Do you think the 6.1 update is balanced for killers and survivors

wacwarren Member Posts: 3

Do you think the 6.1 update is balanced for killers and survivors 51 votes

Yes the game is balanced.
GibberishDimekJawsIsTheNextKillerbjorksnasdugmannerf4manN8doglongshotcatfam05LeFennecFoxAlex_BothSidesEnjoyerConfigValaryynusesPythonSadako_Best_GirlWowieTarunCosmo 18 votes
Game is too difficult for killers.
F60_31Wolff_BringerMrPenguinViktor1853xni6_ 5 votes
Game is too difficult for survivors.
rhaSpacingLlamasMekochiKayTwoAyyNormal1PatatesJohanChimneydarkcloudlinkhilapastaSlowLorisGuiltiiPSPNathan13AurelleBiscuitsJCMooneyJonathanByersMetronixrvzrvzrvzOpalescentHareTaxman232 28 votes


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited August 2022

    I think solo queue is still in favor of killers (both before and after the update), I think pretty much everything else is balanced.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097
    Game is too difficult for survivors.

    I think the definition of balanced has changed, I think in the past developers were okay with the game being around 2k. But recent statements make it seem like they want it higher, the question is how much higher.

  • wacwarren
    wacwarren Member Posts: 3
    Game is too difficult for survivors.

    Throughout the games existence many things have not been balanced. On both sides killer and survivors have perks that are utterly useless. But since the new update I feel as if killers can use almost any build and win as long as their decent at playing killer. I’ve been looking at people response to the new update and it seems many love and hate it, but what I find funny that many who like it are even stating the game is unbalanced. They usually say something like, “with the new update I can use other killers and perks more often without getting outplayed.” Which sounds to me like they can pretty much use anything and come out on top. Plus getting outplayed is the best way to lose, the point of games get good so you can win, if you lose by getting outplayed, what can you do the other person was better. If u lose just because of your own mistakes, there’s obviously something unbalanced about the game.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702
    Game is too difficult for survivors.

    Solo q is a mess.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,644
    Game is too difficult for survivors.

    I think some survivor perks got way overnerfed. Killers currently have a plethora of strong perks and there's some killers with some add-ons that are just unbeatable. All of this can be remedied however, and i think the game is currently in a better state than it was before.

  • nerf4man
    nerf4man Member Posts: 9
    Yes the game is balanced.

    Devs should realize only way to balance the game is to nerf killers and give them more bp when they play against SWF.

  • nerf4man
    nerf4man Member Posts: 9
    Yes the game is balanced.

    And killers should be able to see if SWF are SWF.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623


    Survivors are still the power-role at high MMR, while Killers have a slight advantage at average MMR, and are nigh unbeatable at low MMR

  • VicRatlhead
    VicRatlhead Member Posts: 75
    Game is too difficult for survivors.

    Not a great idea to balance a game without in game chat based on good SWFs.

    I'm kind of new but have been a lifelong gamer so learning hasn't been too hard. I play survivor mostly and dump the vast majority of my BP into survivors. Plan my builds, practice looping, etc. I play killers to get rift challenges and dailies. I level them to 15 so I can slot the best of whatever 4 perks my level 15 killer has. Usually just a few tier 2 perks. Somehow my killer rank was higher than my survivor rank this month.

    I understand killer mains like to tell people to 'git gud' or whatever but killer is just clearly easier by a longshot. At least from my perspective.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    Game is too difficult for killers.

    Good survivors and map design still roll most of the killer cast.

    To me that's not balanced.

    Solo que can be rough if you get bad teammates, but that's just how solo q works in any team based PvP game.

    Solo needs to be brought closer to swf then survivors need to be nerfed again/killers buffed. But until that happens I'm mostly ok where the game is now.

  • VicRatlhead
    VicRatlhead Member Posts: 75
    Game is too difficult for survivors.


    You really want a game only balanced around the top players? I mean I get more 4ks with my killers than escapes with my survivors. Shouldn't we expect it to be about even in a "balanced" game?

  • TarunCosmo
    TarunCosmo Member Posts: 181
    Yes the game is balanced.

    Some games I get stomped, others we do the stomping. Overall it has been pretty balance in my soloq.

    Nurse matches I escape, not sure why there is so much hate. She's easy to counter.

    Dredge I hate, and same with doctor. but they counter my playstyle.

    Every other killer is balanced, I even have a tough time with Sadako, been getting some good ones lately.

    I miss having a dash, but now I'm running CoH, ShadowStep, Bite the bullet, and Lithe. This is a great SoloQ survival kit.

    Boon placement is massive.

    Knowing your loops and how to get back to your boon to lose the killer.

    Knowing which teammates to stay away from.

    Knowing when to leave a gen to hide while Killer does their patrol.

    Knowing when to walk crouch and run, scratch mark awareness is a massive give away.

    Knowing when to unhook a survivor, hde and wait for killer to gain distance... I've seen too many nubs go for the unhook right away, slow down, enjoy it, foreplay is very important.

    Knowing when to jump in front of a killer that has been chasing teammate long enough to gain bloodlust.

    There's soo many variables that I see way too many nubs skip over. I consistently get at least a pip every match (If I don't hook suicide). I escape 50/50, some days way more, some days way less. It would be much easier if all the teammates followed some basic survival rules. But they are either waaay too cowardly or way too rushed. Balance.

  • OpalescentHare
    OpalescentHare Member Posts: 59
    Game is too difficult for survivors.

    Even as an opinion, it's hard for me to wholeheartedly commit to any of the three choices. Overall I guess i'd go with too difficult for (soloq) survivors?? I think it was a far better patch for overall balancing killers with swfs (be it duos or a full squad). But solo q seems to have almost always been the rougher experience.

    My biggest overall hangup in saying it's balanced or sided towards killer or survivor l is with maps. I think it's important to consider how the map layouts can be a big issue for both roles. Some killers or play styles are highly map dependent, and even within a map the tile setups, totem spawns, basement spawn, pallets, etc. can vary so much that sometimes the match is easy or difficult just as a matter of map rng—for either killer or survivor. But I think that within this consideration, soloq is less forgiving for mistakes in terms of teamwork, even if a survivor-sided map and layout might be more forgiving independently (so if a survivor makes a mistake in chance but happens to have a good god pallet to make up for it, that forgiveness is useless if the rest of the team isn't using that time to work on tasks).

    As for solo being too difficult, I think overall balance will be better once they implement an update where something that shows what everyone is working on. Such as if survivor 2 and 3 are doing gens while survivor 4 is in chase. It won't be as strong as swfs with comms, but it'll make it better for balancing survivor and killer since solo players can at least work as a team with enough info for it to not be a game of hoping people are doing whatever tasks need attention (since sometimes doing gens means no one goes for an unhook or no one searches for devour hope, etc). Since it's not all that uncommon that a killer's greatest advantage is the lack of coordination available in solo play.

  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226
    Game is too difficult for survivors.

    Its funny how the ratios of the answers theoretically fit the amount of killers and survivors (4:1).

    I actually think the patch is pretty balanced, the game is overall balanced pretty fine, it's just a little hard on survivors. But there are differences in solo q and swf, I expirienced it myself, that only one person in a discord call makes so many things so much easier so at this point I don't know either.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360
    Yes the game is balanced.

    Too hard for Solos

    Too easy for SWFs

    Just right for killers

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233
    Yes the game is balanced.

    Solo queue is a little too hard, but the game is finally becoming as close as you can get to balanced compared to a year or more ago. Still a few killers/perks/items/addons/maps to deal with, but I'm actually hopeful the devs will continue in the direction they're going.