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Why does the grind feel worse then before?

I don't know why but for me personally the grind feels a lot worse then before. I played on switch for a long time and have every perk unlocked and the people that I liked on p3 (now p10). But then I stopped playing on my switch and started to play on Xbox as I got one a few months ago.

I played a bit before the chnage/grind change and unlocked a bit but most content was locked because I had not enough shards and no money.

And well now I have the money to buy the rest feels so exhausting...especially on the survivor side.

Before I leveled the survivor to 40 and had there perks when I leveled my main a few times. But now I habe to get them to level 50 which is around 500k more then before and then spend another 20k. Sure I have the perk on All survivors now in tier 1 but...why should I care? I don't play other survivors except I have a daily or a Archiv Mission.

I know that the Total numbers speak for that the grind Was really reduced but it feels more for me...

Also something smoll that doesn't really have something to do with the grind but what annoys me is the bloodweb. Before the update when I unlocked every perk I at least had a really big bloodweb where I could choose from what addons and offerings I want. Now it resets every time to the smoll one...

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  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited August 2022

    A new killer comes with 9 perks (3 perks x 3 Tiers)


    Unlock teachable: 40 bloodweb

    Unlock new killer's perks on another killer: 5 blood web

    That 5 blood web x 27 other killers: 135 blood web

    175 bloodweb


    Unlock 150 bloodweb on new killer


    This is not mention that 5 bloodweb to unlock new teachable perks are huge blood web, where you have to spend 60.000 per bloodweb, because they're at level50

    150 bloodweb you have to get through for Prestige 3 far smaller than 135 bloodweb of level50. 60.000BP to prestige 3 times is just a level50 bloodweb

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    But I admit the new prestige system doesnt help new players, who are the one that actually need help.

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited August 2022

    The grind is only reduced for getting perks. It's significantly worse for everything else. Like yea if you just want to get sprint burst for everyone then that's better. Getting items, addons, cosmetics, etc is worse due to BP bonuses being removed. The higher chance of rare addons in lower level bloodwebs also makes it more expensive to reach level 50. If you want to get all of the bloody cosmetics in the new chapter then you will need to play like 600 games. This is assuming you get around 40k per game which obviously isn't realistic.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Because it is, and it's actually just worse for survivors too.

    It's marginally better for killers and objectively worse for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    The grind looks worse than before because you get less BPs than before since there is no Bonus to BBQ or WGLF anymore. So it feels worse. But once you bought the RE-DLC and you can play the characters with a real Build because you have unlocked almost all Perks on them, you will see that it is better than before.

  • Member Posts: 142

    But that’s only if you already have prestiged everyone else 3 times which is gonna take a long while in this new system.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    It is worse, the BP gain is very very slow, I am so upset about it lol

  • Member Posts: 5,762
  • Member Posts: 199

    The grind feels worse because it IS worse. The new system gives GREAT advantage to veteran players who had prestiged at least once most of the characters. For them it is indefinitely better.

    On the other hand, new players have to prestige each character 3 times to make the most of the new system. On top of that, BBQ and WGLF were taken away so comparing old and new system New players:

    1. have to prestige each character 3 times instead of leveling them up to lvl 40 (massive downgrade from the old system)
    2. farm roughly 2x more for each prestige level due to bbq and wglf removal.

    The grind is simply terrible right now and it greatly scares off any new player who realizes how much does he have to farm to play the build he wanted.

    It's just hillarious and miserable at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    The grind is worse if you only play one character. As an example, I'm a Kate main and I only play Kate. Before, if I wanted a perk, I'd only have to invest in a character up to level 40 to get the teachable. Now, I have to prestige the character to get the teachable.

    For killers, the new prestige system is great since it means you can freely swap killers. It also means when a new killer is released, you're not limited to a few crappy choices.

  • Member Posts: 84

    New grind system reduces bp needed to prestige all characters. But if you play just few of them it actually makes it even more grindy for casuals :)

    Before you unlocked perks at level 40, but they were in blood web.

