Cheating killers on PC becoming endemic

Returned to playing DbD after a break and have noticed that cheating is a massive issue in the game. Have experienced some very "unlikely" situations so have started observing killer behaviour and it's obvious that a huge percentage are using some kind of player aura hack.
Killers are making beelines directly for survivors and finding them regardless of where they are hiding or what they are doing, without using any of the perks that would enable this under normal play. I've seen killers come around corners swinging at hidden survivors without any possible prior knowledge that they were there and numerous other examples that simply can't be explained any way other than some kind of aura hack. Whenever I've had my suspicions about a killer 100% they've had the "other platform" icon against their name; I play on PS4 so indicates a probable PC player.
I played about 6 hours yesterday, I would say that something like 30% of the "other platform" players were blatantly cheating - none of their perks were aura based yet they could unerringly find and catch survs without putting a foot wrong.
Given there's little desire to prevent cheats and the report options are worthless, can we at least have an option to play with "same platform players" only? At least then console players can have the intended level playing field.
1) you can already disable crossplay
2) cheating is endemic for both sides, both subtle and blatant ones
3) its probably not improving any time soon due to how bhvr decided to handle "the arms race."
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I doubt 30% of your killers were using Aura hacks.. there are so many aura perks that allow that kind of behavior.
Good headphones make it really easy to guess a survivor behind a corner.
Its also not hard to guess survivor movement. If I see a survivor go around a corner and not come out the other side, they’re obviously trying to hide.
don’t jump to conclusions.
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Scratch marks. Pools of blood. Grunts of pain, disturbed crows, game sense. There's plenty of ways to find survivors without perks or add-ons.
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That's why DBD needs replays. So when you die you can check killers POV and you'll understand way more or not at all.
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30% of players cheating sounds like a big exaggeration honestly, not nearly that high a proportion of players are so invested in the game that they bother spending time and money installing hacks.
Maybe record some of these matches where you think people are “obviously cheating” and post one of them so you can demonstrate the sort of things you’re talking about? Who knows, you might even spot how they did something without actually cheating on review.
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sadly, disable crossplay only helps when you are on xbox or playstation.
i noticed the same issues as the thread starter. but its also on the survivor side, like sprint boosts or gen times.
replay of the whole game sounds like a great idea!
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If you are on steam it disables the windows and epic stores, with the epic store having the absolute highest potential for cheaters due to that genius giveaway promo that gave people dozens upon dozens of low risk sock accounts. In regards to demo recording, it will never happen because they didnt consider it at all when they designed the logic for the game, so literally everything would need to be rewritten into a logic that allows for it (like seeded RNG) and they're certainly not going to go through that much effort when they havent even bothered to fix the plethora of bugs that continues to be DBD in 2022.
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Just had a huntress walk up to me holding a hatchet while I was behind a pillar. Literally impossible for her to know I was there, and she knew I couldnt just run.
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God if I would love to have a replay system in this game. Even just to check the opponent POV if I'm sus about something.
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Cheaters are like cockroaches, for every blatant hacker you have seen, there is at least 10 subtle hackers hiding in the walls.
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At first I just assumed "good killer". But so many weird things started happening that I began to take more notice. For example: one game playing against Dredge he was downing and hanging survs at a rate so I assumed he had BBQ & chilli. So next time he downed someone, I was in a locker well before the hanging. This was a locker not near a generator, far side of the map, absolutely no reason at all for the killer to come through that locker. But immediately after the hanging, he teleports straight through the exact one I'm in and straight onto a hook I go. I then watch the killer head directly for the next surv who is also in hiding and pretty much impossible for the killer to know exactly where he was. I stick around until after end of the (very short) game and the killer has not a single aura assisted perk. That was when my suspicions were raised. After that I began to pay attention to more killers, and particular attention to how they played and after the game to see if their perks supported it. In every case where I had my suspicions the common factors were: not from my platform, and not a single aura based perk.
Good headphones won't help you find a survivor who you hadn't previously seen and who was hiding motionless somewhere.
Guessing survivor movement is possible, but not with 100% accuracy, which is what I've observed.
So, I'm really not jumping to conclusions out of saltiness, there's definitely something smelly going on. I've been playing DbD since release on PS4 and under the old system I was a regular Rank 1 player, so I've played enough (1000s of hours) to notice a distinct difference since coming back to DbD after a bit of a break.
