Do you guys break off a chase to prevent an unhook?

I sometimes do it even if im about to get a down. I feel dirty afterwards if the survivor hits 2nd stage or gets sacrificed as a result of it but it also feels so right.
Absolutely, if they are pulling chase by hook (stupid survivor stuff), I will 100% prevent unhook to secure a second stage or a sacrifice. At the very least I will get some injures and a trade. I’ll send the unhooked person off with a hit to mend and the unhooker is going on hook. Gotta do everything to keep them off gens.
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If they're running you near the hook and you can get an easy pick on the rescuer or hooked player, then go for it. The survivors aren't going to simultaneously pause on gens if the killer makes a bad play.
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If they're about to go into stage 2 or be sacrificed and you're close enough, it's the smart thing to do. As far as securing a win goes.
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Not really, stupid survivor stuff. More like a play you can make.
Hook a survivor at one corner of the map, doesnt really work if you hook them in the middle part.
Check others auras with BBQ, if you see all 3s auras, chase the closest, chances are they are on their way to the hook anyway.
This forces a further away survivor to stop doing gens and go to the hook
If you see that survivor making their way to the hook, even if you have already injured the previous survivor and are about to get a down break chase and chase the other survivor
Hooked survivor goes to 2nd stage or gets sacrificed because 1st chased survivor is already injured or downed and cant make an easy save and you are already chasing 2nd survivor near hook.
This isnt really camping nor is it proxy but it feels dirty af and in the same vein. Well the vein being using any kind of strategy i guess.
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it ain't matter at all if you're against SWF. If you try to secure a 2nd phase or a kill after you hook someone, SWF will know your intention and just gen-rush it. Also, If you don't camp the survivor on hook, SWF is gonna save their friend right away. It's just SWF that messes up the game. Killers should at least be able to know if they're going against SWF or given more BP if they're against SWF.
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Depends. It the person I'm chasing is already injured, no. If they are healthy, but I'm gaining on them and the unhook is far away, no. If they are good at looping me and I'm close enough to the hook, yes, but I'm going for the unhooker.
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Not specifically for unhooks per se, but I do break off chases I think will pay off less than switching targets.
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If it tactically makes sense yes.
If i notice they are survivors i can easilly beat no
More points if i let them unhook and allow me to rehook multiple times
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If the hook is nearby and I see another survivor headed there then I probably will go interfere yeah
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Well it debends if I just started the chase or if it's close to end. If I know im getting down soon im not going back to the hook. But if the survivor is stilö there once I hook my second survivor im going back and do trade once he is saved or facecamp nearly starting second hook. But the cases usually when I go back to hook is if I don't find anyone to chase. But if I don't have kills before there is 2 gens left I sometimes camp someone to death if they're not saved enough soon it's feels dirty but it's only way to win usually.
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I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make. I literally just said that in simple terms.
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Usually it's worth to go for chases and that can mean the guy on hook gets second stage surpricingly usual. When you chase the one who was going to unhook and others just do gens. But games were gens just fly I camp and tunnel luckily it's rare but just had one were survivors brought 3 cakes I had to play very dirty to win and get some bloodpoints for myself. Game before that survivors brought 2 cakes but I had good start and gens didn't fly so I played fairly and killed first when 1 gen was left and 2 other survivors where on death hook too. Worst score was 23K bp and best 32K for survivors.
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So, you're too incompetent to outmaneuver someone so you tunnel off the hook. Got it.
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This is the only rational killer response so far. If survivors are rushing the hook and engaging in chases near it, all bets are off. If you're just breaking off chases to go back to the hook because you're not very good at chases, well, work on getting better instead of looking for the easy out.
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Exactly. I always look for a new chase after unhooking, or go patrol the gens I found them on. But ultimately it’s up to survivors.. if they can’t wait for me to leave the area before going for the save, then we’re gonna start up the altruism circle of life lol. Otherwise, just take the chase away from hook and I’ll gladly let the unhook happen. 12 hook games are the most satisfying win a killer can get.
