intentionally to ruin the fun of others, not to 'win' as a 'valid tactic.' You see it in their names, profiles, etc.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069
    edited September 2021

    Unless u feel like u can go 12 hooks play, u need to kill one guy in first 2-3 gens and then kill another one to keep pressure. Yeah, i know not everyone is happy to die so fast but otherwise efficient survivors just pop all 5 gens and run away leaving u with nothing.

    take your survivor rulebook and go play killer. I would rly like see your results with your way of thinking especially when u realize that only one side mains know nothing about other side but think they are good enough to judge.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Well, now go play killer for an extended period of time. Get decently good, climb the ranks a bit and then tell me how it works out for you.

    If the survivors are anywhere near decent, if they give you an opportunity to tunnel... you should take it.

    Do you when playing a survivor and see a gen at 75% completion with nobody on it, degressing... just leave it or finish it?

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Yet it is simply the other side of the coin, people that understand the game known how to stick to gens. If the killer wants to win, they need to snowball, it is simply how it is and tunneling is one of the reliable methods of doing so.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    This is a trick question. I tap the gen and then return to my immersed gameplay, far away from the inactive generators.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    Just like a lot of survivors are tryhards with the amount of 2nd chance perks that they have to use and items. Everyone knows that keys are broken right now apart from you even the devs have said a couple time kyes are getting changed, But your crying that they should nerf everything about killers just have a look at the mid year chapter post. Pretty much everything that has to do with killer is getting changed take spirit they are about to guy her and hive her a major nerf.

    But keep playing the victim card you are after all a survivor. killers should be nice to you and once your hooked they need to move to the other side off the map and wait for someone to save you. 🤣

    Edit: Typos

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The last time Survivors actually getting better was able to run Killer for 3 Gen. You know what happened next...

    1. Survivor should die in 2 hooks

    2. Survivor should do 6 Gen

    Something like that

  • SabunoHakia
    SabunoHakia Member Posts: 465

    Then don't bring a key and I won't bring Franklin's Demise and Tunnel because your a SWF and want to leave by 1 gen 2 gen I won't take it and don't blame me for imposing a make shift change in my playstyle.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited September 2021
    1. The game is literally designed as such that the survivor will go down no matter what, even if the matchmaking was incredibly unfair in favour of the survivor (as in first few killer games vs 1k hours player) by huge amounts;
    2. It doesn't matter if you yourself get camped or if it's a teammate, it destroys the flow of the game and is not how the game was designed to be.
    3. The lore literally counters the idea that this game's objective is to kill survivors for killer lol, just as escape isn't really the objective for the survivor; it's to make an interesting match occur in order to provide entertainment for the entity. That is why the points system is based on doing multiple different actions rather than allowing you to get a ton of points for just holding M1 as survivor, for example.
  • beardedlucifer
    beardedlucifer Member Posts: 15

    Long comment to defend tunneling lol

  • steponmeadiris
    steponmeadiris Member Posts: 225

    I don't know about perks, but based on your post, I think you could make good use of this.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    Lmao stop. It's part of the game, especially tunneling. Non-strategic facecamping is the only thing that needs work. It's the killer's job to win, not make sure you have fun and get every chance in the world to escape

  • bjohnston91
    bjohnston91 Member Posts: 2

    Ig ur defending the dumb tunneling crap which needs to have something done about cuz if u tunnel as well then ur one of the killers that makes the game so boring and pointless that u just say get good give me a break y don't u stop tunneling and play without tunneling and see how far u get and maybe survivors will actually respect killers instead of send hate messages to them all the time

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Devs will fix face camp they said if tgey can. Proxy camp is ok. For Tunneling and slugging you have perks to contrast it, and are optimal strategies like gen rush, to make the game easier for your side.

  • TonyDesfo
    TonyDesfo Member Posts: 5

    Tunneling or Proxy Camping, okay, I can accept. But BOTH in the same game, by the SAME killer? That's complete crap and it shouldn't be allowed

    Devs, do something about that or you'll keep loosing players at a quicker pace