Solution to Lobby Dodging and Queue Times on Console

Hello Devs ..

Here is a Simple Fix you should consider to lobby dodging and Long Queue times . 😁 

● Survivor Items are not visible to killer in pre-match lobby .

● Removal of Geo-location Search Restrictions from PS4 and Xbox one Making the priority based on Rank only and then it expands to closer Ranks .

If you agree to this Vote up please so Devs notice this and Fix it ASAP .

Thank you for Reading.


  • clunker
    clunker Member Posts: 8

    Also punish killers for dodging.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Can we also remove the Leave Lobby button for Survivors? /s
    I get dodged by way more Survivors than i dodge them.
    And no, it's not the ping, perfectly fine greens also leave.

  • Arsoul
    Arsoul Member Posts: 320

    Start increasing the timer for each dodged match.
    5 secs for first
    15 for second
    10 mins

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    Lobby-dodging isnt a problem. Making items invisible is a bad choice because then so many killer perks will be irrelevant. 
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    I see more dodges from survivors using the same appearance than item selection. I've started switching outfits and characters just as a curtousy.
  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236
    Remove SWF. Instant fix.
    It happens in Solo more than often .. it's not fun when you wait 15-20 minutes and then the killer decides to leave because you and others were carrying items . 
  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    @Maj33y said:
    Tzeentchling9 said:

    Remove SWF. Instant fix.

    It happens in Solo more than often .. it's not fun when you wait 15-20 minutes and then the killer decides to leave because you and others were carrying items . 

    blame the devs for making survivors load in at the same time more often to try to mask swfs. survivors used to dodge to get the same lobby until swf was introduced, why wouldn't killers do the same until they get a team they're sure won't be coordinated?

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236
    KingB said:
    Lobby-dodging isnt a problem. Making items invisible is a bad choice because then so many killer perks will be irrelevant. 
    I don't Think it'd have any effect on killer perks . 

    The only two I can think of are Franklin's Demise and Lightborn . 

    For Franklin's it's situational and it's up to you either you want to run it or save the slot for another perk besides survivors can still find items in chests . So it won't effect it . 

    Some killers might have Lightborn if they see survivors carrying flashlights . But then they can see what they were holding once the game loads and it's avoidable easily .. just face a wall . Hit other Survivors before pick up .. look up .. turn etc . 

    The only effect it'd have is improve Queue times .
  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236
    Boss said:

    Can we also remove the Leave Lobby button for Survivors? /s
    I get dodged by way more Survivors than i dodge them.
    And no, it's not the ping, perfectly fine greens also leave.

    Agree . Also some Survivors leave for no Reason . And the game takes forever sometimes to find a 4th Player after someone leaves . So maybe there should be some kind of a penalty for that too . 

    Removing the button . Will make them Disconnect and Reconnect causing possible server issues .

    So maybe having a - 20 % Blood points gains for the next match .

    But it's more complicated and would be unfair if someone left because of a high ping and got a penalty . 
  • Lagoni
    Lagoni Member Posts: 180

    @clunker said:
    Also punish killers for dodging.

    Do you see ping on console? Cause i dodge around 3 lobbies per game i play on PC because some guy using wireless internet with 300+ ping keeps readying up without realizing, i don't want to play with him.
    But I never really have queue problems. I don't know why. Even on PC when people complain about long queue times, i insta-queue as both survivor and killer (sometimes there are queues as killer, but not that crazy).
    Maybe its just people who use wireless internet that gets long queues, because no one is a "good match"?

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    That would just lead to even less people playing killer and therefore longer lobby waiting times for survivors.

    Killers don't dodge items to annoy survivors but because the game isn't balanced and certain items are too powerful.

    To help with lobby waiting times, the devs would need to make some changes so that playing killer becomes more appealing.

    Meanwhile, you could not bring items to increase your changes in not getting dodged. I usually don't bring items, it works for me.

    And you could play killer, of course. That would help other players with the waiting times.

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236
    @moderator .. is it possible to lock this discussion from posting but keep it for votes only ? Thank you 
  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    It’s a big issue on PS4, when i’m playing solo and I join into a game certain killers will see an item or a prestige survivor or a survivor with good cosmetics and then wants to back out just so they can cherry pick their games. Grow a pair and take the lobby.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Maj33y said:
    @moderator .. is it possible to lock this discussion from posting but keep it for votes only ? Thank you 
  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    @Maj33y said:
    Hello Devs ..

    Here is a Simple Fix you should consider to lobby dodging and Long Queue times . 😁 

    ● Survivor Items are not visible to killer in pre-match lobby .

    ● Removal of Geo-location Search Restrictions from PS4 and Xbox one Making the priority based on Rank only and then it expands to closer Ranks .

    If you agree to this Vote up please so Devs notice this and Fix it ASAP .

    Thank you for Reading.

    If i see a SWF joining my lobby i'll dodge, if i see a toolbox i'll dodge, if i see 2 flashlights or 2 med kits i'll dodge.

    If your dislike being dodge, play alone without itens equipped.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    It’s funny how you didn’t take the time to read the other thread discussing the exact same thing. You are obviously a newbie, as you don’t have any idea how many times the devs have talked about this, nor do you have any idea of where they stand. Try watching some dev streams, and maybe you’ll learn a little.