And the 30% number was just a guesstimate (qualified that this 30% is from "not my platform" players) and maybe I just got unlucky with my killer allocation but I have played a lot of games this week and it was happening in those sorts of numbers.
It's also telling that I NEVER experienced this odd killer behaviour when they were on the same PS4 platform as me.
Just because you're a legit killer doesn't mean there aren't bad eggs out there. Try playing as a surv for a bit, analyse the killer gameplay style and see if their perks support it. Sometimes it does, fine; all good, and sometimes it definitely does not.
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Impossible to make this call without seeing her POV. I've been accused of hacking when I'm literally just paying attention. I've seen survivors trying to hide behind stuff not realizing their medkit or whole arm is visible to me.
Then there's perks like Floods of Rage, too.
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And when NONE of those apply, and the killer has an infallible knowledge of where survivors are, and none of the perks to support it, what would your conclusion be?
Seriously, I've put enough hours into this game and tbh I'm good enough at it to know when it's good killer vs cheating killer. Why would I wait 5 years to bleat about it at this point?
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Perhaps they were using an aura perk you didn’t recognize, such as the dredge’s locker aura.
As well as that, I believe the dredge gets killer instinct for survivors in or near lockers while teleporting if I’m not mistaken.
im not saying you’re wrong.. just like to give the benefit of the doubt because I’ve been called a cheater multiple times because I’ve used good game sense and knowledge to pull survivors out of random lockers or randomly hit them from behind trees and corners. (With no aura perks). I honestly do it all the time because survivors are predictable 90% of the time.
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I don't see a fraction of cheating killers like a I do survivors. Claiming both sides is a cop out.
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Probably because survivors have faster queues
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Also in the very beginning of a match, your can potentially locate Survivors quickly by being aware of and taking advantage of one key bit of information: Survivors do not spawn within a 3 tile radius of the Killer.
Combine that with a bit of map sense and your can reliably guess where Survivors are likely to spawn in
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Whenever I get killed in ways I don't understand I always hang around to endgame to see the killer perks and work out what they've done and how they did it. It makes me a better survivor and learn to detect different killer playstyles and evolve how I play. I don't think Dredge has killer instinct while teleporting; they do have Darkness Revealed which does reveal players near lockers but the Dredge I observed didn't trigger this by searching a locker, it was chase surv, down surv, hang surv, straight to my locker.
Seems some ppl are very defensive, and think I'm some kind of noob who doesn't understand the game mechanics. I always suspect skill rather than cheats but if you just play as surv and watch how the killer acts against what perks & skills they have you'll see what I mean sooner or later.
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I’ve seen maybe like two or three cheaters in the ~1,200 hours that I have been playing. Maybe I’m just lucky, but I don’t think cheating is as big of a problem as you think it is
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I'm raising this again because it's getting beyond a joke. Maybe it's because I'm iridescent 1 level and I'm being paired with higher ranked killers and there's a disproportionate number of cheaters at that level, but I played a few hours this morning and I kept track of the obvious cheaters and it was around 60% of the games I played, but I can guarantee there's a massive issue. There are a few giveaways:
- the killer is running absolutely zero aura based perks (why would they?!)
- they make a beeline to the nearest survivor every single time in open play
- they know exactly when someone is making a dash to unhook a surv and will abandon a chase to prevent it
- they can predict your movements with 100% when they lose line of sight
- they never go patrolling to areas where survs aren't
- they are only interested in finishing the game as quickly as possible, they'll tunnel survs if that's the easiest way
- they never let the last surv escape (I'm not saying they should, but some killers do this after a good game, but it never happens with a cheater)
- they immediately find the last surv, even if they're hiding all the way across the map in a very unusual place
- when it comes to close quarters, they're not actually very good killers against even half decent jukers
Consequently games are over really quickly, survs might get one generator in the first rush if the first surv is a good juker, and maybe one more if they're really lucky. It's just a repeating pattern that is wholly at odds with my considerable experience in the game. It seems other survs are detecting the same thing because now I'm seeing far more disconnect, or deliberately die asap, or change their playstyle as soon as the first surv gets hung because they know there's no point in trying to play a normal game.
