Ngl prove thyself is annoying asf

I mean, it's not surprising why it's being ran after 90 second gens, but damn, I take a microsecond longer on a chase and suddenly a gen that was on 0 is now on 70.
My dumbass over here thinking I'll take off DMS pain res for a few days trying out newly buffed perks like monstrous and coulrophobia. Ye, prove and circle put an end to them fun builds quickly. Curse the amount of sweaty squads on weekends.
Has anyone been having any success with discordance? I wanna run it but it just seems like the gen will be done before I get there, and/or it won't be worth it in the long run because I don't usually run gen kicking perks.
Discordance Is def worth it
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I have stopped trying to run looping builds because it really isn't worth it anymore. Good killers will down you fairly quickly now, so I have swapped fully to just juicing generators. Prove and built to last are the two biggest things you can do right now. Then I run quick and quiet and Head on to just try and lose the killer and get back to doing gens.
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Waiting for a Prove Thyself nerf next patch then
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too true
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Let's hope not, with all the slow down perks it is the only thing that makes a 90sec+ gen bearable
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There's a certain killer of the avian variety that could prevent survivors from completing gens if they're highlighted with Discordance by firing something feathery at them. And it can go through walls!
I forget their name, though.
To be serious for a second I can think of a few ways you could encourage survivors to stay apart from each other. Playing Plague so survivors don't want to spread sickness and get on the same gen. Legion because of their frenzy. Instadown killers with a lot of snowball potential like Oni would also encourage survivors to spread out. Discordance I feel is only really good on killers with high mobility so you can like you say get to the gen before it's fully repaired.
PT has been a strong perk since forever. It certainly hasn't gotten any stronger since the update. So whatever killer strategies you've used pre-update probably still apply. Get hooks or slug and force them off gens to save their team. The more pressure you apply the less chance two survivors can crank out the same gen. I realise that just sounds like 'just pressure gens lol' but that's really the main counter to it. Give them a reason to get off the gen.
If you were gonna run any gen-kick perk Eruption would be a good choice as it punishes doubling up on gens harder (because Survivor 2 could've been doing another gen instead of helping Survivor 1 on their gen and now instead they're both unable to do anything meaningful as they're 'incapacitated' aka allergic to gens for 30 seconds).
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I'd laugh, but I can see it happening. First the killers will start parroting the same inane logic over and over and over. Then BHVR will announce that they're looking over the data. And then they'll change prove thyself to be 2%.
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Prove Thyself was already good before. It sure as heck is not better now, just more needed. I'd hate for it to be unjustly nerfed after having already been effectively nerfed by the added gen time. That would be very tone-deaf from BHVR.
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I've always been a Discordance fan and it's more viable than ever now that BBQ isn't mandatory, so I'm doing just fine versus Prove Thyself. PT can be rough at the beginning when you don't know where any survivors are, but that tends to mean you don't get the 3-gen pop on your first chase. And later on, it's a little easier to tell what gens are being worked on.
But seriously, if PT is being a thorn in your side, try out Discordance. It's a solid info perk and about as close to a Prove Thyself hard counter as you can get.
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If you're using a killer with high mobility surveillance is decent, a underrated perk in my opinion but nothing special, it can synergize with quite a few perks also
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I run discordance every single game , and it's given value every game .
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Can defintely vouch for discordance.
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"Devs! Help! I don't feel unstoppable enough."
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Since reset, I am like 1 escape for 8 games, soloQ really is in shambles. Really goes to show how much of an advantage killers have right now if everyone in the game is playing at the very best.
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Highlight in my post where I said that.
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Can I trade you a prove nerf for a circle of healing nerf thanks :)
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Prove should have never existed to begin with probably one of the strongest perks in the game and for them to change gen times without looking at it is very odd.
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I've been seeing at least two PTs per match lately
You can def feel it, I'm not complaining though because I'm a Discordance enjoyer
Pressuring 2 survs is better than pressuring just 1
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You can't tell if survivors have Prove Thyself or not until after the game, so running Discordance could just be a wasted perk slot. The alternative of survivors working on separate gens, as opposed to working together on one, is only worse for them if someone actually does have Prove Thyself. You're screwed either way, but at least if you stop them from working together with Prove Thyself, you'll get wrecked less.
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With the changes my role went from being a gen-jockey to an annoyance for the killer. Gens are so boring and take so long that I'd rather just flashlight, and loop the killer until they quit. :D
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that's like 90% of perks. Just about perk can be unknowingly countered before you get in the game.
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No it isn't. You can tell when a survivor has Off The Record, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, etc before the game is over, because they used it. Besides a toolbox, how could you tell if someone had a gen speed perk? The gens fly anyway.
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I know this is completely unrelated, and I hope you dont mind me asking, but is your name based off of Little Big Planet? Just wondering.
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again there's still a lot of perks you're not going to ever see in use from survivors until the game is over then you realize what happened. Also if you're letting survivor's get away with Prove Thyself that's a problem with your lack of in game pressure.