    Now you unlock all perks at tier 1 at level 50(prestige), in blood web is now tier 2 perk.

  • Member Posts: 230

    Yeah it's great for those who managed to P1 characters pre 6.1.0 or already had L50&270+ perk tiers, since their perks are now available on all other characters. Like many, i spent a good chuck of time pre-patch P1'ing characters i rarely played (and only had at L40) as I wanted their perks available for everyone else. This opens up more characters for me to play, when i used just switch between 2 or 3.

    For new players, it's a hell of a grind now sadly. Unless the really just want to play one character, they can P1 the character they want the perks from to get T1 unlocked, then just focus on their main characters' bloodweb to gain the T3 perks they wanted. Honestly, they're probably better just to P3 in the long run though.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Yeah, as Survivor it only makes sense if you are a completionist. Since I am a completionist, I am happy on one side to have actual Perk Builds when leveling up the new Survivors, but on the other hand, to get everything I have to go to P9 with everyone...

  • Member Posts: 1,270
  • Member Posts: 84

    for survs?

    i did not used it even on killers as I was new to game back then

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    Regardless of whether it is worse or better, it is baffling that this highly requested update (The 'Grind reduction' update) didn't just reduce the grind but off-set it by removing BP booster perks and adding prestige costs.

    The goal wasn't for the grind to stay the same. If people are arguing whether it's better or worse, it didn't get substantively better, and thus the update failed.

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited August 2022

    For survivor you had wglf

    But honestly if you want to get tons of bp you played killer with bbq and used a bp bonus offering like a escape cake,survivor pudding etc

    Heck that's what I did lol

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    It only FEELS worse because you don't have any intermediate or fast gains with the new system. Everything comes AFTER prestiging a specific character and then only one perk tier at a time.

    In contrast before you would have to get lucky to get your desired perks and perk tiers from the whole pool but would get small kicks when something popped up in between until you had everything you wanted.

    Now there is no longer a random factor but the time between the individual visible goals has become longer but predictable.

    You don't have to prestige characters 3 times for their teachables, afaik. Just once, to unlock the perk on all other characters and then you can obtain the higher perk tiers just like before by leveling your main.

    So the only increase is from level 40 to level 50 plus the prestige fee.

    But in exchange you can specify which non general perks you want to be in the bloodwebs at time if you are a new player. (To a certain extent, depending on the amount of general perks left)

  • Member Posts: 199

    It's much worse since you have to level up much more characters you wouldnt like to play. Additional 10 lvls is A LOT at lvl 40.

    So in order to get some sort of old system we need to P1 all characters and STILL look for desired perks in the bloodweb.

    It's even more ridiculous for survs who has to do the exact same scenario for every character. 10 Additional levels. Insane.

    New grind is bad. It feels worse because in fact it is worse. Espacially with your avatar icon gone. Period.

  • Member Posts: 207

    I'm not so sure about it being better for killers. With survivors you can just unlock the first tier and focus all BP on the one main you play. With killers, you ha e to unlock t3 on nearly every killer because nobody plays just one killer. Then you jave to sink further BP into each killer to get a collection of addons and offerings.

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    Yeah, i am quite sad my bbq is basically dead and i have no longer my personal lucrative goal in game.

    But you are disregarding the possibility with the new system to systematically target perks on your main. You level them until you have all perks available and then prestige the character whose perks you sepcifically want and boom, only those appear in the bloodweb. No more random waiting for dozens of bloodwebs to get a specific perk on your main (seen from the perspective of a fresh account). Then you level your main again until you have those 3 perks all on tier 3 and go for the next teachables. In comparison this should save you dozens of bloodwebs.

    And to the 10 levels for prestige, you save on average 1,5 bloodwebs by getting all 3 tier one perks immediately which would be generally 90k with the old system at level 50.

