What do I do with the Prime skin?

So I got the code for the "exclusive" Plague skin and upon entering it in it gave me an error. I already have it lol So do I not get anything this month from them? I dunno what they expect me to do with the code other than giving it to someone else. I wouldn't mind some bp or iri shards though
Post edited by GentlemanFridge on14 -
I could tell you what to do but i may get banned so i wont give ideas
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Edit: Wow I wrote almost the same exact comment as unknownkiller. That's embarrassing 😳
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BHVR being BHVR.
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Now seems that people is gifting the codes yet BHVR doesnt want that.
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If you have a friend give it to them, but some people have just been posting them in the forums as well.
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I love that "don't share codes" header. Well, what else are we supposed to do with it when you gift something most players who were here last year already have?
This whole situation was so easily avoided.
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Yeah but seems BEhvr can be one step ahead of possible problems.You know the worst part? That they know we are angry yet they didnt say anything official about the issue.
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Seems more like one step behind to me, considering this is in reaction to so many people giving out the otherwise useless codes. I don't get the impression they predicted that was going to happen.
Them addressing this but not the skin itself does kill my hope this was all a mistake, though. :(
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Honestly, if they don't want that they shouldn't sit here and give us a cosmetic almost everyone playing at the time of the rift already has.
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why did they gift us the same skin most of us have though? they only give 1 skin away a month through prime as it is.
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yeah and where did we get this skin from to begin with? Wasn't it Prime? Pretty lame if you ask me. We have only done what feels like 5-7 skins on prime gaming and were ALREADY onto duplicates? In a game where theres like zillions. At least give out one of those lame ones that are a base outfit but a different color. Anythings better than something we can't even use.
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Yeah that header just adds insult to injury.
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Hold onto it until they make it give you 50k compensation BP since you already owned the cosmetic
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Report the error as a bug, see if BHVR will fix it.
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I guess I’ll hold onto it just in case and indeed report it as a bug. This kinda dampers my hype for the future prime skins, ngl. But I’ll take what was given to me :P
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Once I will grant as either a mistake or a bad play that they can learn from. If they do it again, I'm out.
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just shove it up your booty and smile. Nothing else we can do apparently.
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It is not a bug. It is intentional, even tho I do not understand why or what they were thinking about.
I reported it as a bug and Mandy closed it as answered, saying if I own I can not redeem it... so basically to go sc* * * myself.
And honestly, I do not even know why I am disappointed or surprised. Should have expected it.
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They’re gonna nuke this thread like the others.
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it was a past rift.
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At first I was on BVHR's side about the prime skin initially because I just thought they were trying to give returning players a chance to catch up on their cosmetic wardrobe, but now this is getting kind of ridiculous... you gift people a skin that most already have... and they can't give the codes to people who don't have it or else they will be banned on the forums so they're basically out of a prime reward for the month :/ seems kind of selfish behavior and an avoidable situation to me.
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LMAO I just noticed that 😂 wow