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Why are survivors being ignored?

Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

I feel like BHVR is putting quantity before quality in the past few years, especially considering how DLCs are very killer centric. This makes me sincerely believe there is a lack of empathy for survivors and have completely given up and focused on making money strictly on killer DLCs. Using Resident Evil again to bring and attract more players to buy the overpowered killer is an attempt to repeat the success of Nemesis, a popular killer that was overpowered. His tentacle is tedious and has no counterplay in a majority of situations. The new killer also has no counterplay leaving survivors hopeless.

When survivors finally had some content to refresh the game with Mikaela Reid, the devs were very quick to listen to unsubstantiated complaints and nerf Circle of Healing numerous times. Survivors have little hope and having a lack of good perks has made the role very unattractive and depressing to play.

The issue now is that the last patch completely broke and ruined the game, survivors have clearly made their voices heard and BHVR has been radio silent and still focused on working and releasing a licensed killer that will be overpowered. Killers couldn't play the PTB because no survivors played, proving once again there is nothing for survivors. Solos knew they were dead when they spawned on the map.

I think this is dangerous for BHVR to be so stubborn and completely ignore an overwhelming majority of their playerbase. From what I can see, most survivors are playing and not having any fun knowing they have hardly any chance to win, with most being forced to due to increasingly long killer queues.

BHVR is making a very bad judgement decision to not revert some of the killer buffs and survivor nerfs in the new update. It makes little sense to me to leave a majority of those playing the game unsatisfied with the balance of the game. It seems like a great way to kill off the game, maybe this is their intention due to their lack of attentiveness to the matter.



  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662


  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 464

    Killers couldn't play the PTB because no survivors played, proving once again there is nothing for survivors

    Survivors did play during the ptb, and there is stuff for survivors. The new killer brings more stuff, so people are going to want to try the new killer.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
    edited August 2022

    Sluzzy if wesker is OP then what do you think about nurse?

    Wesker is quite literally a weaker nurse

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,810

    I honestly believe BHVR is listening (and watching). It’s well known that the killer buffs have affected, quite negatively, survivor gameplay. I believe many of those changes are going to be dialed back some or survivors will receive compensation buffs next year. Additionally, BHVR knows that survivors are their bread & butter; more people spend money on cosmetics for survivors than killers. It would be enormously foolish to ignore survivors. You’ve gotta be patient…

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"BHVR is making a very bad judgement decision to not revert some of the killer buffs and survivor nerfs in the new update."

    Do you notice how the queue times over the last few months have gone from 5-10 minutes to 15-30 seconds? This probably has something to do with people actually wanting to play killer. DBD doesn't work if everyone wants to play survivor. You can literally see that in action with the new VHS game on steam. That game is way too teen centric so nobody wants to play monster. The result is that you can wait in queue for 15 minutes to play teen to play a game that lasts 5 minutes. Sounds fun right? DBD used to have exactly the same problem.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It would be nice to go back to that same problem. I wish mmr was tight so competent survivors could whip mediocre killers into submission, again.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Then hop on over to VHS. Almost nobody is playing monster in that game because who wants to be "whipped into submission" when they are supposed to be playing the power role in a 1 vs 4 game.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    That garbagio is not on console. Most of those failed DbD clones aren't. I am noticing a trend!

  • FacecampingTunneler
    FacecampingTunneler Member Posts: 14

    These nerfs were very minor, including the gen length increase, based on you believing survivors have 0 chance now and you thinking that circle of healing didn't need to be nerfed makes me think you might be the most entitled survivor that I have ever seen and you are more than likely not very good otherwise you would know the most recent update has not completely broken and ruined the game. To say there are no good perks for survivor is utterly laughable, what is even more laughable is you saying playing survivor is depressing, if this is how a game makes you feel take a break or you could always go and play the eAsY mode of the game as killer which may help you to get a little perspective.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,606

    I can't tell if you are joking or not but regardless i agree with everything here.

    Especially about survivors not getting good perks.

    In the upcoming DLC the survivor perks are really, really bad.

    Reactive Healing, worthless. Nobody will use it.

    Low profile, worthless, way too situational, and if that's not enough there's a time limit because it'd clearly be too overpowered if it was permanent...

