theres actually people like this?

the guy who was saying to do gens and stuff was sitting in the corner of the map almost the entire game
and while i was doing 2 min chases she was hiding so i ran to her to see what she was doing while not being in chase and she was still hiding and the killer found her and she blamed it on me trolling like what?
Does it matter. Just don't engage with them
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Yes, some people will pick anything out of the air or if all else fails straight up conjure a reason to say "not my fault", nothing new there.
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I would have done the same thing you did.
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People have a right to vent. "jUsT dOnT eNgAGe" just doesn't cut it sometimes.
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Was it the Kate or the Feng? I can't tell based off the length of the name, but it looks more like the Kate which would be extra hilarious based on that score.
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Dont remember i just remember that she was unnecesarily toxic to me and the killer for no reason
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Make gems???
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Me next match
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every1 noob, i am the best, all of u noob, now do gen while i take a large crap behind this bush and wait for all u to die so i can get hatch like a rat
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It's always the most incompetent and useless survivor who writes that kind of crap.
I couldn't count how many times I've been told to learn to play by the worst of the four dead players, or a worthless teammate.
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The guy complaining seems to be confused with "Bejeweled".
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Well, people who hide often do it because they are not good in chases, so leading the killer to her while in a chase "to see what she is doing" is pretty much trolling, because we both know you just wanted the killer to switch.
Also, you brought 2 perks to waste a lot of time with chests, which don´t progress gens either, so i really dont see how you are any better. Those that use that often want to get a key so they can hide and escape via hatch if the game goes south.
Also, 2 minute chase means nothing if we dont know how many pallets you wasted. if you just run from pallet to pallet and drop them, as i have seen survivors do, you were more harmfull than doing good in that 2 minutes.
But i dont get what you want to accomplish with this post. Can you explain?
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I wasnt in chase anymore when i went to her since he left me to check the 0 progress gens
And yes i know people who hide arent good in chases but they hide even though the killer is already in a chase or just nowhere near them meaning they waste time and then they post this stuff in chat when the killer finds them and im coincidentally near her at the same time
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The reason i bring chests is not to escape hatch if i wanted to do that i would bring hatch perks and a key from the start no reason to waste points i only threw 2 pallets in the entire game since the rest was already gone
I already did 2 full gens by the time there were only 3 people left
The reason i bring a chest build is to help teammates with toolboxes medkits and flashlights
So they can complete gens faster heal by themselves when neccesary and a flashlight so i can save people who get downed if they are close to me i wouldnt make this post or i would be the same as her
And it doesnt matter if i supposedly waste time with chests because im still doing an objective so if im wasting time doing the only side objective they should be on gens or in a chase and yes theres also totems but ur not gonna run around the map looking for totems cus then u are actually wasting time unless u have perks to find totems wich she doesnt
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Totem spots on maps are not random. For most maps, you can easily memorize them, no perks needed at all. Thats why i never understood the complains about noed.
However, i just stated my observations with people that use to sandbag others. Your post and perks do have similarities to those.
However, i wasnt in the game so i take your word for it. Thanks for clearing that up. Also, do the math on chests again, on how much time the optimal items saves you in contrast to the time going to the chest and searching it. It gives objective points, but its not an objective, or progress in any way. Using 2 Perks for it is just a waste of perk space.
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And this is why I have post chat off.
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yes i know that about totems but theres still more than like 10 spots they can spawn same with chests but if u have aura reading u dont need to search i also never understood the complains about noed
and i know the toolboxed dont really help when searching chests takes time but toolboxes with add ons save about 3-4 secs ofc u gotta be lucky so thats obviously not always if even ever the best i can get in a normal standard is 1 sec shorter
but its more for medktis and flashlights cus when u have medkits survivors dont need to run around the map looking for other survivors and yes i know u could use coh instead but i dont have that so ye and flashlight for the extra lives
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and yes i know using 3 perks is kinda pointless for it and i could use perks that help in chase since thats what i do the most but i like to run perks that help the team more than making it so i escape and yes i could run things like botany and stuff but then i need to directly help to actually help while if i run chest build im helping them indirectly
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