Hook Timer Should Pause When the Killer Camps

For years this idea kept popping up with every new player thinking they broke the algorithm. They figured it out, just pause the timer they say. Then the Vets have to step up and bring them down to Earth. It's been tried in a PTB, the survivors abused it.
But still, some say the times are different. It will be different now. We are the ones we've been waiting for.
I can only laugh. 🤣
Whether or not the Devs change it before release. We have a modern example for the future big brains.
Killer is seeing this perk activated, hooked survivor is turning white. Survivor needs to be close to hook for activate it (6m) and this distance is good enough to see them. So you have option to chase another.
What was the word? "Adapt", hell yeah. Camper killers needs to adapt. Easy.
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If they Devs made it base game it would be the same thing, the killer would know what's happening. Survivors just hang around the hook until the killer leaves and chases the survivor doing gens.
So stay and lose pressure or leave and lose pressure. Win Win right?
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Camping the hook is (in my opinion) never a justifiable play style. It is sweaty and not enjoyable for the poor survivor you are face camping.
Reassurance is a band aid on a larger problem. If they nerf this perk I hope that they make hook stages longer to match longer gen times and punish the killer for camping.
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Well, its only six meters, so that means two people off of gens. The killer will see the hiding person eventually, probably down them and hook them (especially if they have an instant down killer) and now they have two hooks. So they'll adapt and then survivors would find something else to complain about.
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So you are telling me survivors are hanging around hook and not doing generator?????
Omg dude, give these survivors to me please. They are giving me free pressure. All i need to get all of them down. My skills are enough to do that.
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Like the PTB from way back when its not up to the killer to leave or not. The survivors blatantly stay near the hook.
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Teams have gen jockeys and they can take turns.
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All you need get 2 of them down. If they are not saving their hooked survivor for no reason, then you already have one. Then get another down and slug them. Survivors needs to be around of hook for activate it. So you can find them and chase them. On this case, 2 survivors are not doing generator.
They are giving you free pressure but you are complaining about it.
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There's a time and a place to camp hook. If the survivors cluster around hook like hungry seagulls, and you have to ask "why would the killer leave the hook to go find someone else, when there's someone else right here? Why not camp the hooked survivor while simultaneously chasing another?"
You can punish survivors for greeding gens by going back to hook. No one unhooked in time, now you can camp the hook for a mere 10-15 seconds and get a free hook state out of it and maybe even hook another survivor while you're there... or slug them if you see another survivor, essentially dooming the survivor team for one mistake. One guy on hook that's almost dead, one guy on the ground close to hook, and one guy getting chased near hook. It's a demonstration of good game sense. You know what the survivors are doing, so you make a play that punishes them for doing it.
Also after the gens are done, there is not much else for the killer to do other than camp hook and take 1 for 1s until someone dies.
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I literally see nothing wrong with the perk on general, but think that the cooldown should be a bit higher. It shouldn't becan infinite just so that some trolls can't take the game semi hostage. Also, most effects of such a nature in the game have 60-80s cooldown.
Everyone hates face camping, so that they now deal out an effective means against it is kinda cool, but it should just buy a lot of time and make facecamping really costy and unattractive, but not totally impossible.
The activation range of 6m is quite short, so most of the time you as the killer should have a good chance to intercept a cheeky survivor.
With Reassurance coming I would love it if they buffed kinship slightly: let it work on both hook states and show a symbol that it activated. This way it would be simpler to use then Reassurance and be something you would "fire and forgot", while buying the team a lot of time.
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What is camping? I agree face camping is boring but survivors call literally everything camping and tunneling. Replace the word camping with defending a hook and see if your statement is still reasonable. If I see a survivor running to a hooked person, you best believe im dropping another chase to stop that survivor. Why would you ever try to punish a killer for doing their objective?
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Man you just don't get it. Survivors taking a gen from 0 -> 100% isn't gen tunneling! A killer focusing one survivor down to death hook should 100% be stopped though. Similarly, a survivor hovering around a gen at 50%+ isn't camping that gen, but a killer hanging out around a survivor about to go into phase 2 because their team prioritized gens over the saves MUST be stopped!!! Killers can't keep getting away with a .2 and .3 decrease to hit cooldown and survivor run speed boosts from 6.1.0.
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We watch the same video? If the killer actually knew how to use his power or even chase, the survivor team would have thrown the game by trying to play like this.
Looks fine to me.
Face camping, except in the end game, should be harshly, harshly punished. Instead, right now it is greatly rewarded.
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It's a way to bully new/low skill killers. Sure the killer could of done better but the reality was they didn't. I equate it to the double locker with flashlights. As long as the survivors know how to time the save, you have no choice but to leave them or keep trying until they mess up or run out of charges.
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If it go base kit, it's a HUGE buff for survs and also a HUGE nerf for killers, because this mean camping in end game is no longer viable, this mean killer in end game is no longer viable.
You don't realize how powerful it is.
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I see it as a tool to deal with bullying killers more than to bully killers. If a survivor is stuck on hook like they tried in the video then that is really the survivor being bullied, not the killer. The killer will manage to injure and eventually down the survivors coming back to hook if they want to.
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What if a Survivor sneaks in and Activates it and the Camper has no clue where they are and when they look they cant find them?
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The perk needs more limitations, otherwise it's fairly okay.
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I avoid camping and tunneling in most cases, but there are very valid times where each is useful.