    Wiretap seems good but in reality it's a novelty perk. It would have been good if it worked with Open-Handed, but it doesn't. In reality when you use this perk the killer will always kick the gen. Perks in dbd work like that. If you have deliverance the killer will hook you first.

    Better than new is way too undertuned.

    Hyperfocus is too difficult and will only be used by genrush builds.

    Reassurance is strong but only if the killer camps, if they don't, this perk will not do anything.

    Meanwhile, all of weskers perks are very strong and very impactful.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I am not sure I would call his single vault with a 30 second cooldown perk very strong or very impactful. It is just alright. I will run it with Bam Bam, I suppose, but less because it is powerful and more because I hate the Flesh Pits stage.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,606

    Very strong, relatively anyway, compared to survivor perks.

    I think it's a great perk mainly because when it activates, it stays active until you use it, so you can use it in unpredictable ways.

    Btw i have no idea what the Flesh Pits stage is.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    The whole center of the map is just a line of double vaults. It is horrific. Came out of my worst nightmares. In the MacMillan realm.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,606

    Suffocation Pit? I know the name but i can't remember map layouts at all :p

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    Yeah, Bamboozle sucks when they literally have 4 windows to vault through. 😑

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,963

    The best anti camping perk but I know its gonna get murdered when the chapter comes out lmao

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    They literally just nerfed Nurse on the PTB

  • BlazePyron2
    BlazePyron2 Member Posts: 145

    I'm kind of excited for the bp incentives to be active cause I would love all these survivor mains to try playing killer more often and see the other side of their actions.

    I've had so many terrible games as ghostface that I kind of cheer when I'm against a really good ghostface, for example.

    If survivor mains would finally be on the receiving end of bully squads maybe they'd understand that survivors are still incredibly strong and killers are still pretty limited in what perks they can use and still be successful against high-skill survivors.

    The ideal solution is to make solo survivors stronger and make swf groups weaker and then balance the game around the idea that a survivor is just as strong alone as they are playing in a vc with friends. This is what is holding the game back.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    You are admitting that killers should win regardless of how well or experienced of the survivors. There should not be a "power role", the better player should win. Just because you are the "1" does not mean you have a default win every game.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Sluzzy in one patch you are getting a perk that enables 40 second gens solo and another one that entirely kills camping. How exactly is this not a survivor sided DLC?

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    DBD Is at it's best when both Killer and Survivor have a variety of meta things to choose from they need to start making dbd more of a fight to the finish not just constant nerfs and reworks

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Survivor bad

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Circle is really not that good after all the nerfs, I never used it after it was nerfed a second time. Killers have so much time at their disposal that survivors don't have time to constantly re-boon to heal. Killers were buffed, the huge buff to Scourage Hook+Dead Man far outweighs the extremely small Thanatophobia nerf.

    When I see survivors constantly losing, and the outcries on social media about how unbalanced the last patch was, I feel my statements represents it well.

  • pieces200368
    pieces200368 Member Posts: 35

    My only issue is the severe tunneling and face camping

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    Sluzzy do you not like the new content you get for this game? If you're not enjoying Survivor you can just take a break from the game and comeback later on to see if the game has changed.

  • Khelendrose2020
    Khelendrose2020 Member Posts: 207
    edited August 2022

    Name a top tier killer released since COVID busted onto the scene. Seriously, Blight is the last killer released that is considered top tier. Dredge is ok, but not top tier. Bird lady is annoying, but easy to beat.

    Nemesis is an absolute joke of a killer. His power is all but useless.

    Survivors have gotten Boons and several other good perks over the past 2 years. Heck, they are now getting an anti camping perk that is pretty good at its job.

    Take a breath and try to look at the bigger picture sometimes.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited August 2022

    Circle of Healing was a degenerate, game-wrecking perk. I say this as someone who absolutely saw it more from the survivor side prior to the nerf. It single-handedly won SO MANY games, especially when multiple people brought it and set up essentially a healing mesh network.

    More broadly: Beahviour's core failure is that they are not agile, they fail to act on anything quickly. Everything takes weeks. Even now, there's like 4 threads about the lack of daily login rewards for Ghost Week, and it's been 2 days of no rewards and they haven't even acknowledged it on here. They (predictably) drop the ball every time in terms of addressing or at least acknowledging issues quickly.

