If Reassurance becomes meta...

I'm running Slippery Meat, Up the Ante, and Vigo's Jar every game.
Only having 1 hook state really doesn't sound too bad if I know my teammates can make that hook state last for several minutes. Worth the risk, imo.
If its meta in current state lot of DCs a comin...
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As if a lot of people don’t DC already.
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If it's meta we may finally see a bandaid to camping be effective
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If? This perk is a dead lock to become meta.
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Cool you're fine with DCs just checking.
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Honestly I am not so sure Reassurance will become meta. Considering how close you need to get to the hook to proc the perk most of the killer roster can punish you for getting too close.
Leatherface in particular could simply wait until you get to 8 meters, then rev at you. If the hook is in the open and he has his charge tokens saved that's a down.
Don't get me wrong, this will certainly hinder basement Insidious Leatherface camping. However, as long as killers hook in the open and pay attention, this'll just be a new way to trade.
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Probably not with SWF groups, because they already can finish gens to deal with camping. But in solo queue this will be meta. Less for the camping though, and more to prevent your teammates from suiciding on hook. I absolutely will be running it to prevent those losers from leaving the game, hiding next to them and making them wait the full 4-5 minutes to die.
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Oh no I can't stand in front of someone as they're hooked and watch them die preventing a save because of some arbitrary reason I made up to justify this action within a video game, I'm gonna have to just dc instead of adjusting my playstyle to the perks I know to be in play!
God grow up
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If it stays as is, I would expect so.
Don't want to assume too much, however, because I do think it has heavy griefing potential.
This perk is one patch away from "camping is dead" to "lol, people actually use Reassurance?"
I don't actually see many people using it in the PTB
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TLDR run-on sentence
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TL:DR if you dc because you can't facecamp instead of adapting your playstyle you are the 2nd most childlike type of players out there second exclusively to cheaters. Grow up.
(also, a run-on? Really? You do know the basics of complex sentence structure when used with conjunctions and punctionation, don't you? Because that really wasn't a run-on sentence.)
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Uhhh i’m not???? But okay
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I feel like it needs to deactivate in end game. Maybe only allow it to work once per survivor per hook state.
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Do you need to remain within 8 meters after activating or can you activate then go work on a gen? If you have to stay within 8 meters that's guaranteed 30 seconds of 2 survivors off gens.
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You do not need to stay near the survivor. I have been pairing it with Breakout, Dead Hard & Saboteur, and I activate Reassurance the moment the survivor is hooked (whenever I fail to help them wiggle off) then take the killer on a chase elsewhere.
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Honestly, I'm hoping it becomes meta. That just means survivors waste a perk slot whenever I face them.
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Once you activate Reassurance, you're free to leave the area and do what you want. The survivor will have the 30s hook timer freeze regardless if you stay or not. I played a few games yesterday where I kept on going back to a nearby gen for 15-20 seconds between each reapplication of Reassurance, only going back to reapply it when there was ~1/4 left on the cooldown progress.
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It's 6 meters, and no you don't have to stay, that wouldn't make sense. The idea is to give your teammate more time against a camper so you can keep doing gens.
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So you admit that you want to use the perk for griefplay?
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and if killer players DC because of it then they are babies
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I don't see this effecting me as a killer too much. I already don't camp (if I can help it) and won't be put into many situations where this will annoy me.
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No, i'm using it to prevent griefing. I personally think they should remove the hook suicide mechanic entirely and keep it perk based to prevent people like you from ragequitting.
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You shouldnt draw conclusions about how i play survivor, i rarely ever do.
No you dont want to prevent griefing. You admitted that you intend to hold people hostage at the hook.
Thats griefplay. Sorry.
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So, instead of them throwing the game for every survivor, you will do that as well.
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I'm a survivor main. I just like seeing how emotional people on this forum become, it's comic relief for me. Your near 20k posts says it all, grow up.
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I disagree on the number of times, camping can be done at every stage of the game and the best, most strongest camp is the one done right after a rehook. Camping should be thorougly punished and should have a basekit hard counter, since we cant have basekit things because the forum will be flooded by a river of Killer tears it has to be a perk, at least make it formidable.
I agree during EGC it should deactivate just to stop people holding the game for an absurd amount of time with barely any chance to do anything but trading hooks.
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Why should camping be thoroughly punished?
How about thoroughly punishing gen rushing,t-bagging, clicky clicky and general disrespect?
Of course we cant have that because the forums would be flooded with survivor tears.
