Console players, get ready for your frames to drop every 10 seconds.

Remember the res evil tentacle man chapter and what it did to our consoles? Get the fire extinguisher out guys.
I'm expecting the new rpds to be disabled day one like the last resident evil chapter
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I think my Series X can handle DBD... For now.
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Remember? It was never fixed.
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How will the Nintendo Switch cope with this chapter. I can't even.
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*laughs in PS5*
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Omg hello again Yamaoka welcome back !!
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I got a PS5 because of the last RE Chapter. Let's hope it will suffice
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Considering the performance drops I have on Haddonfield and Garden of Pain, I shudder to think of Wesky
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Easy fix: Play on PC.
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Easy fix.
BHVR puts 60 FPS on Console like they promised.
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Me to BHVR:
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Not everyone "has" or can afford a pc, "not" an easy fix lol
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Wasn't here for that . I'm on the very first xbox one , am I in for a reeeeeal fun time with this ptb?(sarcasm of course)
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Hey there! Glad to see you're still active on the forums. Hope life is treating you well :)
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When I heard about the animations the survivors have when infected by Wesker my first thought was "that's going to cause performance issues on console." 😂
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If my Series X can handle Elden Ring on Graphics mode, I'm sure it will be just fine.
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They promised something they cant make either they would need trillions of money or they cant on the hardware.
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Well i dunno maybe the cost of the PS5 500e in my country and some money save ypu can buy a pc that run it better than console
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The thing is elden ring havent got spaguetti code since release
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Plenty of games look way better and have way more going on than DBD and they run better on the OG Xbox One.
Overwatch, CoD, Battlefield, Sea of Thieves, Battlefront II, ect ect
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Studios that actually make ganes with some code sense not dbd.
I think devs just made a port somehow of this game and there were or arent thinking of making a console one instead too much money
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I've played against Wesker on those maps and I didn't lag at all (I play on ultra as well). Even the RPD map was fine for me.
To the OP- I have a high-end gaming PC and an Xbox Series X. Shouldn't lag
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Like once a game, my entire computer starts chugging for a solid 3 seconds.
The game freezes and then suddenly I'm teleported to wherever I was originally heading.
Anyone else been experiencing this in the PTB?
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"high-end gaming PC"
found it. You're just brute forcing through.
I'll wait to see if we have another RE disaster patch this year. The original PTB for Nemesis didn't have any of the console destroying issues
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Nope, I've been playing on the PTB for a while and haven't experienced any lag (I've played on most maps). I play on ultra as well.
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I assume you experienced rubber-banding before it was patched in 6.1?
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Could be. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how bad it is after the chapter releases to everyone. I hope it doesn't lag too much for you guys.
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I have experienced that on the live servers before but not on the PTB.
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That dosnt count cause ur on PC
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sorry most pc setups are almost 1000 dollars and beyond not everyone has the income for that
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Especially people that play dbd all day and jave no job like most of us. Also console justs more relaxing
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Not a valid solution. Remember there's no Cross Progression, so even if we could afford a decent PC that can handle DBD we'd also have to rebuy the game, the dlc's, and any wanted cosmetics. And then comes the best part: releveling all characters from scratch. You know the grind of this game, no matter what changes have been made recently.
They could, and I'm just spitballing wildly here, maybe better optimize their game for us all. And as @Pulsar mentioned those 60 frames would come in clutch with this upcoming update...
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not to mention some of us who have been playing for years lose all our progress lol. They act like it's so easy.