Hey killers

Just curious (only to killers who aren't gods & don't get 4k every single game) how long does it usually take you to get to iri?
lets say 2 weeks. Depends on how many survivor I play after the 13th and the Rank Reset. With Killer, I go to Rank 1 faster than with survivors.
At the moment I am Silver 3 with Killer.
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Depends on how much I play survivor. Two to three weeks.
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Depends on queue times and how many matches I play. Fastest is around three or four days, other times I don't hit iri at all despite playing daily.
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Got to Iri4 on the 12th this month...
I usually donยดt get to Iri.
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Eh I don't try to go for red rank. I rather stay in the middle where I get a mix of sweaty games and casual games.
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The games you get put in are based off your MMR though...
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A year.... But mostly it was a month of tryharding
and it was irritating to say the least
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It usually doesn't take that long to hit iri, maybe a couple days if I try for it. Even games I lose I can tend to black pip and very rarely do I really depip. And generally it's not hard to pip up most games with how I try to play.
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Any specific reason for that ? Or just having off matches ?
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I usually make it to Iri1 (or Iri 2/3, depending on the amount of sweat encountered) around the end of the month or early days of the next month. This lets me fool around for sometimes 2 weeks with builds that aren't as sweaty and I am not obliged to go for as many kills as possible, but give hatches freely.
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I honestly do the same . Games are somewhat "try hard" cause the motivation of getting to iri (even 4) is an awesome feeling to me and obviously if you get to iri 1 you can just kinda relax and fool around til the 13th like you said .
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That's why I still, and always will, advocate to get rid of depipping.
Just let the people have fun any way they like and eventually crawl their way up to Iri1, if they just play enough. Heck, just add a pip to each grade, maybe even 2, but just get rid of depipping.
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Man I cannot agree enough . The thought of de pipping makes me actually play more of an ######### now that I think about it.
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Iโd say on average a week and a half. But thatโll turn into 2 weeks or more when this semester starts.
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I've literally never paid any attention to it.
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If I'm really going for it, about two weeks.
Though like others have said, it's more fun after Iri 1 when you can just chill and let people go more. If they got rid of de-pipping it'd be more fun overall for both killer/survivor and healthier for the game.
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To be honest, i never cared to get into neither red ranks nor iri grades.
Just like in other games like for example league of legends. Bronze for life, since i know i could get into plat atleast but it's just not worth the hassle. Or getting into diamond in rocket league, rainbow six siege or overwatch where i had the luck to get placed into gold from the beginning.
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I haven't gotten Iri in months
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If I've got nothing to do (holidays, days off, illness) 3-4 days.
If playing during regular working times about 2 weeks.
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I split my time between survivor and killer (whatever queue is faster). Usually takes me about 3 weeks to hit iri if I'm playing regularly. If I'm not able to play as much or if I don't feel like playing one side to hit iri 1, then usually I'll at least hit gold or iri 4 by the time reset comes around.
Last month I had time and wanted the bp rewards, so I think I finished getting to iri 1 on both sides only a few days before reset.
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It takes me 2 days to get iri 1
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not long at all. I could get Iri 1 in one day if I tried. Survivor on the other hand is very hard. I play mostly solo so how fast I get to iri 1 is very reliant on the team and killer I get.
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sounds about right
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Never been to iri since cross play. Though to be fair I don't play much anymore.
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Being that I'm not a super sweaty try-hard competitive boosted player and I play fair.
Never been and don't care to get there๐
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It really depends. It's a linear grind anyway so you get there eventually no matter what... I suppose.
Probably easier for killers because how you advance is based on your own skills, while as a solo Survivor each game is a hit or miss depending who you are with and who you are against
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I only play 1 or 2 matches a night so I donโt get to Iri, just not enough matches in a month at that rate (I have a decent win rate but not THAT high! ๐)
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1 or 2 matches a night? that's like 30-60 matches a month, right? of course you get it. That's quite a lot
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2 to 3 weeks if playing consistently. For example, got bored with the current game state and played only to close book challenges and last month got only to gold.