POV: You're a solo survivor after Patch 6.1.0

Nurse couldn't fathom the idea of a 0k. Shocker.
Yeah man solo q players are insufferable. Sorry you have to deal with them.
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On the one hand, the Nurse might just be trying not to depip... but looking at the BM, not really inclined to give the benefit of the doubt. Or her build, for that matter.
Solo queue is a damn mess right now. People ragequit all the time now and it's such a miserable experience to slog through a game that one of your teammates immediately lost for you. At least when all three dip, it's instantly over. The only time I've seen the disconnecting situation worse than it currently is is when the penalties were outright disabled.
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That Nurse build should be illegal. I'm glad the add-ons are getting nerfed at least.
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Noed on a nurse? Not like people even make it to EGC haha
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Penalties are currently disabled for Fog Whisperers...
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If that's true then that's a huge mistake. FW have always led people into DCing if they didn't like something about the match. "Oh, I was down in 10 seconds? DC".
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Vurrently not able to see the vid.
What did the killer do wrong? Not farm? Not let you escape?
Im not trying to be rude, but why call out just the killer?
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All i see here are 3 DCs against a (conolse?) Nurse . Don't feel bad for them. Ever.
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They were disabled during the weekend .. not anymore at least i saw some of them getting penalties.
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Why wouldn't you bring Kindred, especially for Solo Queue?
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That just signifies cross play, not console necessarily.
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Yui ever the soldier! 3 DC's sucks though :/ Did you quad Boon lol?
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I don’t see anything wrong. She is buying addons and offering with BP and you guys DC. She has to get her money back somehow.
You are so entitled you think you deserve a free win because survivors DC. Blame your teamates not the nurse.
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Its funny how survivors blame the killers when soloQ is horrible but most if not all of the time its by their own doing. DCing and hiding and not doing the objectives which are gens.
Yah nurse is a strong killer. Dcing against her wont make it better or change that fact. play the game learn to counter her, do gens
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Who blamed the Nurse for killing the player anyway? It was not OP that DC'd, they suffered just as much as the Nurse. Nurses immaturity towards the innocent player is what weird.
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Nurse objectively has no counterplay.
Distance? She doesn't care.
Pallets? She doesn't care.
Windows? She doesn't care.
Different floor (i.e. Midwich, The Game)? She doesn't care.
All you can do is TRY to break line of sight and hope she misses but breaking line of sight isn't possible on any map so there you have it. No mechanical counterplay no matter how you put it.
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My guess here is that as soon as she made her noise
everyone DCed.
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How often do you get a comp Nurse against you who doesnt make any mistakes? Ive had maybe one and she had 7000 hours in the game. Most killers make mistakes. Nurse has counterplay its walls and edges of the map.
People who dc and give up without trying is a big issue in soloQ and thats not the killers or behaviours fault.
Does nurse need to be nerfed yes.
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Can't blame them. Nurse should get Spirit treatment. Enough of this really
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I think a way they can improve things is by changing how the points system works a bit
A bonus multiplier for length of time in match, a points penalty for hooking the same person twice in a row, and a much steeper penalty for time spent close to hooked survivors should help mitigate most of the reasons there are for D/Cing
If players felt rewarded for sticking with a match they wouldn't just dip out and try for more favorable one so quickly, they NEED to create rewards for actually sticking with the match, instead of just punishing leaving them
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While I agree that the nurse is allowed to play how she wants (bring whatever perks and add-ons she chooses). The added BM she did was unnecessary, assuming the OP didn't do anything to start the BMing. Having your teammates all DC in the beginning of the match and then the killer BMs you is kind of sucky.
I wouldn't expect the killer to let me escape from the match because they need points as well, but I would hope that the killer wouldn't BM me after already suffering from having bad teammates. A friendly BM is one thing, but a nurse hitting you on hook after you already lost from the start is meh.
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I can blame survivors who all ragequit when they don’t get their way in a match.
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The killer valiantly won a 1v1 battle against a sweaty survivor (not just one or two but all 4 of the hated boon perks) while playing the slowest killer in the game, she deserves to bask in her glorious victory.
