Ngl prove thyself is annoying asf
I am always happy for the experience. I just hope my teammates are doing gens in the meantime haha.
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Let them lol. They're not gonna get many BP doing that. Plus in my opinion the chase is the best part.
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Or, if you play Nurse with Corrupted you will have your first down before a single gen is even 20% done.
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I swear some people arn't going to be happy until survivors have no viable perks left.
Literally just slap on discordance and break up the PT it's not that hard, nobody was complaining about PT before, they had to nerf 5-6 other perks for us to get to this point.
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I agree with you on that. If survivors don't have any good perks to help them then this game is gonna die. Survivors make up the most of the player base. If they quit then theres no one for killers to chase and hook.
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How exactly does that refute that time management is relative? Or was that just supposed to be an us vs them gotcha moment?
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I previously said Prove could be looked at again if perks like Ruin or Tinkerer were nerfed. Having that much automatic regression (as long as the hex stood), and infinitely knowing which gens are about to be completed accompanied by a lengthy undetectable status, was busted. Especially on high mobility killers.
But then the devs went and did the unthinkable: increased base repair times. Then threw Call of Brine and Overcharge, which stack, into the mix. On top of all the other killer basekit buffs. So no, I still don’t see justification for Prove Thyself getting any changes anytime soon. And as others have said, Discordance is an uncounterable tracking perk for killers (meaning survivors can’t know for sure a killer has it, and the information it gives always triggers the perk with no cooldown).
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Discordance is an amazing info Perk.
You will usually know exactly where people spawned (either they go on a gen together and proc it or, if it doesn't activate you know they are on 3 to 4 seperate gens), tells you exactly where to interrupt the Survivors to occupy as many people as possible, can tell you which gens to give up on, lets you make accurate predictions of which gen(s) will be worked on next and tells you which gens are high priority for the Survivor team.
It's been my BBQ replacement for a long time now, I can only recommend it.
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DH is gone, not that I complain
DS is gone
OTR can be canceled just by hit off hook and also disable BT
2nd chance perks are gone, leave space for other perks
Healing debuff perks is buffed.
Healing perks are nerfed (Botany, Selfcare, Pharmacy), your main self-heal option is medkit, not by perk
Healing is far weaker, Coh is the main source of healing left (I wonder why). Less heal for survivors if there is no Coh, leave space for other perks
50sec Gen added
4 slowdown + tunneling is still a thing
The only thing survivors should ever bring into match is Gen boost perks.
Most survivors arent good at looping, chase/juke perks are only good on survivors who are already good at chase/juke. So Gen rush perks it is. This update is not in the right direction to me.
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I feel the biggest problems of Gen regress perk is that, a Gen can be regressed from 90% to 0%, which at that point there is no turn back for survivors. I know its survivors' fault, but they dont have time to do Gen for 1 min is already a win for killer, having 90% to 0% Gen is another.
I think Gens should have check points 30/60sec, where if a Gen is at 80sec, it can only regressed down to 60. There for Gen regress base & perks can be much stronger but still not broken.
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Run discordance to counter PT.
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How was my comment “us vs them”? lmao
Its a fact if you get a down fast you have the upper hand over the survivors. 1 on hook, 1-2 going for save and the last in chase.
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It’s devastating when a generator is allowed to regress for so long, which is why it was a crazy decision to increase the amount of charges needed to complete a gen. I thought Ruin instead of being nerfed how it was, could function like that. Not allow the regression to exceed 33% of total progress. I feel that would be much stronger than what we have now, while still being balanced and doing its job.
But at the end of the day, killers still got 2.5% base damage to compensate gen tapping, which remains the simple solution to regression.
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2.5% doesnt fix Gen tapping, the point is tapping mid chase, which survivors' still able to do. Then its still up to killer to chase and ignore the Gen, or kick Gen and survivors already run away.
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No disrespect intended, but if the gens are still flying for you then perhaps introspect is the most needed thing here.
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But you concentrate all your perks, items, addons, to do 1/5th of your objective in a short amount.
And again, you lose hyper's tokens, stakeout's tokens, you empty your toolbox and lose your brand new part so you cannot repeat the same process twice. You still got 4 gens left.
Plus, you cannot realisticaly bring comodius and brand new part every game to consider it a staple combo.
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This was never in my build before patch, now I don't take it away. Prove, DH, COH, OTR that is my solo q build now.
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Not to mention killers don’t need to get 12 hooks to win the game. Slugging, forcing hook state loss by camping, last survivor who’s never been hooked, etc.
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Just like its a fact that if survivors can do a gen in 40 seconds that is similarly extremely efficient. I never said that either side couldn't be hyperefficient, just that this is a situation where the propeosed question of "is this still broken when paired with these factors" still resulted in the answer "yes." Your insistence on going to the polar opposite extreme for the other side would i guess be more "whataboutism" if you care so much about which fallacy it is more than the fact that you were committing one, so apologies.
Many of those resources can be reclaimed, i dont think any of them save actually emptying the toolbox (for which there is a perk to refill charges, even) and the obvious BNP is an actual resource permanently spent. The relativity comment also matters because the timing of the usages of all of that burst repair speed makes a massive difference, just like tunneling one out at 5 gens left has a lot more impact than tunneling one out a 2 gens left. Again, the question was whether it would still be broken with those considerations, and the answer is yes. Not knowing how to utilize it properly wouldn't balance it, because learning to do so removes that stipulation. Granted its pissing into an ocean of piss with how unbalanced this game is in general, so its a pointless discussion regardless.