    To put you out of your misery TL;DR, the devs have stated that this is all working as intended. ENJOY!

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    @clunker said:
    Also punish killers for dodging.

    This is the most idiot comment i ever read.
    I don't dodge as i lve to play vs swf ... but not all killers are going to face your 4 men DS, DH. ADren, BT, instaheal with teabag on the door ...

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    @BoxingRouge said:
    It’s a big issue on PS4, when i’m playing solo and I join into a game certain killers will see an item or a prestige survivor or a survivor with good cosmetics and then wants to back out just so they can cherry pick their games. Grow a pair and take the lobby.

    Actually you are a Hero playing solo ... cuz i onlyface swf bully's ...
    Rank 1

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    @Maj33y said:
    Boss said:

    Can we also remove the Leave Lobby button for Survivors? /s

    I get dodged by way more Survivors than i dodge them.

    And no, it's not the ping, perfectly fine greens also leave.

    Agree . Also some Survivors leave for no Reason . And the game takes forever sometimes to find a 4th Player after someone leaves . So maybe there should be some kind of a penalty for that too . 

    Removing the button . Will make them Disconnect and Reconnect causing possible server issues .

    So maybe having a - 20 % Blood points gains for the next match .

    But it's more complicated and would be unfair if someone left because of a high ping and got a penalty . 

    I was being sarcastic with my first sentence, i put an /s to make that clear.
    But i guess you didn't know. It's fine, just saying. :p

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    @Bug_Reporter said:
    If i see a SWF joining my lobby i'll dodge, if i see a toolbox i'll dodge, if i see 2 flashlights or 2 med kits i'll dodge.

    Do you seriously avoid a single toolbox? What are you so afraid of? This is a bigger problem than SWF is. Half of the time they all go down trying to save a single teammate. Maybe I need to raise my Killer rank higher but at my level DS only buys them an extra 6 seconds before they're down again.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Remove SWF. Instant fix.
    *insert LOLbutton*
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    :) This ^^^^^^^

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    Survivor queue on console are high because there's not enough killers, simple. There's not much incentive to play killer, the devs need to find a way to make the killer role more attractive, otherwise survivor queue are going to stay long.

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236
    Boss said:

    @Maj33y said:
    Boss said:

    Can we also remove the Leave Lobby button for Survivors? /s

    I get dodged by way more Survivors than i dodge them.

    And no, it's not the ping, perfectly fine greens also leave.

    Agree . Also some Survivors leave for no Reason . And the game takes forever sometimes to find a 4th Player after someone leaves . So maybe there should be some kind of a penalty for that too . 

    Removing the button . Will make them Disconnect and Reconnect causing possible server issues .

    So maybe having a - 20 % Blood points gains for the next match .

    But it's more complicated and would be unfair if someone left because of a high ping and got a penalty . 

    I was being sarcastic with my first sentence, i put an /s to make that clear.
    But i guess you didn't know. It's fine, just saying. :p

    I knew that ... but it's an actual issue as well with survivors . Have a good day
  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236

    Survivor queue on console are high because there's not enough killers, simple. There's not much incentive to play killer, the devs need to find a way to make the killer role more attractive, otherwise survivor queue are going to stay long.

    On the long run it's also starting to affect the number of survivors playing the game .. this needs an immediate fix.
  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @Arsoul said:
    Start increasing the timer for each dodged match.
    5 secs for first
    15 for second
    10 mins

    No idea why this wasn't implemented for anyone 'dodging' killer or survivor. Lets make the first dodge a freebie, in the event you get a terrible ping. Though the timing should greatly increase after that.

    5 minutes for second
    15 minutes
    1 hour
    1 day
    1 week

    Accruing time penalty resets once a month!

    Players might think that's crazy, but we want this to stop. Not make it inconvenient.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I don't dodge on Xbox...

    ...except for when I'm ruthlessly hunting down my friends to mori them 🤣

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    The solution is simple the event is over. I'm going to play something else till the next chapter comes. Problem solved. For me at least.

  • bambusratte_xD
    bambusratte_xD Member Posts: 39
    Another Option would be to give a % bonus to xp and bp for playing a specific role. If there are to many survivors give killer a bonus, to many killers give the bonus for playing survivor. EZ lobby fix
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Arsoul said:
    Start increasing the timer for each dodged match.
    5 secs for first
    15 for second
    10 mins

    No idea why this wasn't implemented for anyone 'dodging' killer or survivor. Lets make the first dodge a freebie, in the event you get a terrible ping. Though the timing should greatly increase after that.

    5 minutes for second
    15 minutes
    1 hour
    1 day
    1 week

    Accruing time penalty resets once a month!

    Players might think that's crazy, but we want this to stop. Not make it inconvenient.

    Cool! So I get some high ping players in a row and can't play for hours or a week?
    I'll just quit playing then.
    This sure as hell will improve your queues!

    How about you play killer instead?
  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475

    Almost a month without opening DBD.

    I never dodged a SWF, never in almost a year main killer.

    But a reward is needed for the bully and childish sessions.

    I did not uninstalled with the hope something change. Untill there ... enjoy lobby queues LOL.

    Honestly ... 10 years old child should not play this game ...

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Nah. There's a lack of killers for a reason. Or multiple reasons should I say. Unless those reasons get addressed, the game won't reach the golden 4 to 1 ratio ever.