My first 3 SOLO-Q games today - all against nurses

Yeah SOLO-Q games are kind of tuff, making it worse this game becoming The Nurse simulator.
All 3 games - 3 nurses, last one with build : distressing, agitation, starstruck, scourge hook: floods of rage + purple range adon, green adon to recharge blink.
Not sure if I should play more today tho, wondering if next game ll be nurse again.
This is what happends when you have S tier base kit and allows you to stack so many good stuff with it (instadown perks, good addons, etc.).
Nerf. Nurse. Thanks.
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Yea it’s been rough bro. I’m starting to build a resilience to the bullshit with all these damn ragequitters compounding on top of everything. My sessions just last a lot shorter. No more 3 hour sessions, that’s for sure.
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They're probably just trying to get as many bloodpoints as possible before her add-ons get gutted.
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I would had switch to killer for a bit, in my opinion.
You could try again after her add-on get nerfed in three weeks and see how it goes form there.
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Yeah nurse is way too popular, I get nurses many times in a row too. People like ez mode.
This game is literally becoming nurse simulator and I hope the devs do something about it.
I mean, wesker is gonna be out soon and guess what. People are gonna play nurse anyway.
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Well new chapter coming soon but last chaprter i was playing against Dredge like 2 days and then it was against just about nurses ...
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I played against Nurse yesterday in my only survivor match but it was apparently their first time as Nurse ever, they only had one yellow Nurse’s Calling perk, never found me when I hid, and I’m not sure they even got a hook the whole match. (I don’t play survivor very often so my MMR on that side is definitely low. 😄) She’s definitely not a forgiving killer when someone is learning the ropes.
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Sorry...i had a nurse daily but i didnt use that build, and i left the last one get the hatch.
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Most Nurses who know what they’re doing average about 12k points a game. They just slug everyone and hook once.
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well, i just had a afk farming nurse, prestige 25.
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literally every nurse i see: double range + stastruck + floods of rage + make your choice
bUt sHE iS So hARd to PLaY 🤡🤡🤡
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I hardly get nurses lol. I think I had maybe 1 yesterday?
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I'm waiting on a match to play Nurse. It's for the ritual. I feel bad for the survivors after the rank reset...
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She's not that hard to play, but she's harder to master than the rest of the killers, I'd say.
Unlike M1 killers, all you need is to build muscle memory to know how far you can blink, how long to hold blinks to teleport you where you want to, and that's it. When it comes to M1 klllers, you do have to know how to run each tile, how to hide red stain properly, how far can your lunge and dart attacks reach (each killer has same range by default, but the faster you are, the further you can reach).
The hardest killer to play is Blight without a doubt; This one requires you to know which objects to bounce of off, which objects are „soft“ and „hard“ ones to allow you to bounce off of them, how far you can make it with each dash, including the sensitivity of attacks during lethal rushes.
TL;DR: Once you get the basics down, Nurse is gonna be easy for you to play, but getting the muscle memory for perfect blinks is gonna take long time.. Probably even longer than mastering every single other killer. She has the highest skill ceiling, but she's not the most difficult killer to play with.
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DBD players when someone uses stuff that’s part of the game: