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Member Posts: 1,725

Why are my teammates all cleansing less than 30 seconds into a match?

Like... what is the excuse here? There is no Thana, and two of you aren't even Broken yet.

How is common sense so hard to come by in this game?

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  • Member Posts: 3,195

    solo q instinct says nobody else is gonna do it.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    What if they are running Inner Healing or Overzealous? This perks might compete with CoH, but they are totally viable and need cleansed totems as ammunition.

    Also don't rule out the occasional NOED that might get canceled outright; I did pull of a few of those single-handedly, just to proof the point that you can "do bones" without much of a detriment to the team or "basically throwing the game".

  • Member Posts: 1,725
  • Member Posts: 93

    If you have a team that can carry you and a not so good killer, yes you can tour the map and cleanse all 5 totems. If there is a weak link and the killer is good, no way in hell you’re cleansing all 5 totems without throwing the game

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Meh, even the weakest link knows how to hold a button, so they do a gen, you find bones, considering you have small game or s similar

  • Member Posts: 4,185

    It's 2022 and there will always be some new players that may not know the ropes yet?

  • Member Posts: 118

    If I cleanse, I always leave at least one well-placed totem for CoH.

  • Member Posts: 318
    edited August 2022

    I think that the dilemma of Plague matches is pretty simple when you boil it down.

    Plague excels at highlighting which survivors play selfishly.

    The strat that seasoned survivors know to use against Plague is to carry infection so that you don't feed into Plague's corrupted purge (a survivor-downing machine in the right hands). The catch about this strat is that ALL FOUR survivors have to agree to use this. Otherwise, those carrying the infection is screwed.

    In the eyes of the survivor not using the strat:

    Why should I have to accept my fate that I can only have one health state this entire match? And leave infection trails everywhere? And be super noisy? Plague is gonna down you easily if you have full infection with purge or M1. If you don't have full infection, you're still likely gonna be downed easily with corrupt purge, but your chances THERE are better since you have two health states.

    I view this problem as a type of DBD Prisoner's Dilemma. Be selfish and benefit? Or embrace the suck and endure full infection in solidarity? It pisses off the others agreeing to take it on the chin while another survivor allows themself 2 health states to preserve themselves.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Constant cleanse is underrated. If you can deny plague getting her power at a time of her choosing it can be very useful.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    ...Unless she takes any of those pools before you corrupt all of them, and uses it to snowball out of control quickly due to some people being one shot (or even two shot) from a distance. The risk doesn't match the reward at all, but once people start cleansing sometimes its your only option.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited August 2022

    With plague in particular i still think accessibility can/does become a factor for a lot of people, simply due to the prevalence of synesthesia people can experience regarding vomit itself. It very common for people to have one or more senses react negatively to vomit, and you're being constantly exposed to two of them (seeing it and hearing it.) Thankfully they havent really invented ways to smell games yet, despite that old earthbound marketing gimmick.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    I like to smell and be clean. It’s very rare to find an abundance of water out here in the Fog, so I take advantage of it and clean every nook, cranny and crevice of my body whenever the opportunity presents itself.

  • Member Posts: 634

    cleansing is not bad, sorry but if everyone cleanses then they rob her of a multitude of fountains and shift the pressure, plague with her ability is not nearly as bad on average as most would think. when i play with friends i make sure they cleanse and then when i cleanse i get sick on purpose with saves and other activities. for whatever reason most plagues just wait until everyone is sick to use their ability, but because they dont save their fountains they literally lose their fountains and gain their power for a short time. so cleansing isnt bad, if you can coordinate.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    Comparing strats for SWF vs Solo Queue is like Apples to Oranges.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    That's actually impressive the Plague managed to infect multiple survivors in less than 30 seconds into the game.

    Some players prefer to cleanse and force her into her power instead of letting her choose when to use it. Some people don't like playing sick/injured. Some want the BP from cleansing. Some players just don't care. Unfortunately if you're not playing in a 4SWF you have to deal with the randoms not choosing same playstyle as you. It's what makes solo or even duos so frustrating - the randoms that aren't on same page as you.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    You think that’s bad?

    I’ve seen people cleanse just to work on an infected generator seconds later, or go for an unhook.

    I’ve seen people finish cleansing while still in range.

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    I'd say its common sense to not assume everyone knows everything about the game

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    I thought it'd be common sense for players who don't know how to play the game to not be queued into lobbies with people who do know how to play the game, but here we are...

    Dead Dawg Saloon with Lethal Pursuer. She beelined it right over to 3 of us, infected Jill & Leon then committed to a chase on Haddie.

    I unhooked Haddie, and Plag came straight back with Corrupt Purge. Game was over then and there.

  • Member Posts: 6,826

    I main Plague and I ask that question so many times. Like y’all know you’re making my job easier by cleansing right???

  • Member Posts: 30

    Ahh yes, let's separate the queues more by assuming there was any reliable way of measuring skill in a game like this... there were so many people who intentionally tanked their scores to play lower ranks back when that was a system here that it proves that it doesn't matter.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    Only four months until 2023! 🥳

  • Member Posts: 10,289

    It's safer just to not cleanse until the gens are done.

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    To be fair I do the first one when I see a person cleanse just so I could get infected again and use another fountain and go for the overcleanse strat

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    Better than team mates who cleanse then immediately get on a sick gen. The amount of times I see that happen in solo!

  • Member Posts: 181

    I don't see plague often (thankfully) so not many rookies understand the mechanics.

    I run CoH, BtB and know it's useless against Plague, I'm like welp there goes two of my perks. But I don't cleanse, there is no point and it just buffs her puke. I figure I get so much value out of my perks in other matches, so it's a wash. (waka waka)

    But yeah watching them cleanse and run to an infected (object) really grinds my gears.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Cleansing as soon as possible can actually work pretty well. Denying plague of 4 fountains by cleansing at all of them is huge

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I don’t get what the year has to do with it?

  • Member Posts: 263

    Probably because they're not very smart or they're the type of survivor that panics when they're missing health ( no offense). Usually both are one and the same.

    I won't lie, you have every right to be angry at them. I have a friend that just started playing and his first game was a Plague. He cleansed once and saw she got stronger for doing it and immediately stopped doing it without me telling him anything beforehand. He said, and i quote: She got that red puke because I healed on the water? (Me: Yeah) Guess im not doing that anymore, i think it's better if i force her to hit me close and not vomit on me from far away.

    So yeah even atleast some new players know they shouldn't do that on their first plague game ever :|

  • Member Posts: 83

    People just being selfish with a mindset that goes something like "I NEED TO BE SAFE I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE OTHERS".

    Had a Haddie cleansing totems all match from the beginning and continued breaking totems after it was obvious the killer had pentimento. We let her die on hook and she DCed :3

    It's what she deserves (c)

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Cleansing or not cleansing is six of one half a dozen of the other, imo, the key is that everyone needs to be on the same page about it. Which is why playing against her in solo is often a real pain.

    I play as Plague a lot, and having all survs broken or constantly having access to my power doesn't make much difference to me. Her red vomit can be powerful, but landing it can be frustratingly random/inconsistent, unless you get potatoes running in straight lines all the time.

    But when you have some cleansing and some not, that team is gonna have a bad time.

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