I made a chapter concept based on The Quarry

DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
edited July 2022 in Creations

I hope that you people find this interesting. I feel like I put a lot of work into this and even did a bit of research to see if this would be balanced or even work in the first place. At this point I’m just glad that this made it to being posted.

I shouldn’t have to say this, but if you haven’t played The Quarry and want to, this post contains spoilers. Play the game, then come back.

Okay, let’s get into it.

Killer: The Cursed

The product of a curse cast upon the Hackett family, This killer possesses unmatched strength and speed, only transforming from human to terrifying beast each full moon, passing down its curse to anyone bitten. Normally, it would become human again once the sun comes up- but the full moon is endless in the realm of the entity. (yeah, yeah, Coldwind exists- not letting one map make me make up some super weird workaround when I’m just doing this for fun sorry :P) A sliver of human consciousness remains behind the vicious face of the werewolf- belonging to an unfortunate camp counselor scooped up by the entity in the depths of the forest just after surviving the night, just to be re-introduced to the curse again. This time though, the only hope at being human again is killing for the entity.

The Cursed’s power is Hackett’s Curse.

When standing above a dying survivor, you may bite them, which curses that survivor. This starts a timer which that contains 900 charges. These charges accumulate based on how many times the survivor has been hooked.

-If the survivor has not been hooked, the timer does not accumulate charges.

-If the survivor has been hooked once, the timer gains 1 charge per second.

-If the survivor has been hooked twice, the timer gains 2 charges per second.

-If the survivor is injured after being hooked twice, the timer gains 4 charges per second.

Charges can be gained while the survivor is on a hook or in the dying state at a rate of 1 charge per second, but does not go past 820 charges while the survivor is on the hook or in the dying state. The survivor cannot get rid of charges they have accumulated or cure their curse unless they escape the trial or are sacrificed. Once the survivor reaches 900 charges, the survivor succumbs to Hackett’s curse. Rather than becoming a werewolf themselves, the Cursed may choose to teleport to their location, killing the survivor as the cursed replaces them. If there are any survivors nearby, the cursed may start a Manic Frenzy, leaping from survivor to survivor with devastating attacks until the survivors manage to get out of range. (Essentially this is Blight but you have more control, can slide off any obstacles and bounce off of survivors instead of walls. It only ends when there are no survivors within a 32 meter radius of the survivor you teleported to.) If there are no survivors nearby, the cursed gains a haste effect of 10% and sees the auras of all remaining survivors for 12 seconds, allowing it to continue hunting.

Ability: Hunt

Use the power button to activate Hunt and harness The Cursed’s tracking abilities to see scent trails in the environment. While active, the cursed moves at 10% increased speed and crawls on all fours. Once a survivor is spotted, Hunt ends, and Pursuit is activated. The Cursed runs toward the survivor at high speed, jumping over small obstacles that are in the way. The survivor is notified when this happens. Once the Cursed catches up to the survivor, it makes a short leap at them which can be stopped by obstructing its path with a pallet which the leap will break instead. If hunt is used during a chase or when a survivor is in your view, Pursuit will trigger instead.

The Cursed comes with 3 new perks.


Your Brutality scars your victims and causes them to tremble with fear. When you injure a survivor, they will continue to groan in pain even after being healed, only stopping once they are put into the dying state. Terrorizer may only trigger for 2/3/4 survivors per trial.

Thrill of the Kill:

There’s nothing better than getting your blood pumping with some good old chasing. After chasing survivors for a total of 50/40/30 seconds, Thrill of The Kill activates. Putting a survivor into the dying state while it’s active will reveal the auras of all survivors in your terror radius. Thrill of the Kill then deactivates until you chase survivors for enough time again.

Cursed Blood:

The curse runs through your veins, encouraging you to kill. After being stunned by a pallet, Cursed Blood activates and the next healthy survivor you hit with a basic attack is inflicted with a deep wound, and this perk will deactivate. The survivor will also lose 4/4.5/5 seconds off of their deep wound timer every 20 seconds when they are not within 20 meters of you.

I will make an addon set upon request, but for now let’s get into the survivors.

Survivors: Laura Kearney and Ryan Erzhaler

Two survivors of the horrors of Hackett’s Quarry now must face the entity’s realm. I’m too lazy to write lore, but I will do so on request.

Laura Kearney Perks:

Silver Bullet:

You can’t take these killers out with anything, but it doesn’t mean you can’t put up a fight. Stunning killers by any means 8/7/6 times throughout the trial activates silver bullet. When the killer grabs you, succeed in a skill check to stun them for 4 seconds. Silver Bullet then deactivates for the rest of the trial.

Last Resort:

It pays off to have a trump card. If you’ve been chased by the killer for a total of 180/170/160 seconds, and you would be sacrificed upon your next hook, Last Resort activates. The next time you are downed, use the active ability button to activate this perk and instantly place the last survivor who healed you or was healed by you into the dying state. You are healed to full health but are instantly killed the next time you are downed.

