Curious. Is this an abuse?

Before pig rework, I played pig with Amanda’s Letter add-ons
- While couched, see the outlines of survivors within a 12 meter range
- Reduces available reverse bear traps by 3
- Reduces available jigsaw boxes by 2
- Stacks
Downed one survivor and her trap was activated. I crouched and body-blocked one of the jigsaw boxes (there are only 2 because of add-ons) until she died. Is this an abuse?
No. It's a fine game tactict
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I would assume not because technically there is the other box for them to try, and the other survivors can be getting gens done while you're wasting time on the second box. It sucks for that one player for sure, since they have to either risk getting downed by you or death by party hat, but a good group of players will use that time to get enough progress down that all you've done is screw one survivor, and yourself, out of points.
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I think AFK Pig is impossible now since there's 5 boxes and four are needed to escape a trap
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I don't think Amanda's Letter removes boxes from the trial anymore? If it still does, it's no longer mentioned in the addon's text. But this situation doesn't seem relevant anymore.
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This is an old version of the add-on, you can't do this anymore.
Devs consider blocking the box so a survivor dies a strategy. It's why there was changes in 6.0.0
But this particular strategy was unchecked for nearly 4 years.
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I find grabbing a survivor off the box and carrying them far away is more effective
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In the sense of it being bannable, no.
In the sense of it being kinda scummy and dumb, yes.