Will you buy new RE Chapter?

Will you buy the whole chapter or just some character(s) or just skip? And why if you can tell too ;-)
I’ll just buy Wesker, I don’t play survivor enough to worry about the survivors.
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I'm absolutely gonna buy it, I want all three characters!
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Wesker is weak and I don't buy weak killers.
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I won't be buying it, I haven't bought a chapter since the Silent Hill chapter. I'll see if I can win it from some fog whisperers like I did with Ringu and first RE chapter, otherwise I'm fine without them. There's already so many characters/perks in the game. While Reassurance is nice when it comes to camping killers I'm not a fan of the camping solution not only being locked behind a perk but also a pay wall.
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As a massive RE fan, I am under legal obligation to buy it
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Wesker is my favourite videogame villain. Ada is my favourite female videogame character. And I adore Rebecca to pieces.
I don't really have any choice lol
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I'll buy the Chapter just to P3 Ada and Rebecca, so I'll have fully leveled their perks in bloodwebs for other survivors.
When it comes to the killer, I'll, naturally, do the same even here.. But I don't really care about the killer here.
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I think the chapter is cool and all and otherwise might, but I'm still striking until I see some changes I like 😅.
So no, at the current time.
Post edited by Bran on1 -
I'm buying it definitely because I want that reassurance perk.
Face camping killers prepare to be punished
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I'll buy Wesker
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BHVR's business team won. I'm buying all the auric cells for this chapter.
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Don't buy wesker if he not get buffed , he weak not have anti-loop.
Wesker looked like normal M1 killer with dash power.
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I’m on strike. I refuse to buy anything until the Devs heed my demands and release a Power Rangers chapter, a shirtless Pyramid Head cosmetic, an extra Muscular and Shirtless Trapper and a French Maid outfit for Dwight and David.
Seriously tho, I don’t play killer enough to warrant a purchase for Wesker and Claudette will always be my main so there is no need to spend any real money on characters I won’t play.
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Depends on queue times. If killer is still as bad, probably not.
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It depends on if this cosmetic is available
But I probably will, maybe.
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Most likely.
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I'm definitely gonna get wesker. I don't know about rebecca or ada.
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Without question. Wesker is strong and fun AF(even though my initial reaction to him being announced was not positive), I love Ada Wong, and Rebecca comes with Reassurance.
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Surely and Cris skin and maybe wesker skin.
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Sooo which killers have you bought?
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I. Want. WESKER!
Ada and Rebecca are cool too
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As it currently stands, no I will not. The perks aren't worth it, including reassurance (A bandaid perk fix to camping? No thnx. Also, if you can get within 6 meters, you can probably just save no? If it's not a facecamping bubba or smth)
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Ada is hot so yeah.
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I'll wait until it goes on sale and all the nerfs are done.
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Wesker is weak? How come? He is A tier and will be even better when his bugs get fixed.
I personally will get the whole chapter. I play both sides, but I'm probably gonna become a killer main because of Wesker. His power is so fun to use!
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I'm an RE5 fanboy, and I like having all the perks so I can look around for weird synergies
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I bought Resident Evil 5 yesterday just because of Wesker. It's fun to play but the controls kinda suck lol.
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Of course.
Rebecca has really good perks, Wesker seems like he might be kinda fun but I'd need to playtest, and Ada is probably gonna be my new main. Plus, I need that Sheva cosmetic. My life literally depends on it
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Will I buy it at launch? No.
Might I buy it eventually? Yes, after it goes on sale and if another game doesn't steal me away first.
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The controls take a lot of getting used to. Once it "clicks" though, the movement and shooting is a lot of fun.
You have to be really thoughtful about how you move and when you decide to stop and shoot. You really can't afford to get caught out shooting in a bad position, since you don't have the movement speed to get somewhere safe quickly enough.
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Probably it's worth buying if you are a fan of the license. Othewise....
Well I definitely bought the Silent Hill chapter and Sadako Rising, but probably I'll just buy what I need from Re chapters separately
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I'm gonna buy the whole chapter. Why wouldn't I especially when one of the survivors is a women in a sexy red dress.
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I will definitely buying the characters
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Just Wesker to be honest. I love Ada and Rebecca, but I feel Yun Jin is my survivor animal. It is like a spirit animal... Only digital, and with a crouching obsession.
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Hell yeah I'm gonna by the entire pack. Playable Wesker, Rebecca and if the rumors are true, Sheva via a skin for Ada. Probably the first pack that I'm happy about all around.
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Depends. You guys have seen how bad the PTB was right? Wesker is a buggy mess. They might also nerf some of the perks people are raving about (Reassurance, Hyperfocus). Let's wait and see what changes they make.
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Definitely will be buying it! I love the Resident Evil Franchise as a whole and couldn't dare miss out on any characters!
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Yes! I will love playing as Wesker and Rebecca.
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Ada looks hot so yeah. At that point may as well get the entire DLC.
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Tbh I'm going to camp with the Reassurance that I'll easily be able to find a new chase easily now that 1 survivor will be near the hook instead of everybody letting him hang while everybody solos a gen : D
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Wesker would be A tier if he could break pallets by vaulting them with his power by default.
He is not A tier. His secondary objective has so many sprays littered all over the place that it won't be triggering often.
What your saying is what everyone said about dredge. See how long that craze lasted? Wesker has arguably weaker anti loop than Dredge and no ability to teleport.
But you think he's an A tier killer - good luck with that.
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My inner completionist compels me to.
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No, im not as interested in this game anymore since the 6.1 patch. Besides theres already like a million perks on killer, i dont really need any more. And the survivor perks are all useless anyway so why bother spending money on any if it AND have to grind to unlock it all afterwards?
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No, i'm not into RE, and i don't like the survivors and the killer + their perks don't seems necessary?
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No. Skipping it for now.
I don't intend to support the grind. They added 30 levels of grind with their 'grind relief' to this expansion alone. They also nerfed all the best ways to farm blood, (killer queues, WGLF, BBQ, getting bloody party streamers is harder than ever) and added a toll at prestige cap.
Add to all that the recent heavy handed overnerfs and overbuffs and I am happy to keep my wallet shut until things change.
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Streamers like Otzdarva and Dowsey think he is bottom A tier and I agree with them. When his bugs get fixed he will be even better. Why would he break pallets after vaulting? Legion doesn't do that either. They both have Iri addons that let them break pallets. If you are talking about 4 man Swf thats coordinated vs Wesker then yes he isnt A tier. His infection actually does something to you unlike Nemesis, you are hindered and can be downed even when healthy. I'm assuming the devs will buff him as I don't see any posts to nerf Wesker. Regardless of his position on the tier list, I will probably main him. Never had so much fun with a killer on the PTB.
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Don't forget that while Wesker is charging his power he is 92% speed. That's a pretty big liability. His hitbox is completely gross as mentioned by Hens.
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Sure I agree but that was the Ptb. They will fix his hitbox. Blight had terrible hitboxes when he first released on the Ptb and Bhvr fixed them (Mostly anyway). About the speed aspect it had to be done to compensate for his dashes. You can always use his yellow addon, I believe it gives you 5% more speed while charging Virulent Bound. I respect your opinion and we'll see how he will perform on the Live servers.