Replace generator aura colors with icons

There's a load of perks that just don't work together due to to auras. Whether it flat out breaks perks (using surveillance and call of brine, for example- surveillance ceases to function entirely as call's yellow overwrites surveillance's white), or you get unreliable information, such as when a survivor has a perk that shows their gen yellow to other survivors...but killer also has a perk that will show a generator as yellow to survivors where the killer is undetectable unless someone taps the gen. As a survivor, when I see a generator is yellow, i have no idea why because a yellow generator could mean a variety of things. Could be a survivor perk - could be a killer perk. Who knows?

Since generator aura perks have a tendency to run into other aura colors and lose out on their meaning, why not have icons of the perk it's associated with appear above the gen? That way, at a glance, you know what perk is activated on that gen instead of rolling the die to figure out what the color might mean. It'll turn it more into strategy and less about guesswork.


  • Mysterioso
    Mysterioso Member Posts: 80

    I'd like to say Trail Of Torment making it so that the gen appears yellow to survivors is a fine addition. It gives the killer the ability to try and plan out either an ambush as well as information if the person goes to tap the gen. It making the survivors confused as to whether this gen is afflicted with Blast Mine or Situational Awareness is up to the survivors to decide if they wish to go there. They will though probably eventually figure out what is going on. It only adds to the flavor of the match and how it will go. For Call Of Brine and Surveillance, you'll know that Call Of Brine is active because of the noise notifications it will give you when the survivor hits a good skill check on the generator. The only times though I ever see both perks ran together are with randomizers generally though since most people will pick COB.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131
    edited August 2022

    I was only giving two examples. Surveillance won't work with eruption, call of brine, dragons, etc. Discordance won't work with call of brine, eruption, dragons, etc, and there's several more examples. Too many perks share the same aura colors. It makes everything far more confusing and even entirely breaks perks in some situations when using icons would fix it all in one swoop.

    Trail torment, sure you could technically trick a survivor, but you have no feedback if that's actually happening or not as you don't know what they are running. It just muddies the water unnecessarily across the board. Icons would be a simple and effective fix.

    It will fix perks from breaking and make everything less RNG in regards to why generators are lighting up. They color up because they are supposed to provide information, but they are failing to provide reliable information due to overlaps. Imagine if various perks made hooks also white. It would end up being rng if you're actually hooking on a scourgehook. The gens are no different. While you may want to strategize around trail of torment, it's too chaotic and rng dependant to viable actually use in practice.

    As for surveillance and call of brine, yeah you'll know of someone is there if they are doing good skill checks, but it entirely invalidates the point of running surveillance...which is to see which gens are regression, period.

  • Mysterioso
    Mysterioso Member Posts: 80

    It's more of a situation of which perks are generally better for this argument. Why would someone wish to run both COB and Surveillance at once unless they also have Ruin with them as well. In general practice most killers would be running one or the other unless again they're doing the randomizers. For Trail Of Torment, You can get pretty good value out of it as a killer though there is the problem once survivors know you're running it they know sort of where you are unless you straight up leave the gen which in most cases is what you should be doing to get full usage out of it unless you wish to gamble on the survivor coming to said gen. However, that's the same with a lot of perks. You could also debate that Hex perks are the same as aura perks because some do counter each other completely and wouldn't make sense running with them and on the killers POV you don't know which one they'll be breaking. Back to the topic though, There are perks in game that simply won't work with each other at all. Oppression is another good example. Which is why the killer player needs to pick and choose what they want to run. Experimenting is nice and all and you get to figure out what works and what doesn't.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131

    Can you give a reason why icons of perks active on a gen is not a good idea? Simply put, why NOT add this feature?

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    this is a good idea but idk how theyd get it to look good if it were implemented

    like if at a distance there were just floating perk icons, i think thatd be quite distracting, regardless of size

    but maybe if the devs looked into the problem, they could come up with a solution that both solves the issue and looks good

    but yeah good idea thumbs up :)

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707

    As someone who uses surveillance a lot yes. It’s annoying that so many perks are basically blocked off because of bad design. It’s certainly not balance because there’s way more broken things then surveillance with… anything…