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as if a swf would have done any better unless they're comp.
no matter what buffs they could give to solo q or swf nurse will stomp all the same.
this killer is so stupid my god.
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nurse bad
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That nurse build isn't even as bad as it can get.
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No, nurse is very very good which is somewhat problematic.
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Show us your 350 winstreak.
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It was a PC Nurse, playing through the Epic Games Launcher.
Post-Game Chat Logs
Me: Why did you BM me?
Nurse: I didn't BM you. I was BMing your teammates
Me: How? They all left
Nurse: I thought you were SWF and they d/c'd for you to get hatch
I talked to the Nurse for like 3 minutes after this match. The vibe I got was this person has a lot of bottled anger, and they assume the worst of survivors in every match. In their eyes, they earned the right to gloat because they prevented 4 sleazy survivors from creating their own win condition.
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The vibe I got was this person has a lot of bottled anger
Yeah lol it's a nurse, just look at any post on here suggesting any mild nerf or rework
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Bruh, you think the nurse wants to sit there for 450 seconds for you to do 5 gens?
Edit: nvm, looked at the picture, didn't realize those 2 correlated, anyways, just because 3 people DC'd doesn't mean you're entitled to a free escape
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What's the difference between a normal attack and a special attack?
Whats the meaning of a special attack?
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Irrelevant. They're way less likely to abuse disconnecting than the majority of the playerbase - if not because BHVR is watching, then because their viewership is. Fog Whisperers are vetted, ToXiC_KilLr_69420 and NurseOrBlight=DC aren't.
Eh. Not for anything, but that's way better than someone who just wants to punish survivors period and BMed for no reason. Did they apologize once they realized they got it wrong?
Also, while I don't approve taking it out on randos, it's not uncommon for killers to have a lot of bottled anger at survivors if they engage with endgame chat at all, because trying to win is a cardinal sin and you get treated like trash on the regular.
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Devs dont seem to care that solo q is a disaster. There's minimal punishment for dc and no punishment for instantly dying on hook. Never seen a game where almost 1/3 of your games are lost within 1 minute.
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Meh. I don't see anything particularly strange with this video, except maybe the fact that she gave you the chance to get hooked and die right away. Personally I would have slugged you for at least a few minutes first. You're kind of being a jerk for not DC'ing and should be taught a lesson (in case you don't know when facing a Nurse with starstruck, it is common courtesy to disconnect).
It's DBD in 2022 just git gud
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Oh! I have a couple for this one.
Took us to Coal Tower, tunneled a Nea out immediately, she actually got like 5K points. Here's the messages I got.
No ######### you won.
Said in response to me saying "I feel bad for that Nea."
Said in response to me asking if they really expected a different result when using strong add-ons and perks.
Claims to be a comp player. lmao
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i dont blame any of em
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Yup. And if the Nurse is that oppressive, the remainder of the match will be over more quickly than the DC penalty would be, so they should just play it out.
Or maybe it's just a tantrum, trying to punish the killer for daring to run the Nurse.
As a survivor, the only really oppressive thing post patch isn't the killer buffs or gen speeds, it's my teammates bailing every time something goes even a little bit against them.
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It's not. Any fog whisperer can confirm that to you in their stream
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To be fair, yeah. There are some absolutely evil SWFs out there that aren't so much out to win, as to make killers hate the game. These experiences do stay with you.
The Nurse was a bit obnoxious, but the fault here lies with the ragequitters, not the killer.
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In this scenario, yes I 100% agree with you; game was ruined by my teammates.
...but there is really no reason for the Nurse to pour salt on the wound. Her actions were pretty par-for-the-course for Nurses I encounter, which is why I called her out.
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I do not play nurse, primarily because I literally do not know how to play her and mess up almost all my blinks, that said I will not show any mercy to any survivors under any circumstances, in all my hours of playing dbd not once has a survivor showed me a shed of empathy/respect, why should I give them mercy so they BM and send me threaths after that?
Main point of this comment is, not all bitter players play nurse, some of us main other killers.