    And that couple with the fact that once you have everything you will never have to do it again but the new character and still get all perks on them is a heavy reduction.

    It's just in the long and not the short run.

  • Member Posts: 199

    somewhat agreed.

    Maybe let's say it differently: Old system was better for survivors. New one is inefficient and the value it brings is worthless for survivors.

    New system is straight up worse for killers. Especially for new players.

  • Member Posts: 199

    Your way of thinking is invalid.

    If I had a main just as you say, I would greatly benefir from the old system, since all perks I would have already unlocked. If there's a new killer with new perks I would lvl him up to 40 then toss away, and focus back on my main.

    Now I have to level up new killer to 50 and prestige him paying a fee wasting around ~500k-600k.

    New system is bad without BBQ

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    And if you wanted to play that new character in the old system would have to level them up to potentially level 170+ with 120 of those levels being the most expensive level 50 bloodwebs.

    What i am saying is that veterans have a way better time with the new system in terms of perks (i am nowhere talking about items or add-ons and their quality) and new player too if the play their cards right and are clever.

    And yes, the loss of bbq and wolf plus the hiccups of the incentive system hurt overall.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    it worse because it is it only good if you want perks easyly why make us lvl to 100?

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    To me it feels great. 3 mil bp give or take and i unlock 3 perks at level 3 across 28-29? characters. I get a mil what, every 2 days? Something like that

  • Member Posts: 492

    Because once your needs are met, your wants become your needs.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    yes and no but as we lvl we are forced to prestige not like old system where we can choose not to keep lvling up

  • Member Posts: 199

    3kk BP and you have 3x tier 3 perk? HAhaha, sir you're a great comedian.

    No. It's not 3kk. This amount will not even make it p2.

  • Member Posts: 1,370
  • Member Posts: 3,389

    It feels worse for me as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    They could easily fix most people's issues if they would just replace perk nodes as "Take your pick" nodes instead. Since they've essentially forced buying perks in nodes to have negative value and perks can be unable to show up in webs to affect its other nuances (like forcing the entity to eat more of the web faster,) they need to use those perk nodes as an opportunity to streamline the situation while giving players a feeling that they're actually remotely getting what they want from all the BP they're wasting. That's especially important with how slow gains feel right now, it makes being forced to waste large amounts of BP feel that much worse.

    Enter the solution. Instead of perk nodes being the same as they've always been, make them nodes where the player can choose from a list. The best version would let you choose any addon, item, accessory, offering or perk, which could maybe have an offset of double the node's normal cost based on rarity. This would not only prevent players from losing the ability to manipulate the bloodweb when they have all the perks on said character, but it would allow them to get the addons/items/offerings/etc of their choice as they progress instead of needing to click 50+ webs before seeing maybe 1 or 2 of a consumable that might be required for a build.

    Its the best way to make it feel less user hostile, especially since it would address a lot of players wildly varying degrees of value that came with the "grind reduction."

  • Member Posts: 199

    no sir, you're nuts. Go on, take a lvl 1 character and prestige it having 1.2kk BP. I dare you, I double dare you.

  • Member Posts: 199

    If I manage to get a prestige for 1.5-1.6 I consider it to be really good leveling. 1.5 requires you to trick entity extremely well throughout all 50 lvls.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Technically you only need to reach Prestige 1 on everyone. I know people keep throwing out Prestige 3 because then the perk is at the highest tier, but it does kind of feel disingenuous when people say this. Like I would still have Dead Man's Switch (for example) unlocked on everyone regardless of if Deathsligner is Prestige 1, 2, or 3. Heck, if it appears in the Shrine of Secrets, Deathslinger could be Prestige 0 and I'd still have it unlocked on everyone.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    BP gains from BBQ/WGLF were removed so you get less BP.

    You repeatedly now go through the smaller bloodwebs that don't give you as much good stuff as the level 50.

    You have to waste 20k BP every 50 levels because they decided to add an unnecessary toll. You have no choice to avoid it and stay level 50.

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