I suspect I'll get a bunch of more comments telling me I don't know what I'm talking about, but before you do so remember that these killers have 100% awareness of every survivor all of the time and absolutely zero aura perks to justify it. Try ranking up as a surv and see how it goes, based on the numbers you'll encounter it pretty soon if you've got the game awareness to detect it.
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You need to play some killer, because you obviously don't know that you don't need anything to be able to HEAR the survivors. Play some killer games and get a grip on the situation. It is easy to find survivors that are hiding just around a corner. You can literally hear their footsteps, their breathing, and if they are injured they are practically shouting at you to come get them. With a good set of headphones you can tell which direction to turn. Also, in case you thought otherwise, you can hear survivors that are hiding in a locker.
That's without any perks or add-ons. Now actually look at the killers. A lot of them have the ability to find survivors built into their powers. They don't need to see an aura to know where you are.
Then there are the killers with experience, that just know where you are most likely hiding, and guess right.
Then there are the killers that just flat out get lucky. It happens. If you played killer even a little bit you would have this happen to you.
I am not saying that cheaters are non-existant. What I am saying is killers have almost no reason to cheat. I have encountered and reported dozens of hackers and blatant rule breakers, but they were ALL OF THEM WERE survivors, and I main survivor. I have never been 100% sure that a killer was hacking, other than the rule breaking of teaming up with a survivor.
So, if you are still certain they are hacking, the way to deal with them is to make a Youtube account. Link it on your PS4. Watch the other survivors until the end of the match if you aren't all dead already. Click the share button at the end card of any match you are certain a hacker was hacking. Save the match time. Use the report feature in game on the end card. Upload the video (I make mine semi-private which means you and those you send the link to can view it). Search here on the forums for "Where do I report hackers?" find the link and create a report. This is where you will give your video evidence to BHVR of the hacker. Go to your video and find the share button and copy and paste that link into your report. Now you are done, and you are likely to never have any idea if all that work was worth your effort, because they will not get back to you about it.
Now that you've read all these people telling you ways survivors can be found without cheating, and the process you have to undergo to report cheaters, how certain are you that all these killers are 'hacking'?
Let me reiterate this final part. This is not the place to report cheaters. You are doing nothing but venting and getting advice here.
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Epic is the source of a huge number of cheaters. Turning that off will protect you from a large number of them.
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If you got youtubers that have their entire content based around finding cheaters in games with better anti-cheat and ways of knowing, then you know games like this that only rely on EAC has quite a few of them.
Though a killer using hacks to win is pretty ridiculous, some of these killers are stupid strong when played correctly with or without perks.
Like legion for example, I have to keep saying "they are not cheating, that is their ability in frenzy" Once legion love taps someone in a frenzy, they can see where everyone else is.
This is why if you are a survivor main you should at least play every killer once.
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I've been called a cheater way too many times by players who had no idea for how long I was tracking them, or the tracks they left, or the birds they've disturbed, or the sound of their breath, or ... pfff, way too many things.
To consider this kind of comment as an indication of cheating. More tangible proof is needed.
(And let's not even start about blind downs across the map)
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Uhmmm Dredge... and you were in a locker - maybe learn how his power works :)
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Well, I obviously do know how killers HEAR survivors. I've been playing the game for 4+ years, killer and surv (surv main though). I am talking here about more than just detecting survs. Please explain how a killer can HEAR a survivor across the whole map?
As for killer perks, yes I'm completely familiar with each of them. And they can't explain what I'm experiencing.
As for lucky killers, yes, I know that too.
You're not wanting to understand what I'm writing. I'm not complaining about killers being good, or winning more. I'm observing killers playing 100% PERFECT games. They never patrol, they never go hunting, they are just going directly to a surv REGARDLESS of where they are on the map, down them, hang them, move on to next surv with PERFECT accuracy. Repeat, PERFECT. They never put a foot wrong. Games are over in literally less than 5 minutes. Yes I've experienced short games before, but only when survs are being idiots. I can accept that, always have. But there is something else going on here.
I was a rank 1 player nearly every season under the old scheme, and I'm iridescent 1 now for what that's worth (not much). I have never seen killers play so consistently perfectly as I am now.
