Who are your highest Prestiges?

I've got a P20 Bubba and a P16 Clown.
21 Kate
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P12 Jane and P6 clown on PC anyway
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Sadako is 9 because I wanted to p3 her day one. If I had known this update was coming, I never would have done it. The flex took months to set up for only one day of pay off. Would not recommend.
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19 on Meg because I spent like 6-8 million BPs on a bunch of Killers
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21 Nea
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6 Hag lmao I know just sad
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P12 Claud. This is because despite playing so much, I'm still grinding the rest of my survivors - I'm getting all the standard perks on them and am only half way there.
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P14 Nurse
I can't wait to hit 16+ cause from what I've seen and understand; that's when the icon starts getting more colorful.
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P36 nurse, luckly i've got more than 2k flans so it's easier to level up
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Survivor: Ace 9
Killer: Meyers 10
I'm also probably on the weird side though as I don't like playing the same character too many times in a row so I'm spreading my prestige out and trying to unlock all the universal perks on every character before focusing on my favorites. The grind is still very real. 😥
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P15 Spirit. It really should be higher but I just don’t play the game that much 😭
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I just have Nea and Steve at 10. I’ve been putting points into my less-played characters. Once you hit Prestige 9 and have all perks, there’s no reason to keep leveling them unless it’s your main. So I’m just grinding to P9 everybody first.
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I've been trying to evenly level up my characters so my highest prestiges are all Prestige 10.
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P10 on a couple if people bc I've been focused on levelling everyone to p3 to get their perks unlocked and I can't be asked to play as much.
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P18 Meg And P11 huntress. My issue is that i like to put bloodpoints on every characters so i dont think ill ever focus on just one. A lot of my survivors and killers are P10 at least
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Prestige 19 Nurse and a Prestige 11 Feng, I am not as high as a lot of people because I can't really play a lot im trying to get Nurse up to 20 then im stopping to save up points for wesker and the new survivors.
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P18 artist but I drop BP into other killers for add ons too.
I have like 5 survivors P10 with all perks so I dont see a reason putting more bp into them since I dont use items anyway.
And with new chapter I will need 10m just to P6 Rebecca and another 3,4m for Ada and Wesker. Thats gonna be bad
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P14 blight, i have more than 2000k hours but I have a social life, so i couldn't do much better, btw it's super fun to see alch rings and Mori's at lvl 3 blood web, I have over 100+ of almost every add-on.
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Dweet. He's P25.
On killer its Mikey. He's P11.