I recently camped 2 people out mid game. We were on Ironworks map. There were a total of 4 gens near the building. They needed 2 gens still. The one inside the building was 50%. I downed a survivor and hooked him inside the building. As I was backing away, another survivor went for the rescue in front of me. I literally took one step back and they ran up. I hit them and they went for it. I had 6 stacks of STBFL and downed them. Hooked them outside near another gen. I now have 4 gens and 2 people hooked in a spot where I can see each gen with a tight patrol.
Explain to me why I should not camp these 2 out? They are on 2nd hook and the setup lends to me being able to protect 4 gens. I would be dumb to leave that. Yet you claim there is no reason to camp ever. Should I take their fun into consideration? Are they going to consider mine if they blast out 5 gens in record time? More like they will sit at the gates trying to mock me.
No side has the high morale ground in this discussion.
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I agree 100% with what you said, it's pure honesty.
You said something about our fun, and you're right, i think they never consider this. Also, maybe it's a good thing to remember WE are the bad guys here, survs have their mind set who is altruism, survive, flee. And we have our mind set who is to make survs suffer, be sadistic, trapping you, killing you.
We are on oposite side, our goals are totaly different, don't ask a killer to be altrusitic, this is non-sense, we are just going to be sadist.
I have a sample for you, in a game, there was 3 survs in life, there was just one last gen, and they were always going for the same, in was never ending an annoying, obssession was still in life and i got rancor, this was the one on the gen. I was like "hmmm...i wonder if..." so i did'nt moved, i lloked at claudette, she looked at me, i didn't hie the gen, juste hinting her to do it. She came to do it after hesitation and felix came too, gen ding fast, claudette was the first to run, but my plan was to catch her, hook her and bait the two others while i camp her, it worked, she was the only one to escape.
Honests killers perfectly know that tunneling and camping can be good at some moments and perfectly useless at others, camping a surv in early/mid game is not worth except for some exceptions, but is totaly worth end game, and it's worth because you are altruistic.
When i played surv a little, more i was egoist, more my escape rate was good, because as a main killer, i perfectly know what kill survs.
Sometimes, survs talk about "the book of survivors" guys, we are killers, we don't care.
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Idk I kinda want to see it released, see how some people manage to use it, specially people who are good at the game and will use not to prevent camping but to just destroy the pressure a hooked survivor has and go away with overcome or what not.
Like when comp teams knew how to make camaraderie an incredibly good perk, yet the average player thinks its trash because they lack so much knowledge of how it can be used.
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There is time and place for camping, tunneling etc...But it's mostly situational and it's definitely not something that should be happening at the start of the game. I personally never do it unless someone is asking for it or it's end game and I'm trying to get at least one kill if I have a bad game.
As a killer main I don't mind the new perk and I think it's something that should've been in the game long time ago, I'm only worried it's gonna be abused in some way.
I wish the was some sort of a built in mechanic in the game that would just not allow camping and tunneling for like first half of the game or until x generators are done because it's really hard for survivors to recover from losing 1 person at the beginning just because they got tunneled out.
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No, would not be balanced. Camping is a risk the killer takes against decent survivors, of course is not a risk against bad, mediocre survs.
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As expected from a Nurse player.
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What does everyone think of 'drive by' Reassurance (ie procing it when the killer is not camping....used to keep people in the game, prevent forced stages/kills, set up end game plays, speedy heals, etc....just providing some examples as I'm sure some people won't see the value in removing any urgency from the act of unhooking).
I'm almost certain that the perk will require some sort of killer presence in its activation requirements (ie within 32m) to be balanced.
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I mean, you're not really losing pressure because that's 2/4 survivors not on gens
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Probably they nerf it before release, because it has nothing to do with camping, since it works no matter where the killer is. So it can be used no matter what.
Imagine a killer perk also which stops the progress of a generator completely with no precondition just press a button when you are close to one for 30 seconds. and you can repeat it every 45 seconds. No matter where survivors are or what they do. How stupid would that be, right? I agree.
The problem is that it has no counter. There is nothing you can do to restart the hook timer, so it's basically a one button perk with no preconditions, no drawbacks, no counters. Regardless of what the killer does, he can be on the other side of the map also.
So basically it's not an anti camping perk, we can't pretend that it is, it doesn't require the killer to be within 16 meters or something for it to work, it requires nothing at all.
Right now survivors are abusing it on PTB for all sort of reasons, to troll eachother, to drag out the game, to simply pause the hook timer in case they are in a bad position, so on so forth. And that's great. The more they abuse it the more they show the flaw of a perk and probably the final version will be changed. It's quite normal. That's what PTB is for.
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I wouldnt say pause but maybe slowed down 20% or so
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They were all staying around the hook,that wasn’t camping that was chasing the other survivors.What’s a killer supposed to do?Is he just supposed to let the survivors go ?No!if you stay around the hook I’ll let that survivor stay on hook for eternity.
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Was attempted ages ago in a ptb. It was abused, and it was scrapped.
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Just gonna throw this here:
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What? Camping in the end game is still viable. Hell, if someone is dumb enough to open the gates and starts the end game collapse then Reassurance isn't going to help you.
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You are seeing survivors have this perk. No point for camping. Go and pressure on gens.
Camping needs to die, i am okey for that
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Pretty much. If you see this is in play go chase another survivor or pressure gens. If the Killer can't catch another survivor then that's an MMR problem since the survivors are so much better than the Killer they shouldn't have been in the same lobby; it's not a perk design problem.
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idk Im doubting it. what if the killer camps because they are mad?
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Reason is not important. If you are camping, you will be punished by this perk. Healthy change for game.
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