Bigfoot themed perk ideas!

orangegoblin Member Posts: 120
edited August 2022 in Creations

Killer perk: Infrasound -

Release a bellowing roar in a small cone to debilitate survivors, causing them to scream, hindering them for 0.5s. Does not travel through obstacles or terrain. Usable only after generators are completed. Stacks up to 2, 3, 5 uses. 20s cool down between uses. "The entity grants those beasts unnatural abilities" The cone is incredibly small.

Killer perk: Unnatural awareness -

Survivors that scream within your terror radius reveal their aura for 2s. Cooldown 40, 30, 20s

Insidious buff:

Activates immediately after you stop moving. So, the perk tier would look like 2, 1, 0s. Time for the stealth shuffle. Many spooks to be had.

No Mither rework/interactions:

While using No Mither: Deep Wounds, and effects from killers such as Oni are reduced by 75%.

Coughing effects from Plague, and Nemesis are reduced by 75% at any time.

Exhaustion effects have a different function, rather than having negative draw backs from being exhausted (think of Iron Will) the exhaustion cool down is simply a timer to use actual exhaustion perks. Simple changes and interactions. The Risk vs Reward from being 1 hit down remains the same without hindering the team or being an actual detriment to the match against certain killers.

Diversion/Pebble rework:

Pebbles can be found in random trash/rock piles around maps. They work the similar to Diversion, with lower range. Replaces any item you happen to be carrying. The perk: Diversion! allows you to carry both, and throw the pebble farther, while keeping its previous benefits. (I've been using diversion to let me know when the killer is coming around more than anything, some terror radiuses are harder to hear than others)

Survivor perk: Bushwhacker -

Turn into an inconspicuous bush for as long as you are in the killer's terror radius. While disguised, survivors are forced to crouch, and cannot repair, rescue, heal, or be healed. But they can throw pebbles :D (Similar activation time as diversion) or resets after being put into the dying state. Can be manually deactivated by pressing crouch, sprinting, or being hit. "Found a ghillie suit in one of them boxes" "Did that bush just moan?"

(The size, color, and shape of the bush will match the maps environment, risky and not particularly useful on indoor maps)

Survivor perk: Avid tracker -

Friendly Survivors emit footprints you can follow up to 12, 16, 32 meters when moving intermittently for 3s. The prints are directional and emit whenever a friendly survivor moves and vanish once they stop moving. You can see the killers Scratch Marks! (They work like regular scratch marks) "Been collecting animal prints for decades, that is not a bear!" 


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