Survivors have forgotten what tunneling is.


Tunneling is when a killer does everything in his/her power to get someone out of the game, ignoring other survivors, gens, winning and all that which is why its called tunneling, tunnel vision. But now people complain about tunneling after a survivor body blocks with bt or off the record, or even if the killer randomly finds the previous survivor they hooked, 1minute after the person was hooked. They even call it tunneling if the survivor is self caring under the hook like come on, thats the survivor playing poorly, not the killer tunneling.


  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    To be fair, self caring under the hook doesnt mean the killer is not tunneling. It just means stupid survivor made it easy. But yes, while tunneling and camping is a problem, a lot of things that are neither are declared as such.

    Like, if the killer finds a survivor after a hook, and the survivor runs all the way to the hook, the killer is not camping, no matter how much player want to call it that. Same with tunneling.

    But also, i have seen more than one killer that go out of their way to not tunnel, and give a fair game. Those often stay to this even if it looses them the game. Well, they lose with more style than others win with.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Eh, survivor talk from their perspective. Survivor A doesnt see that while they were on the hook you already chased and injured 1 guy, chased downed and hooked another guy and then found survivor A again after they got unhooked and downed and hooked them. Survivor A sees that they got unhooked and they got downed and hooked again.

    To them its hard tunneling. They dont care that you chased 1 guy, downed another, hooked 1 guy and then went after them. Which is idiotic but i mean, this is not a thinking mans game so who cares.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,714

    It's long been held that healing under the hook is better than running off to the corner of the map to heal.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Healing from others maybe. If you heal yourself under the hook though, you are turning off otr and ds and putting yourself at the killers mercy.

    Maybe the average survivor thinks that wise, the average survivor is also pretty ######### at the game.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Yes... Because we have no information about our fellow team mates health states and hook stages?

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    You get the aura when some one is downed and you also get the aura when some one is hooked

    Do you not?

  • FridayNightPizza
    FridayNightPizza Member Posts: 611

    Its impossible for them to admit they got outplayed so resort to crying about tunneling and camping to keep their ego intact. I try to be as fair as possible in my games but they still find a way to say the same old stuff. It's boring.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    They have never known what it is, you could have a very old DS where it only deactivated after 60seconds and you'll find someone on a gen completely healed running DS but still get called a tunneler if you go after them when DS deactivated...

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Did someone call you tunneler? Oh no

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,491

    Tunneling was never really well-defined like that and survs have called stuff like what you described in OP as tunneling since the very beginning though.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I was called a tunneler when I hooked a Jake and walked off to follow a Gen pop lead. I'm halfway there when they rescue the Jake so I turn around and chase a Claudette she rounded a gym and I followed and heard running so I lunched a attacked and locked down the I hook him and look for the Claudette....a few seconds later they rescued Jake and i ignore it because the Claudette was my target and to give them time to heal the Jake. I follow scratch marks to the shake and I look in a locker and guess who I find I hook and kill him...after that I hook and kill Claudette as the other escape.

    In the chat they all accused me of Tunneling the Jake I said no I didn't each time Jake ran into me, they then said well he's a Baby Jake and you should of let him go....

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,491

    Yeah. It happens, even unintentionally.

    but that’s nothing new and the accusations are also nothing new..

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Aye, which is part of the perception one should have. The information is there to analyze whether you are being tunneled or not.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2022

    It's the same reason I scoff at people who say they get tunneled every game. I can guarantee you they have no idea what tunneling is, or they're leaving out some detail that makes killers want to tunnel them in the first place. But it doesn't stop there because you have to understand that if the killer is having a rough time, they're going to tunnel someone or they'll just lose in the first place, and while that is tunneling, I suggest you don't confuse someone who feels forced to do it with someone who does it right from the start. But some people have a very difficult time understanding why someone does or does not do something.

  • GiveMeTheBox
    GiveMeTheBox Member Posts: 331

    Agreed. I remember one time a Nea bodyblocked me right after coming off hook... No BT, OTR, DS, then she complained when I downed and hooked her again. Fun times.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Tunneling is when a killer does everything in his/her power to get someone out of the game, ignoring other survivors, gens, winning and all that

    If the killer player is ignoring other survivors and gens they are more likely going to lose not win.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Depends. Average survivors unhook as soon as you give them the opportunity. That means you can hook some one 3 times in as little as a minute sometimes. Smarter survivors sit on gens even when some one is hooked and try to save closer to struggle time/ death time in order to be time efficient.

    Hell, most of the strategies depend on how time efficient survivors are. Thing is the usual survivor is pretty damn inefficient with their time because of the lack of information in the base game.

    Is some one else going for the save? Who knows. Is there anybody closer to the hook than you? Beats me. Is the killer staying around the hook or moving in a certain direction? Good question. Is the killer coming in your direction? Perhaps. Killers in your area looking to hook you up? Click here!

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    I was just going off of what OP said "winning and all that"


    But I was Referring to OP's part about tunneling not hooks

    If the killer is chasing someone that can loop and juke while the other survivors are just working on gens " ignoring other survivors, gens" the killer is more likely to lose.

    As long as that survivor that's getting tunnel out the game is keeping the killer in chase for all three hook stages or not going down at all the killer will lose.

  • Blackboar22
    Blackboar22 Member Posts: 19

    But survivor a can see when people get injured, downed and hooked

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Well yes, but they dont care. Only thing that matters is how it made them feel.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    Me: *sees a survivor get unhooked in my face by their careless teammate*

    Also me: *hits them for a STBFL stack and lets them run off and mend, then downs their careless teammate*

    Survivor: "Tunneling camper, tunnel harder"

    Me: 🙄

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    Every case is different.

    You can't compare getting tunneled by the Nurse with KLB+HP, the Spirit with MDR etc. to getting tunneled by the Pig. One is like a ride on Tokyo bullet train, while the other is a drive through the NYC Midtown tunnel during rush hour.

    In the case of the former, it's almost guaranteed you will spend more time hanging on a hook than doing anything else, and no BT+DS combo will save you; their ability to cover large distances allows them to implement this strategy with little to no cost in terms of map pressure . The latter will typically have to make a deliberate decision to stay within a reasonable distance of the hook to make the tactic viable.