let’s talk about the plague shall we…

notdragonite Member Posts: 80
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

hear me out on this one.

i love plague, she is a great killer and hands down one the strongest in the game right now. but that’s the problem, she is a little too strong.

whenever i face against a plague, the game is unwinnable and in general really really boring. the constant cleansing, and then if you don’t cleanse you die, if you do cleanse you die. so and so.

the unfun part about her is the fact that her chases make for some really boring plays and in general aren’t really fun at all. if you are infected, it’s a 1 hit down and it’s generally really annoying. say if you aren’t infected and she has corrupt purge, you’re just dead no matter what you do.

so in the mid chapter that will come roughly around halloween time, i have some changes for plague that could make her slightly better to play against and yes these changes may gut her, but just know these are solely my opinion and i do not want people to get upset and attack me for it. thank you i’m advance.


• added a unique terror radius and chase track for the plague

• the pools of devotion will be very spread out and will generally be placed nearer to the corners of the map

• survivors that cleanse at a pool of devotion will now take 6 seconds to finish the action if not fully infected, the will be doubled to 12 seconds if they are fully infected

• the plague will receive an add on pass to generally make her addons more up to date and make a fine line between an iri addon to a brown add on

VILE PURGE changes:

• survivors will now become fully infected in one minute, this is sped up if they interact with things that are already infected

• survivors that are fully infected will become broken and will now become exhausted for 30 seconds after becoming fully infected (still won’t go down if the survivor is running)

• vile purge will remain active on an infected window, pallet, gen or totem for 90 seconds


• corrupt purge now remains active for 45 seconds (can be altered with addons)

• 2 survivors can no longer be damaged by the one corrupt purge spew

• make it so the windup time for corrupt purge is 4.5 seconds for a fully wound up corrupt purge

• make it so the plague moves at a base of 4.0 m/s whilst charging corrupt purge

• a small period of time will be introduced so that the plague can no longer do a tiny windup of corrupt purge and instantly use it. this will be a 0.75s period

• make it so corrupt purge is now cancelled by all stuns (right now is only pallets). this includes ds, head on, flashlight saves etc.

again these changes are solely my opinion and i know these generally will make an already unused killer possibly even more unused, but in general when i face a plague i immediately just think “ugh another plague, time for a boring match”. you will probably be thinking, why should these changes be in place for one person? why should the devs change for you? again this is just my opinion, and just some changes i think should come into play. even if they all don’t come, in general some should be considered.

also if there is any mistakes i have made in typing, sorry and try understand the proper spelling i meant. also for the corrupt purge change where it says 2 survivors can no longer be damaged by the one corrupt purge, i mean in the one windup and puke, not the actual whole corrupt purge. i would also like to make a change for corrupt purge in which the windup movement speed is 4.0 m/s, not 4.2 and this can be altered with new addons for the plague.

anddddd, i know there is a tome challenge that requires the use of corrupt purge on 2 survivors in the one spew, but i would change this challenge and make it so that you have to spew on 3 different survivors in the one corrupt purge DURATION (meaning hit 3 different survivors in 45 seconds), do this 2 times in one match.

Post edited by notdragonite on


  • notdragonite
    notdragonite Member Posts: 80
    edited August 2022

    again these are solely my opinion and shouldn’t be taken and criticised too much. thank you.

    Post edited by notdragonite on
  • notdragonite
    notdragonite Member Posts: 80
    edited August 2022
    Post edited by notdragonite on
  • HNTR_Green
    HNTR_Green Member Posts: 30

    I am mostly ok with this (as a Plague main for killer) except the idea of repeated puke not speeding up infection rate. Right now the daily challenge for Plague requires us to hit 4 survivors with our M1 when they are fully infected. If you make it so only interacting with infected objects speeds it up or it takes a full minute to finish, you are making this challenge near impossible to complete in one match. Most of the other stuff I'm ok with, but not something that directly hinders completion of a daily challenge. If you think plague players were toxic before, this will encourage them to tunnel infected people off hook for that thing alone.

  • notdragonite
    notdragonite Member Posts: 80

    yeah tbh looking back at it, it is a stupid idea and i think it is a bit obnoxious.

  • BubbleBuster
    BubbleBuster Member Posts: 387

    imo this is another soloQ issue.

    Plague is fine to play against but if teammates cant communicate, people will cleanse when they shouldnt and not call out where she is while having corrupt purge.

    IMO she would be a fine killer if the devs would finally implement some sort of communication system (not voice chat) for soloQ

  • notdragonite
    notdragonite Member Posts: 80

    as much as it is a solo queue issue, swf can still struggle against plague.

    there isn’t much counter play to plague and these changes were generally made to introduce some sort of counter play and make it a little bit easier against plague.

    because again she just feels boring and dull to play against. it’s just not fun going against her.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,182

    People struggle against Plague? I mean, if they are using the 2 different apple addons, I would agree, those things are way too strong and make Plague super easy imo, but Plague is fine outside of that. Maybe fix Vile Purge validation on Console while they are at it.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    There is already a base of 6 pools of devotions on a trial. Plague just also has some addons to increase or decrease that number.

    And honestly your changes don't really seem to accomplish any kind of goal. You want to remove the Plague's ability to fully infect someone via Vile Purge, but then Vile Purge largely just becomes puke on objects to either stall or force infections or apply after you've down a survivor. It takes away from her theme and don't see it as necessary change. It feels more like changing her for the sake of changing rather than trying to accomplish anything.

    How often is Plague with Corrupt Purge actually hitting multiple survivors in your games? The only situation where that really happens is at unhooks and survivors have a base endurance for 5 seconds upon being unhook so that's not really an issue anymore. Not to mention you want to nerf her corrupt purge charge time by 2 whole seconds. That's an insane amount of time.

    It doesn't feel like you really play Plague and just want to make her easy to play against.

  • notdragonite
    notdragonite Member Posts: 80

    i respect your opinion. but i do actually play plague, quite a lot actually. but even playing plague is generally boring because she just wins. she just does aswell. it’s a mindless killer. you don’t necessarily have to have a brain to play plague. you just do. so i would appreciate if you didn’t patronise me for a start thank you.

  • notdragonite
    notdragonite Member Posts: 80

    if you don’t like what i say, that’s fine. you are entitled to an opinion go on. but don’t come here and patronise me and act like you know how i play the game or who i play the game as and in general act like you know me. my opinion is my opinion, i don’t need you coming here and basically telling me my opinion is trash, no one’s opinion is trash when it comes to killer fixes in dbd because it’s just a game and in the end of the day, i’m entitled to that an opinion. so don’t patronise me and don’t tell me my opinion is essentially bad.