“you need to find him, and you need to kill Chris Hackett.” Laura Kearny


your encounters with monsters have made you ready for anything, and you have more endurance and grit than most. Your grunts of pain aren’t audible from more than 5 meters away, and when you make a loud noise notification and aren’t in the killer’s terror radius, the killer has a 20/30/40 percent chance to not be notified.

Ryan Perks:

Call of the Sea:

Being here has changed you, but nothing can stop the force of the tides. Complete 2 generators to activate Call of The Sea. Stunning the killer with a pallet will give them a 5%/10%/15% hindered status effect for 3 seconds. This perk then deactivates.


You’ve done your research, and you’ve learned about the entity’s realm and retain this knowledge under pressure. When cleansing totems and opening chests, you receive skillchecks that can speed up the action if you succeed. Being in the killer’s terror radius Increases the skillcheck success zones for these actions by 30%/40%/50%.


You can navigate and fight even in tough situations. Your first search chest of the match guarantees a map with at least 1 addon attached, and any maps you find or bring into the trial have 10%/12%/15% more charges.

Huge shout out to @NoOneKnowsNova and @GoodBoyKaru for designing most of the perks and helping me balance the killer power.


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    i should clarify "Call Of The Sea" seems very out of place if you haven't played the game and don't know Ryan is the camp sailing instructor. With that knowledge the perk fits far more thematically, I promise.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I agree this Nova person helped a lot in the creation of this chapter and deserves loads of praise for his efforts.

  • ElleGreen
    ElleGreen Member Posts: 1,063

    Need this RN it's so good

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 306

    It's pretty good to be honest. I also have a chapter dedicated to The Quarry -which I haven't 'released' yet- and share some similarities, but yours is actually better, I'd say. The only thing I don't really like in this concept is the frenzied state of Hackett's Curse power, though. Seems potentially broken imo. Anyway, after all, amazing job, thanks for sharing!

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I’m happy you liked it! And I’m sure yours is good too. Maybe you could link it here once it’s finished?

    I know the frenzied state seems broken but I don’t think that a survivor succumbing to the curse will happen too often, so I wanted it to really feel impactful. It would take 12-15 minutes for the survivor to become fully cursed, so it’s only going to happen once or twice a game at the most.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516
    edited August 2022

    The Cursed power sounds fun with the ability to jump over small obstacles. I can imagine him jumping through all the bits within Garden of Joy haha. Hopefully his map doesn't encourage his power too much though, Billy would have his feelings hurt.

    The Cursed comes with 3 new perks.


    That's a pretty cool idea and would be a neat addition into the game.

    Thrill of the Kill:

    It says "reveals auras" but does not say the duration after the down. I like the idea, just a little worried with nurse giving her a better infectious.

    Cursed Blood:

    Not too much of a fan, I just don't see myself running it. You could maybe make it activate like how forced penance does to add synergy with it, idk.

    Laura Kearney Perks:

    Silver Bullet:

    This sounds pretty fun as long as there is some indication I think. Like maybe when the survivor reaches the stacks, pulling out the 'silver bullet' will give a sound cue for the killer. They should drop chase there but if they don't, they get punished. You could probably reduce the stacks to 3 or 4. I also do not think it should remain indefinitely with the survivor. It should maybe act for 80 seconds or so.

    Last Resort:

    I do not like this. I just don't think it is fun gameplay to go down instantly without any reason other than some survivor perk. If you are wanting to go this direction, I would suggest making it work similar to 'For the People'. If I run this perk, I can activate it on another survivor, either when I am healing them or looking at them within 1-2 meters. When used, I gain the obsession status, which would queue the killer in to knowing. When that survivor is downed, I take their state, maybe even trade places with them. I guess if it works that way, it would just become a better 'For the People'. Idk, I'm sure you can go somewhere with it.


    I'm getting technician and iron will vibes. Uh, sure. I don't have too much of an opinion here.

    Ryan Perks:

    Call of the Sea:

    Do I just need to be working on the gen when it is completed to gain a stack or do I have to contribute 100% progress? If it is the first, I can see people really using this as a group to just annoy the killer. If it is the latter, sure, just doesn't feel that impactful.


    I guess this could be pretty cool, and combining it with other skill check perks to make it better would just top it off.


    Yeah, we need one of these.

    Awesome work on the ideas, a fun read.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    For Call of the Sea you need to repair the equivalent of 2 gens.

    an example would be that you work on 4 gens and do half of each of them, which is 2 generators worth of progress.

    Last Resort is mostly meant to be used by coordinated survivors, but I can easily see how it’d be a pain in solo queue. However, since it activates when the user is downed it’s not likely that the killer will come to get them unless they slug, and in that case it’s a bad use of the perk anyways. But I think I should make it so that the survivor that gets downed can pick themselves up.