    That said, I wouldn't put that on the team that is developing future chapters. The chapter roadmap is going to continue apace, no matter what else is going on with the game. There will be a new chapter every three months, forever. The fact that they continue to aggressively lock up strong licenses is demonstrably very healthy for the game's population. Game balance isn't really a factor with this specifically.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,256

    That's not fair, they make a good decision every time they release a new cosmetic for Claudette!

    The slight killer buffs were good as well, since most of the M1 killers needed them.

    But it was all over shadowed with the terrible, horrendous, outrageous nerf to DS. It really didn't need to be nerfed to 3 seconds. It needed to be back at 5 seconds. I would have went so far as to give survivors a base-kit DS that they get after their first hook and let the perk give them a second one.

    Self-Care didn't need to be nerfed at all, it was already long enough. And finally, the new anti camping perk that is coming with the next chapter should have been made a general perk like the new killer perk that destroys boon totems. If they did that, they would have shown they cared about our fun more than money, but the truth is, money is king.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Survivors can't get a survivor-sided DLC because it gets completely ripped away with nerfs. This happened with the Ash-only DLC and then Mikaela Reid. Killers on the other hand get buffed with the releases for killer.

    You are right it would be refreshing if survivor side received actually good content instead giving it all to only the killer side. This game could be so much bigger than what it is if survivors actually had content instead of only clothes, which is no good if the survivor is always dying and playing with a very stale repetitive playstyle because of a lack of perk and addon options.

    Killers have completely dictated the game balance leaving survivor side starved.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322
    edited August 2022

    For most things on sluzzy, i agree. Especially in this thread. Survivor right now doesnt feel nice at all. In SWF's its okay.

    The thing is, SWF's is also an SWF if someone just plays with another person. Solo Q feels terrible and dev's dont even bother to help with that, they just want to release resident evil first.

    They changed way to many things, way to much.

    A game should be fun aswell for both sides, right now, survivor on the most part, doesnt.

    MMR is, was, and still be terrible. Especially if Kills = win and surviving = win. (Still so mad about this, since the game is so much more than escaping or killing...)

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Thanataphobia was dumpstered because of Survivor complaints if I’m not mistaken. They don’t ignore Survivors, they just make bad decisions in general lol.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Yea I tried it this past weekend and monster has a bonus to gains. But that game is more bully based than DbD. All the sounds in the game make it hard to determine if the sound was a teen or just the monsters big butt hitting stuff.

    But overall it's fun with a different mechanic

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    edited August 2022

    At this point you have to just be trolling. There is no way for anyone to actually call every single new killer op or? Esppecially a killer like Wesker, who has a particularly well designed anti-loop ability, because it also allows for great counterplay on the survivors side.

    if you think Wesker has no counterplay, then you really just have to start facing the truth, and that you simply suck at the game.

    You want to nerf killers like Nemesis? Hello? Shouldn't killers be encouraged to camp and tunnel less, not more? There are certain problems with survivors at the moment. Camping and tunneling are the biggest one in my opinion. The lack of information for solo queue is another in my opinion. But killers like Nemesis, or soon Wesker? Nerfing killers like those would just be so backwards.

    You claim survivors have made their voices heard, but it surely wasn't about killers like Nemesis needing to be nerfed. Everyhwere you look, there are three common problems being brought up. Camping and tunneling, solo queue not having enough information, and sometimes certain slowdown perks still being too dominant. Nobody is complaining about killers like Nemesis. Maybe about Nurse and Blight, but that's kind of it.

    BHVR needs to buff survivors in the right way. They are not stupid enough to nerf killers fair and skillful play. Instead, they need to nerf camping and tunneling. That has the highest priority. And then after that, I hope they look into solo queue getting more information they can work with.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Yes Sluzzy in a game like DbD and VHS when it's a 1 v 4 situation the 1 has to be more powerful than the 4 to make up for being outnumbered. The perfect formula would be the 1 would be at 100% power while the 4 would be at 25% power. To make up for the weaker role they have to work together as a team and that's where survivors are failing ATM.

