Self killing on hook should be an immediate account ban up to a permanent account ban.

Jurasaurz Member Posts: 22
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

You are going into a game where teamplay can be very important and then you are getting hooked as first time, and right after that you ######### on hook or DC on purpose.

I am honestly so tired of losing matches like that. I mean, I don't always have friends online to play DBD in a group, so I play Solo Q sometimes and it's a worst nightmare because of such trolls who go and ruin matches on purpose by simply making it a 3 survivor's game at 5 generators.

Why are you then launching the game and playing it then? You should be permanently banned for a griefing like that.


  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    They'd have to make it significantly smarter than that. There are times when letting yourself die on hook is the right play. Usually during end game.

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    I feel you man. It is annoying for both you and the killer. Trust me.

    I'm a killer main and if I see someone suiciding on 1st hook when 5 gens are left I want to quit this game.

    It simply feels unrewarding to play that game. As a killer I know I lost a lot of potential BP if that survivor was unhooked and as a survivor I know this match is aleady lost and I won't be able to farm any BP at all.

    We need to increase BP gains overall, make it rewarding for ppl remaining in the trial if someone suicides/gets camped so everyone has something off of this match.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Self killing can be a legit strategy to give hatch to the last player, so the act in itself should not be bannable.

    There are things to be done about the self killing in the beginning of the match, and the DCs, but the act of intentionally missing skillcheck in struggle phase should not be bannable or put you in timeout.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    To be fair, the chances are high that you play a killer with 4 slowdown perks, and thats the reson someone else wanted to quit that game.

    But i would be ok with people perma-banning for hook suicide. Also for tunneling, camping, failing skillchecks on gens, and fastvaulting while not in a chase, and of course, not doing any objective for 2 minutes while not in the killers radius.

    If we do that, the game will be vastly different (although with a way lower player base).

  • Jurasaurz
    Jurasaurz Member Posts: 22

    Guys, I was talking about someone self killing on hook AT THE START of the match, not the situations where you have specific perks or luck % increase, or letting the last survivor a hatch escape. The problem is when it's 1 minutes of the match start and survivor is already abandoning it, that's the situation I am talking about.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    An obvious issue with this is how can the system tell if someone is intentionally missing checks or is just playing badly? I guarantee there are new players who try to pull themselves off hook and they die on second stage because they don’t get what’s going on yet but they obviously shouldn’t be banned.

    Also note that disconnects never ramp up to literally permanent bans so even assuming the devs wanted to ban quitting on hook (which I don’t think they do) it wouldn’t make sense for rage quits on hook to be even more serious than disconnects.

    All that said, I do think the self-unhook mechanic is a bit silly the way it works. A system I’d prefer is if you don’t have a perk or other effect that specifically lets you pull yourself off a hook then you can’t do it. There’s really no particular need for the 4% unhook thing, it just adds extra randomness for the sake of extra randomness. Then change Luck a bit so if you have Luck you do get a chance to unhook but it’s not 100%, and/or maybe also gives you some other benefit like changing the size of skill checks or giving you a random chance to block a hit with Endurance, etc. That would self unhooks a little less swingy and also as a bonus mean people who want to rage quit actually can’t intentionally speed up the wait time on that first hook.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I dunno I've had it work when the killer is tunnelling and its down to final 2 yeeting off the hook while the killer chases the other person, or when the killer has everyone down and actually hooks instead of slugging everyone. I wouldnt want to lose that cause its really funny.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Hook suiciding is awful and I wish it was held accountable, but an instant ban is far too black and white. If possible, it should be treated like DC penalties, and only under certain circumstances.

    For instance - today I did a rare hook suicide because I had done almost 3 gens alone in ~6 minutes, I had to race to an unhook while the other two were milling around indecisively, nothing got done while I looped the killer for a minute and a half, and when I was hooked, I found the remaining two survivors tbagging and pointing at each other on the other side of the map. I'll also do it if I'm the second last survivor and there's no hope of completing gens, in hopes that the last guy can get hatch.

    People who first down hook suicide every match should be punished, but going zero to 120 on that punishment would just be blind to the many situations that arise in the game. It's just like serial DCing is bad, but you can't get mad at the guy whose internet crapped out or who realized they left the stove on.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,241

    Why is everyone obsessed with punishing people? Is there a problem with trying to give people more incentive to finish a game? There is clearly some fundamental problem that makes people hook suicide as much as they do. Making gameplay better and increasing rewards should be the route they go down.

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    I agree, we should be encourage to do positive things instead of punishing for every single unwanted behaviour.

    Promoting over discouraging.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I disagree.

    I do agree that it should be reportable and should be penalized if it is done too excessively, but no permanent bans or immediate bans for doing it once or twice. Also the only hook suicides I would punish are from whoever does it first. I really can't blame the other players for not wanting to play an already lost match, so the report system would need to be able to differenciate between those.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    I agree it's always punish, punish,punish, how about giving more points for being facecamped on hook ? that way your solo q mates will wait the full timer against insidious bubba because they gain something at least and your team can do gens, find solutions instead of always punishing

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    They certainly don't want to permanently ban a paying customer just because they want leave early from a match they don't want to be in, that's just the way it is. I don't think penalties are the solution to the problem and the problem will never be eliminated. People will always ragequit in competitive games.

    I do believe rewards or incentives would be a far better approach to this issue. That's why I've already made threads suggesting survivors get more bloodpoints for hanging on the hook as long as they can. There could also be even more of a bonus for doing it while getting hard camped.

  • Taxman232
    Taxman232 Member Posts: 139

    What if that person is being face camped at 5gens? I play solo q exclusively so can feel your pain but until Devs address the camp/tunnel issue some survivors see this as a viable solution.

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 359

    Then make facecamping account bannable.

  • Jurasaurz
    Jurasaurz Member Posts: 22
    edited August 2022

    So what? Doesn't explain why you should be abandoning while you're hooked. His camping can give you how much? 120 seconds? Instead you give 10 at best which makes camping even rewarding for an already bad killer.

    And in most situations those who suicide on hook aren't even being camped since the killer shows fair play.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    All luck needs to do is give you a chance at higher rarity items in chests

  • Jurasaurz
    Jurasaurz Member Posts: 22
    edited August 2022

    Just had another 3 matches in a row where the first survivor caught in 10 seconds kills himself on hook when a killer is not even camping or patrolling. And it's not funny for both sides.

    Post edited by Jurasaurz on
  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    They should give players a reason to stay with a scenario they don't like.

    There is NO REASON to stay in game you don't like. You get no points, no fun value... so why stay?

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    I find it so weird. That the argument for why hook suiciding should be banned is because people are not playing the game as intended. What I find hilarious, is if you hold anything else to that same standard people say "don't tell me how to play." Throwing a match because of a challenge? Perfectly fine. Farming, perfectly fine. Camping, perfectly fine.

    My question is this, are there now rules on how people are allowed to play DBD? If so what are the other rules? And I don't want people to say "survivor is different because they're a team." No they are not. Survivor is not a team and I am so tired of seeing that. Survivor is an individual based game. a 1V1V1V1V1 game. If survivors were a team, they would be scored as team. So actually killing yourself on hook is not game throwing, because you are not a team.