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First, dont derail the thread with pointless whataboutism, we are talking about a new perk that may become meta in response to a rampant strategy used by Killers, we are not debating Killers getting tilted by tbaging or their ineptitude on applying pressure to stop the gens, make your own thread if you want to talk about that.
Second, spam clicking flashlights got changed so it cant be done anymore and tbagging doesnt give the Survivors any kind of advantage, there is no reason to counter something that doesnt have any impact on game mechanics, its like countering the Killer nodding while carrying someone.
Third, genrushing gets countered with stalling perks and with Killers leaving the hook to search for other Survivors so they can ramp up the pressure, if you dont understand how this two things counter genrushing you need to git gud.
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You have so many posts but you still dont seem to understand the problems in the game.
You still didnt answer my question and it has something to do with the new perk.
If you would know anything about the gameplay, especially in high mmr then you would be aware of the situation that killers face mostly swf "troops". And there is very little you can do against them, well maybe playing Nurse. Its not about git gud, thats just incredibly short sighted and shows a total ignorance towards the problems in the game.
"Sometimes" camping is a necessary tool. Maybe you should ask yourself why that is?
This new perk is just going to make the situation worse.
In high mmr survivors are the power role. But most people are totally unwilling to acknowledge this, much less accepting it.
You dont believe it? There are more than enough experienced killer main streamers, Just watch their matches and you will notice a pattern.
High mmr swf survivors can be a menace.
The new perk will make it even easier for the high mmr survivor swfs to win games.
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Ill humor you, camping needs a tool to be punished because its a rampant strategy Solos cant efficiently counter because they lack information, especially after stuff like Deadlock and the 10 extra seconds per gen introduction, if you camp a Solo team at 4 gens almost universally youll get 3K with barely any effort.
Sometimes camping may be necessary? It may be, but something like a counter is still needed even in those situations, sometimes genrushing is necessary yet Deadlock still activates, doesnt it?
Real high MMR streamers rake in 4K after 4K, go watch Lilith Omen or Lynxi, they get 4Ks most of their matches, maybe the high rank streamers you watch are not as good as you believe they are and got there by smashing Solos.
High MMR SWF Survivors are a menace? Yes, and they should be, or do you expect the Survivor team to be just bots without any chance of escaping?
The new perk will do nothing for good SWFs, they dont need anything to deal with campers, they just say "he is camping, do gens" over comms and call it a day.
Now my offtopic question, are you afraid your reliance on camping may come to an end?
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good campers don't know how to play the game anyways if you gotta camp to get kills you aren't playing correctly
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I dont think that you would get a 3k against a solo group with camping.
People would do gens.
We already have anti camping mechanisms with basekit BT and all the others endurance perks.
Combined with reassurance it will be a nightmare for killers. But maybe thats what this game needs.
"If" the situation will get out of hand the amount of people playing killer will drop and that would lead to........well.......
I would imagine the streamers you talk about are Nurse mains yes? If so thats not a surprise. A good nurse player can destroy most high mmr swfs.
But i dont think that they could rake in one 4k after another playing Trapper or Deathslinger on The Game for example.
Or any map that has an insane amount of pallets.
No i dont expect high mmr swfs to be easy to play against, but it should be reasonable.
To answer your question, personally i dont really care about the new perk in the lobbies i play because i rarely camp.
If i do camp its people who get out of their way to annoy me with t-bags, clickies, silly gesturing and general disrespect.
The new perk will be a boon to these people.
Too bad we dont have a system in place to counter disrespectful people like that and we never will.
As far as i remember someone working at a certain company even said that they made t-bagging more satisfying, giggling while saying so.
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when and how was spam clicking flashlights got changed?
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My concern is the potential for abuse by swf. As I said though it is a maybe in my mind. I'm not sure yet if it will be needed.
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It's certainly open to abuse - trivial example, someone with it can just stand on the floor above the hook on multi-floor maps & above Basement and the killer won't even be able to detect them.
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You’re stooping to their level just to get a little revenge? LETS GOO I forced someone to play 5+ minutes of a game I was already gonna lose. Just as immature as a DC/suicide on hooker. But hey you do you lol.
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This isn't a perk high MMR swfs will need or likely use. They have comms and can effectively counter camping. This is a perk that will benefit your average solo survivor.
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Yes, I've made a bunch of comments here, nearly 50% of which are non-serious shitposts. What's your point
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Inb4 "the pickrate for reassurance is too high for our liking, so we're adjusting it a little bit. It now requires two safe unhooks to use."