    In all my SoloQ games I played since patch drop the same thing has been happening. I do 3 gens by myself while the others are either crouch walking everywhere, running straight for the killer to be killed asap, Dcing constantly, refusing to heal or get healed or running past me while working on a Gen while being chased by the killer. The patch didn't cause it to be worse for survivors.. survivors

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    CoH is still very strong in my opinion. It's always nice when someone brings that perk.

    I still see survivors winning a good amount of times as well. The balance is not completely screwed now. It's just that survivors now have to deal with certain frustrations they shouldn't have to, especially now that killers got their frustrations addressed, at least to a certain extent.

    And camping and tunneling are are at the top of the list. It's not only about balance, but especially about gameplay, and how fun, or not fun, survivor can be at the moment. Although there are at least two slowdown perks that in my opinion are definitely op.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    High mmr survivor is doing just fine. I agree that solo needs some info buffs to make sure time is not wasted but survivor is not near as weak as you think.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Solo's need more I agree...

    Also making more Killers viable in High MMR would go a log way... same with perks

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Honestly, i'm half and half on this, more so leaning towards the survivors because I play Solo Q Daily and it's been nothing but back to back L's, maybe an occasional win if the killer slips up, but mostly just back to back L's. It more often seems like they take to the killer side of things but that isn't always true, if we all date back a couple years ago when Ruin got pretty much (Bad Word) on, reworked and more recently, nerfed again. Or when Killers when on strike and STRAIGHT UP REFUSED to play the game till they got what they wanted.

    It's more of the fact BHVR just does what they feel is right and this time, the killers finally got their wish, and the problem with the wish is that it upset the balance SO badly, that there is no real GOING back unless they revert it, and many people do and don't want that. Me? I've adapted to the fact this is how it's gonna be, maybe if a good portion of the survivor player base goes on strike and shouts as loud as the killers did once before, maybe BHVR will hear them and we can back track it, till then...welcome to the new state of DBD.

    I've seen many posts and comments about wesker's power and while I like the fact that wesker is coming to DBD, his lunge is a different story. The difference between him and Nurse is that his lunge is like a blight's rush but in ONE direction, forwards; as long as you don't just hold W and run in one direction, looping him should be relatively decent, still gonna be hard if he mind-games you and what not. Not to mention, if he doesn't throw you against a wall, you wont take damage, though, an lunged m1 probably will do it for him.

    With nurse, she doesn't GIVE ANY indication to where she'll blink, when she might do it, how far she'll go, and various other situations that Survivors have to stay alert about when being chased by the likes of her; which makes her unpredictable and extremely, extremely hard, if not IMPOSSIBLE to counter. Nurse, no matter how many nerfs or reworks to her power is given, she'll forever remain as a powerful killer once you learn how to use her properly.

    You can't the two as much as people would like to make them.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    I can't believe this is even a POST, but here we are....for whatever reason. The automatic deflect into "But you get/had this" statement, same story as DH.

    We get 1 powerful perk that should've be here from the beginning to prevent campers and basement bubba's going for their go-to moto when things get rough, but it's pretty much useless if the killer, y'know, doesn't camp.

    And a semi-decent perk that allows us to complete gens faster then before...y'know, to counter the additional 10 seconds added to the gen AND slowdown perks.....

    Everything else about them is pretty trash, straight up and down, maybe one of Ada's perks are good if you're alone entirely but regardless, 2 perks and some how, you disregard the ENTIRE statement and rather valid point made....

  • saybro
    saybro Member Posts: 4

    As a survivor main, something had to give. Dead hard was entirely too strong and the metas on both sides were annoying. It happens with any game. Someone will always find the "best" way to do something and many will follow suit. I just encourage fair game play. Try not to tunnel and camp. Try not to bully a new killer. You never know, it could be that person's first time playing the game and we want/need more people playing. You bully them out in their first 2-3 matches...then there they go, we just lost another potential player who has left the fog.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I see survivors adapting since the patch and escaping when they play as a team. Kindred in solo really makes it tolerable for me at least.

    BHR will eventually tip the scales again. Killers endured first down DS, new DS at the gate, and Dead Hard for YEARS so how about some patience or just take a break? DBD breaks are healthy.

    BHR is going to base its decisions on balance based on the stats. Now that people are playing somewhat normally stats should tell the tale.