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My current doc build is Coulrophobia, Overcharge, Gift of Pain, and Distressing.
Once survivors get mangled and decide to heal I’ll use Overcharge to regress the gens I have to keep them off of. If the scourge hooked heal they’ll get that gen/heal penalty. Giving me time to dedicate chases on other survivors. Distressing + his add ons will makes his TR gargantuan when Static Blast is ready. So Coulrophobia will begin reach injured players from afar. Since Coulrophobia speeds up skill checks I’ve seen players missing them often due to doc’s madness. A more reliable version of Huntress Lullaby imo since they can’t break the dang thing.
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It's always been too fast though. 2 survivors make a gen take 45 seconds. That is way too short. If anything they should inverse things, gens should take way longer when solo, but faster as more survivors get on it, and rework prove thyself.
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Had a team with 4 prove thyselfs today.. safe to say i had no chance. Also they had 4 boon of broken heals, and they were insulting me at the endgame.. fun times
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Wow, then they wasted several perk slots. Should’ve been an easier trial for you. Doesn’t mean they should’ve insulted you though.
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Dunno guess i messed up but gens were flying left and right, also they were actually good survivors.
Not saying i didnt mess up sure i did but corn map + huntress+ 4 Prove thyselfs + 4 boons + good survivors...means trouble in my book
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You knew what I meant, there are a lot of good slow down perks that can be used. Also perks that give you both info and regression exist (DMS, Pain Res are in every game I see).
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Respectfully disagree. If two survivors are doing the same gen and it is interrupted then the killer has the advantage, only two gens could possibly be worked on. If you are asking for gens to be longer and the last few effective survivor perks to counter the massive killer buff you just got then why not have survivors just pop themselves on the hook for you while they are at it.
I get toxic SWF are a thing but for us solo q folk (the majority of survivors) please dont complain - we have it hard enough at the moment.
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Behaviour need to do something to balance SWF without needing solo q further ino the ground
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It often takes upwards of 30 seconds to even walk across a map, so you can nearly lose 2 gens before a chase even starts.
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Then on those killers run corrupt or furtive chase. You have the means to counter at your disposal.
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Corrupt? you mean sacrificing 1/4th of your entire loadout just to potentially not have 2-3 gens pop in your first chase? Then have it yeet itself into oblivion once you have completed less than 1/12th of your objective? It was a bad bandaid fix before, its an absolutely useless one now.
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Then use lethal, it got a massive buff with thr added aura reading in game as well. There are ways to play around - and if you really want to avoid maps then bring offerings 👌
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"Each time you hook your Obsession..."
...I'm sorry, how is that supposed to stop 2-3 gens from popping during the first chase of the game? Or even the amount of time it takes them to traverse the map? Are you thinking of a different perk? If you mean the Nemesis perk Lethal Pursuer the buff only increases the duration of other aura perks. It can certainly cut down on the wandering portion of early game tracking, but it doesn't guarantee a down within that time period, AND thats when sacrificing a whole perk spot pretty much for that specifically. Its terrible value unless you get the first down extremely fast, which isn't necessarily difficult to deny.
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It's hard to have sympathy when killers just got a massive buff, survivors got nerfed and you are still complaining.
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That doesnt address a single point in any of my arguments, well done on such a pointless and projecting response. When did I ask for sympathy? I'm just pointing out straight up false information.
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Gens are flying because Prove Thyself and toolboxes weren't touched, and neither was SWF, meanwhile survivors got even more gen speed things like Deja Vu, which I bring in all my solo matches. The gens have 10 seconds more, not 30.
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Actually its 50+ seconds total plus the extra time you get from faster downs due to base kit changes
Don't ignore those
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Ngl slowdown perks are annoying asf.
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NGL ruin/undying was annoying
NGL DMS/Pain Res is annoying
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Here's a simple question for you:
Why were there hardly any complaints about Prove Thyself at any point before this recent patch?
Generators take longer than before with or without the perk equipped.
Of course more players are going to be using the perk with the recent changes -- That's exactly what they wanted??????
All I see is another Dead Hard that's going to spiral out of control with zero justification once the parroting starts.
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Prove Thy Self isn't nearly as impactful as people claim.
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No, I see what y'all are doing. Never before did we factor in chase speed and slowdown perks into how long it took to do gens. We always said "a gen takes 80 seconds, or 40 seconds with 2 survivors." But all of a sudden, after gens get increased by a mere 10 seconds, now we factor those things in so that they sound like they take even longer. I'm not stupid.
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There were loads of complaints about Prove Thyself, because it was always a meta perk. It's totally justified, the hate this perk gets, because it gets rid of the downside: the slowdown that survivors get from stacking 2, 3, or 4 people on 1 gen. And it's one of those perks that SWF uses a ton compared to solo. As long as Prove Thyself is in one of your matches, you don't even feel the 10 extra seconds on gens, which really you don't feel anyway. Efficient survivors (on gens) destroy killers, and that has not changed despite the killer buffs, mostly because of perks like this.
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If we remove PT, toolbox and all slowdown perks game might be actually better.
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