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2 Survivors at a Gen with Prove Thyself is still better than 2 Survivors on 2 separate Gens for the Killer.
I also only use PT because I want some extra BPs and I dont really know what to use instead.
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You can't be everywhere at once, so no matter how good you are, you're always going to give survivors tons of Prove Thyself value by not pressuring them. It's far from specific to me.
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I don't have any problem with this perk.
I like to run this also for that bonus BP since your cap is bit bigger now and you don't have any BP bonus Survivor perks.
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It is. One of my favourite games growing up as a kid. It has a very special place in my heart :D
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Adapt, get better, get more oppressive... idk, go to the posts about survivors having to git gud and get some ideas from there :D
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How is it annoying though?
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"All" the slowdown perks. What do you mean? It's not like a killer can run all of the slowdown perks. Just 4, and then they would have no chase or info perks. And 90 seconds? Wow, because 80-second gens never got done.
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Put discordance and severed hands on artist, there won't be much PT value in that round
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Prove Thyself + Hyperfocus + Stakeout.
Mark my words. BROKEN COMBO if not nerfed from the PTB.
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Killers complaining about gen speeds right now lol. Can't tell if this is bait.
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First Circle of Healing
then Dead Hard / Decisive strike
then Iron Will, Spine chill, self care
now Prove Thyself? Stake out?
Can survs have one good perk at least? What will be the next broken thing? Lithe? Tenacity? Autodidact?
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If you cant see that Gens who are done in 70sec just with Stake Out + Hyperfocus, then go on the PTB and just do a gen.
Then do it with prove thyself with a friend and if u want, take a Commodious Toolbox with Brand New Part with u.
With that, the gen will be finished in 40secs. Oh dont forget Build To Last btw.
And then tell how this is not broken. No normal killer can win this, this is automatically a lose by default.
Lets be clear: I dont mind if I lose as killer when survivors loops awesome, unhooks strategially and work together, but by default, just for u pressing a button and tapping another one? This cant be right.
When I play survivor, and I play a lot btw., I will run this, why not. Its easy Pips to get back to Rank 1 faster, like every month.
Stake out + Hyperfocus + Deadhard + Off the Record/Prove thyself
This will be my build.
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You have to consider things like consistency and the balance in the amount of effort you put to the benefit you got.
For that combo which you consider broken you need:
- 75% of your perks loadout (prove, hyper, stakeout?
- another surv working with you
- best toolbox for repairs (commodius)
- best addon for repairs (brand new part)
- skill not to miss great skill checks with hyper( if you intend to get 6 tokens)
- reasonable time next to the killer without being in chase(stake-out)
If you invest ALL THIS in a single game, you need something in return of the same value.
And even if you repair a 40 sec gen, you would lose all stacks of stake out, all token of hyper, your addon if you used brand new part.
Do you factor all this when you consider sth broken?
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Did you know what prove yourself actually buffs? It shows whats wrong with gen times.
Survivors get a penalty per another survivor working on a gen, always 15%.
What does prove thyself? It gives you 15%. So survivor suffer no penalty on a gen. Thats it.
I think gen slowdown should be done differently and not with slow down perk meta... "Meta change". Nah just for survivors.
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‘Killers asking for longer gen time since they get completed way too fast’
Killers got a major buff this patch with many slowdown perks possible. And yet, some people still complain about gens being done too quickly.. like you guys are never happy about anything.
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You're joking, but unfortunately that's pretty much what's gonna happen.
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Killers said after the patch that survivors needed to adapt. I guess they didn't think they actually would?
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I know 😢
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I'll be laughing my ass off if they nerf Autodidact.
Then again, they nerfed Self-care too, and that was bordering on being a killer perk, so it's not -that- much of a stretch.
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New meta, definitely will be at some point ha
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If it don't happen, this mean BHVR talk only about numbers when they want to. As a killer main, a nerf of circle and prove are necessary, cricle because it discourage of hitting multiple survs, and it's sad because i like to play like this, plus, it is way, way too much powerfull. And prove because, bruuuuuuh ! It's game breaking, for real, juste what the hell are these numbers ?! man, cut it by half at least !
Worst is they destroyed thanato and nerfed DMS, #########.
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PT was already strong before, yes. Buuuuuut now he is overtaken, this mean the perk is way more active, and the 10sec added certainly not justify this. One of the base idea of the patch was to slow down the gens because they were done too fast, if survs overtake PT, they will nerf it, for me, it's logical, because PT largely couter the 10sec.
iI also take in consideration that BHVR destroyed thanato, so if they are not hypocrits, they have to destroy PT.
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Considering you accomplished 1/5th of your objective in the time it took the killer to do roughly 1/12th of theirs, even if they played it very well? Yeah, kinda broken still. The killer would have spent half the gen's time just wiping their blade, picking them up, walking over to and then hooking the survivor. Time management has a lot of relative value, especially in this game.
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Oh? Ur gonna be a fun one to chase then lol. I'll catch u eventually and give a smack