There is no way this can exist in game

Circle of Healing + Botany = infinite supplies of medkits healing at 100% speed.
Absolutely insane, I don't know how this can exist in the game.
Yep that's a perk combo that exists in dbd.
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Well i think that's exactly the reason why self-care was nerfed, coh not touched and botany buffed.
"Meta change" from one infinite healing method to another.
Just like all the "meta shakeup" they did. Nerf one kind of perks but directly substitute them with something close to equally strong and watch the pick rates if the new stuff be the exact same as the sledgehammer nerfed old meta. Same ######### with a new branding.
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You are using two perk slots to be able to get that healing speed.
You can still get faster speeds with medkits with the locker refill perk
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I am using 1 perk slot to get infinite 16 seconds heals.
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Yeah discounting the fact that boons affect the entire team isn't it.
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Does Botany actually stack with CoH for healing yourself? I stopped running those 2 together because I didn't notice any difference between regular CoH self-healing.
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I mean yeah healing builds are pretty strong but if it ever actually becomes meta as in if i start encountering 1-2 boons each match, im just bringing shattered hope and shutting that down entirely. Aint that neat.