I do use the report method but we all know that doesn't count for anything. Yes I'm venting because unless something is done the game will get die. I could upload videos but in isolation people will always make excuses, as they are here - any single game in isolation could be written off as "lucky killer". It's the sheer perfection of the way they play and the frequency it's happening that is telling.
Yes I've read "all the ways people tell me ways to find survivors without cheating", and I'm totally familiar with them, I am not a noob at this game. So yes, after all of that, I am pretty certain they are hacking.
It's much more noticeable now in the second half of the season as the player ranks are being sorted out, same experience as last month when I first mentioned it. This is probably because all the cheating killers are now top ranked so my incidence of being paired with them is significantly greater. I didn't notice it anything like as much after the season reset.
Play surv and get to Iridescent level. I guarantee you'll experience it.
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You do know you can almost 100% predict survivor spawns with enough practice and good macro/gamesense will let you aproximate what people are doing and were they are at. It's also possible to straight up hear survivor breathing too depending on character.
It's funny you mention iridescent too as if that actually matters at all. Grade means absolutely NOTHING and mmr is so jank that it's likely for you to get 2 brand new players while being a trillion mmr there is a softcap that means average players can technically be high mmr in terms of the matchmaking system.
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Being Iri 1 has NOTHING to do with MMR - You keep saying that as if it does. Your GRADE has nothing to do with your matchmaking.
The rate of hackers is tracked by a lot of high tier players and on average it is around 2-4% of games - so no I doubt you are that good at the game where you are getting 15 times more hackers than comp players and high profile streamers. I don't NEED perks to make educated guesses that pay off the majority of the time - why?? Because I have 2k hours as a killer. Survivors; especially survivor mains who do not play killer, are very predictable in their pathing and behavior.
And yes the REPORT feature does work - if you are supplying actual proof instead of just rambling on about how you suspect cheating. You can't accuse people of cheating and expect anything to happen without proof - common sense. You have provided no proof in this thread aside from your anecdotal "They must be cheating because I say so" statements.
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You're acting awfully dismissive for someone assuming ranks even affect matchmaking still. Try to take their intention rather than finding reasons to dissmiss it. I can't tell you how many survivors seem to either forget crows exist, or realize they give information when they return just as much as when they take off. Tracking can certainly look confusing without all the data, just like a survivor who lithed outside of line of sight looks like they were trying to hide using speed hacks if you don't consider the possibility that actually happened.
I'm also not discounting that there are killers who use cheats, its absolutely happens and far more than it should (which should be zero.) Its also absolutely not a killer sided issue though, as survivors cheat just as much if not more, especially due to there being 4 possible cheaters per match instead of 1 due to the sheer nature of role player counts. Everyone knows it exploded due to bhvr letting people stock up on free copies of the game, which is a practice I hope they never revisit and I hope they come up with better ways of getting people into the game than giving them dozens of no risk sock accounts to test their luck with.
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Did you meant Survivors?
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How long a break did you take? There's a slew of aura perks that are new to the game, and if you took a long break, it's doubtful you are perfectly familiar with all of them. Especially if you are a surv main.
You'll have to forgive me, but what this sounds like is a tale as old as time: main of one side isn't all that familiar with tools at the other's disposal; sees everything as cheating/sniping.
I play as much surv as killer, at iri grade (doesn't mean anything, but since you're using it as a qualifier, so will I), and I don't see much I can't explain. Certainly not any more than I see from the other side.
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30% of "other platform" players are cheating, I like my hyperbole too but lets not exaggerate.
To play devils advocate, I'm not saying people don't cheat, its present on both sides, but..
It doesn't take a huge amount of map knowledge to b-line to known survivor spawn points and get it right.
Crows often make this very obvious, many survivors play pretty bold not realizing how little effort it takes to watch the sky line for all those lil birds taking off and landing.
While sound bugs abound, a good set of headphones will catch survivor breathing and foot steps pretty consistently.
Anyone whom plays a good amount of both sides will likely know a lot of the tricks and will catch you out really unexpectedly sometimes.
There are a few times when I've thought man this survivor just seems faster than expected, or wow they found me pretty easily but always be cautious about immediately jumping on the shenanigans bandwagon.
Because I've been accused of cheating, just because a survivor made themselves very obvious from game start and then was breathing so loud I could have caught them in the dark. It happens a lot.