Terrible state of solo Q
Game 1: One player starts afk and dies fast.
Game 2: Cheater - we all die within 40 seconds.
Game 3: Killer leaves after first gen.
Game 4: One player dc's after getting downed in the first minute.
This is what is stopping this game from becoming very popular. The concept is amazing but why do you devs constantly fail, year after year, to fix these OBVIOUS problems?
Disconnection penalties clearly don't work or don't matter. For reference, I've not once DC'd or left a game early.
How are any of these the fault of the devs???
- AFK Player --do you know why they are AFK can you see through your screen to see what is going on? Maybe their was a emergency or something you do realize real life happens and is more important than your fun in a game sorry stop being so precious.
- Cheaters - Occur on both sides if not probably more survivor cheaters than killer but both sides are affected
- Killer leaves after first gen ---- Refer to point 1 maybe real life happened and something more important came up.
- Player DC on first hook - They get a DC ban not much else you can do increasing it just punishes those who have network issues etc. Plus how are you to know this players internet didn't just get up and die on him so much assuming from you....
There is no multiplayer game that can 100% prevent cheating.
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I'm certainly with you that people leaving has been very annoying recently, but I'm not sure what exactly BHVR is supposed to do about it?
We already have DC penalties and I'm not sure what they can do about giving up on hook, so without a clear solution in view I don't think this is a particularly fair criticism.
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This is just today, happens more than it should and if you're short on time in life it's a big nuisance. Thank you for the useless comment though.
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Quadruple the DC penalty would be a good start, they are so desperate for numbers they're shooting themselves in the foot by allowing undesirables to continue playing.
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I'm not so sure that's a good idea, personally. DCing isn't always bad behaviour, and having the penalty be too harsh also risks punishing people who either DCed for emergency purposes or who had a network interruption- the latter is one that's happened to me on more than one occasion, and I've never willingly DCed from a match.
That's not to say it can't be improved, though. Right now, you get more of a penalty the more games you DC from in succession, but that penalty "resets" after a set amount of time has passed since your last DC. If the penalty only resets after a set amount of games that you haven't DCed from, it'd be more effective for serial DCers without punishing other people.
That's not really a fix for the annoyance of people DCing from your matches, but if the goal is to address "undesirables" who DC frequently, I could see this being a solution.
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It's a terribly thought out system that needs some attention from devs who seemingly don't care at all. There's a lot of money to be made from this game if they actually fix the issues.