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Best Killer to play Lethal Pursuer now?


After the changes to Lethal Pursuer I was thinking of testing it out again for fun,

Curious what your thoughts are on WHICH Killer benefits the most from Lethal Pursuer and what is the best 4 Perk combinations that you believe go well with it?

Trying to have some fun with it but would like to be effective.

I saw someone play Huntress with Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, Darkness Revealed, Floods of Rage, + Glowing Concossion Addon-on..

That was pretty nasty, I would like to try it but it's fairly addon reliant and I don't play Huntress, does anyone have a better or stronger build to use on any Killer? Please share! Thanks!

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  • Member Posts: 976

    I don't think it fits any one killer best imo it goes to any killer that can make the best use of multiple aura reading perks and any add ons if they have any.

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    Killers who are very mobile/ranged tend to get the most use out of it. The close range aura perks are great for mind gaming but typically have long cooldowns to balance them out. The longer range aura perks tend to have no cooldowns/much less restrictive.

    What balances that out is it's useless on most killers, a trapper knowing you're cross map is useful but he can't do much with that info. Nurse/blight/dredge/sadako/Freddy/demo/huntress can actually hurt you/get right on top of you quickly with that info.

    I love playing dredge with lethal + bbq + darkness revealed + use whatever you want(I like franklin's). You can also combo it with his addon aura reveals and you have wall hacks for days

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    It's goodfor any killer really, except setup killers.

    Even slow, cumbersome killers can make great use of it because it means that slow, chonky killer is going to waddle with CEETAINTY. A lot of people blow off just how useful certainty can be in such an uncertain game as Dead by Daylight.

  • Member Posts: 918

    IMO Wraith is a good contender, since he already abuses his raw move speed.

    Lethal, BBQ, Floods, and I prefer Nurses but I could see I'm All Ears or Lightborn if necessary.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    Any Killer... Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, I'm All Ears, Floods Of Rage

    Seems LP increases the aura reading time use that

    Gearhead might work seems they changed it... I THINK

    Hangman's Trick maybe... but it's useless right now

    The Dredge's aura reading perk (I don't know what it's called)

    Wraith with the aura reading addon... maybe

    Mickey with the aura reading addon... maybe

    Hag with the aura reading addon... maybe

    Pig with the aura reading addon... maybe

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Nurse. Slap on a map offering like Midwich or The Game and you’re basically guaranteed a hit in the first few seconds.

  • Member Posts: 918

    If you're willing to play the long game and accept that generators are going to get done, Wraith can be very, very mean with aura reading abilities.

    Take that from a player with at least 500+ hours on just Wraith. I feel it's stronger than just a maybe. Also, just like any killer, survivors who are SWFing and on coms will likely run circles around you. How hard depends on how mean you want to let yourself be.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,121

    Only exceptions is maybe dredge with darkness revealed

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    I was just answering the OP

    Seeing how they said they wanted to play with Lethal Pursuer

    Also I gave more then Wraith...

  • Member Posts: 918

    I'm aware you gave more than Wraith. My bias just went off and I responded. lmao.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Irihead huntress

  • Member Posts: 274

    I’m not sure which are his best perk combos but Lethal Pursuer works really well with the Hillbilly since you can just zoom across the map towards the nearest survivor! (Assuming you’re not in an indoor map..)

  • Member Posts: 597

    So I happen to used to be a Wraith main myself, probably at least 500+ hours on him as well and held Rank 1 with him way before the buffs and all the changes that were done... though I don't play him very much anymore,

    May I ask you, what your "Aura Reading" Wraith build looks like? Which Perks / Addons do you use? Thanks!

  • Member Posts: 597

    Based on what I have been reading, most people seem to agree it is:

    Blight, Dredge, Huntress for top.

    I'll have to try them all, it's too bad that I'm not really good at any of them lol, but perhaps it'll be fun to learn.

  • Member Posts: 2,025
    edited August 2022

    The killers that would use it most efficiently are obviously Nurse and Blight. But the killers that need it the most are probably Oni and Myers

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Demogorgon with I'm All Ears and Lethal Pursuer is pretty fun

  • Member Posts: 871

    Personally, I like to use the nurse with

    - Lethal pursuer

    - BBQ & Chili

    - I'm all ears

    - Floods of rage

    The advantage is that it gives me a lot of information.

    The disadvantage is that I have no perk to regress the generators, or to influence the health of the survivors.

    On other killers, a little Lethal pursuer with BBQ, to speed up the localization and the chase at the beginning of the game 😁

  • Member Posts: 775

    Nurse. She also gains huge value from BBQ which synergizes well with Lethal.

    If you liked old Corrupt for getting hints where survivors spawn, Lethal's worth using imo.

  • Member Posts: 244

    Myers just got an upgrade :) pair with any aura reading perks and his adds. Wall hacks Myers.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Legion is pretty good with it too.

    Being able to find the biggest cluster of survivors at the start is so good for them

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    edited August 2022


    You can get an early hook by approaching the survivors from a good angle and also synergize with Olsen's Address Book addon.

  • Member Posts: 662

    Sadako with tape editing deck and TV remote, it can make for some really exquisite early games.

  • Member Posts: 918

    before the rework I did BBQ, Nurses, Thrilling and Jolt. Sometimes I'd swap out Jolt for I'm All Ears.

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