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Ehh, I run blight most of the time so I don’t really have an issue with something like that.
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No, I don't even chase the person closest to a hook if I know they're there if I can avoid it, I like seeing people unhooked. I aim for 12 hook games with the gates hopefully powered, feels much, much more exciting to end a game maxxing out like that and still coming out victorious with a clutch down in the end.
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If I'm close to the hook and haven't had a chance to fully leave the area yet, yeah
It's the smart thing to do since it either forces a trade, or the would-be unhooker has to take chase and someone else has to get off gens and come get involved
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It depends on how bad I am losing and the loop density around the hooked survivor. In an average game I won't even bother.
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Yeah im saying it doesnt have to be due to survivors making a mistake but rather you forcing survivors into that situation.
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I wouldn't have liked to encounter a tunneler myself, so I do try my bests to have as much fun as I can; If I tunnel or camp, I do start to feel bad for others, so that's a receipt to not have fun in my case.
I'll let them unhook their friends, especially if I'm running Make Your Choice or Hex: Devour Hope, and even then.. I'll do that unless I feel extra pressured (less hooks in total than the amount of completed generators - Each survivor is worth three hooks, by the way).
I don't care about how many survivors do escape, unless I'm doing a Rift challenge that demands to get a certain Emblem quality. I do play for fun, I really don't care. Don't assume that a lot of players will share the same point of view as I do.. In fact, most will tunnel or camp just to ensure at least one sacrifice per a match.
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Or sometimes it's the proper play. If you are chasing a healthy survivor near a hook and you see an injured person go for the unhook, why would you give up a guaranteed hook in the unhooker, probably a bt mend also?
Im not saying camp and tunnel, but if you get led to the hook and see a better situation the smart play is to capitalize on it.
Like everything context matters.
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I personally don't. I like to give survivors a second chance, especially if I can tell that they're not a great team or if they got hooked without really having an occasion to play at all. I'm gonna get another hook pretty soon anyway.
Same if the survivor I'm chasing goes for the unsafest unhook under my nose, I'll often stand still while they unhook and keep chasing afterwards. Give them a bit of a fighting chance.
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You can keep making excuses, or just own it.
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There is nothing wrong with defending your hook and it would be stupid to just give up on it without putting up at least a bit of resistance.
And if they get sacrificed / hit 2nd stage for it, then that is not because you played scummy, it's because the rescuer made a mistake by trying to rescue while you were right next to it. If you wanna blame anyone in this scenario, blame whoever made that rescue attempt.
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Depend who's the easier target. If I'm nowhere near to actually hitting the survivor I'm chasing yet, then the survivors who's putting themselves in a weak position to go for the unhook may be the better target to go for.
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Typically I always allow unhooks, but I may be in the minority of killer playstyle. Even if I hook someone and a survivor is nearby, I usually walk away from the hook.
However, if it's a sweaty swf or a bully squad, I have absolutely no mercy.
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If survivors are being efficient, you are damned right I'm going back; you cant just let your buddy hang and expect me to let you get that unhook uncontested after you lollygag taking your sweet time.
If you want to unhook against me, you betterdo it while I'm chasing the distraction. That's your cue.
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Yeah if I see scratch marks from a different survivor.
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I play for hooks, not kills so I want survivors unhooking, even having gone so far in the past as dragging a survivor off a gen and taking them over to their teammate who they've let go to struggle phase.
The exception being if the survivors try to hook rush me as I'm hooking or the whole team is sitting right there, badly hidden, waiting for me to turn my back. Then yeah, we are gonna have a free for all at that hook, including smacking the bottoms of anyone who gets too close to it.
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Depends on who's the easier target, how much time is left on the survivor's hook stage, and how I'm doing in the match. If I'm comfortable with my progress and the guy I'm currently chasing isn't an uncatchable nightmare, I'll let the unhooker do their thing, and I don't like forcing survivors to die on hook. But if I'm losing, I don't give out freebies.