Surprised more survivors aren’t using Saboteur or Breakdown because of Pain Resonance

I was thinking about this in another thread, but since Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance is currently one of the top five most picked killer perks based on the aggregate site I follow I’m a little surprised survivors haven’t reacted by running Saboteur or Breakdown more often. Both of them are basically direct counters to Scourge Hooks in general. Saboteur is more like a scalpel you have to actively use to break a Scourge Hook right before it’s used, while Breakdown is passive but is almost guaranteed to trigger (unless you never get hooked in which case you might have won anyway) and when it does go off it gets rid of that used Scourge Hook for a whopping 3 minutes which is a really long time! Imagine if all four survivors ran Breakdown versus a killer using at least one Scourge Hook, they could easily be completely cancelling its effect after a hook or two for most of the match, not to mention also maybe sometimes creating hook dead zones where the killer simply can’t reach a hook at all.
Of course if the killer doesn’t have a Scourge Hook then both those perks aren’t as useful. But given that Scourge Hooks are at least as popular as Boons in terms of perk usage I find it funny more survivors haven’t specifically included an obvious anti-Scourge Hook effect in their loadout.
Breakdown is underrated in general, especially on some maps with horrible hook spawns.
I have seen some survivors running Saboteur, but I basically never see Breakdown.
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Yes, SWF groups could really do damage to the Killer strategy with this indeed. Solo could be hard but doable as well.
Can you link me your aggregate site? :)
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tbh im glad survivors dont, ive been loving pain res with monstrous and breakdown would kinda be a big sad moment for me
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Saboteur is pretty meh and inconsistent in SoloQ, that's probably why it isn't that popular
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They’re not great for solo, and most survivors play that. You really need a solo build that helps with camping/tunneling, unfortunately, which leaves little room for meme/niche perks.
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Sabo is pretty useless as a counter, once you identify the hooks you have to be near them all the time counter, two might be next to each other or in opposite corners of the map it's just not feasible to babysit these hooks all game to prevent is activating.
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You ironically just described how bad the scourge hook mechanic is for killers.
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Actually Breakdown probably works basically as well in solo queue as it does in swfs since it’s a totally passive effect that doesn’t require special communication.
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I would but the mods don’t want links to aggregate sites posted because sometimes they use Steam API for data collection and the game doesn’t officially support that. They don’t seem to mind me posting stats from the site though.
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I still believe they should re-work breakdown to permanently destroy the first hook you’re unhooked from. Kind of like shattered hope for killers that would be breakdown for survivors.
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Every time I successfully sabo, the killer tunnels me out of the game. Every time I run break down, the killer never chases me.
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Hope you like bleedout timers.
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3 minutes is already very long. And it works up to twice per match.
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Not really, killers can see the hooks pretty easily and can decide if they're going to try and go to their scourge book before hand, survivors have no idea what hook the killer will be going for until they head in the direction, it's incredibly easy to get survivors onto scourge hooks, it's a lot more difficult to preemptively be in the position you THINK the killer is going to go.
If it were so bad killers wouldn't be running it, right?
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I've been running Breakdown now and again.
It's a hard counter to all scourge hooks, but the problem is that you generally need two people running. Not to mention that you aren't getting hooked on a scourge hook every time, and killers don't always bring it.
The aura reading that Breakdown gives you is great for avoiding the killer with Off The Record, though.
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Seeing them doesnt stop their awful spawn RNG, which is what you were describing in your original post. Doesnt matter if you see their aura if 3 of them are clustered in a far corner of the map.
Killers run it because they have no choice lmao. If you think any of them are ever happy about losing hooks because they were too far/people bodyblocked/etc especially when using scourge hook perks, you are just plain being dishonest.
Oh, and to completely invalidate your other argument, survivors actually control the direction chases take, not killers. Survivors can also see these auras by running sabotage, giving them the actual advantage on whether the killer ever gets them or not, complete with the ability to temporarily remove them from play when they know which ones the killer is going to attempt to get when downing a different survivor.
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I’m quite happy running Scourge Hooks personally, I don’t miss nearly as many hooks as you seem to think is common.
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You don't get bodyblocked on indoor maps very often then, i take it.
Autohaven? sure. Midwitch? The hook spawns can be rough to begin with regardless of even trying for a scourge.
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And what has body blocking got to do with scourge hooks?
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...How do you think people prevent killers from reaching a specific hook? protip: it doesn't require saboing the hook, just that they're not running a perk like mad grit.
Hell, with the amount of endurance effects added to the game now, its easier than ever.
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I get people TRYING to bodyblock pretty often. I don’t get them succeeding that much.
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I mean thats certainly fair, its not that it happens all the time for me either, its that it can and does often enough to make me regret taking the perk half the time.
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Are you implying people only body block if a scourge hook is in play? lol
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No? I'm implying that it can be a very strong way to prevent people from reaching scourge hooks, especially due to their unreliable spawn locations. Do you keep misreading everything on purpose?
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its too weak. breakdown has same problem as boil over.
it encourages slugging, but slugging is not effective for killer unless killer downs entire team. I could see perk removing a hook permanent instead of the pointless duration but killer needs to have counter-play for a perk like this to exist.
if a hook breaks permanent in the corner of the map, survivor will often run into corner where you can't hook them and the killer has to wait 4 minutes for them to die. breakdown encourages this type of gameplay where killer gets no rewards for downing the survivor and can't rehook them. so its anti-tunnel perk similar to decisive strike that forces slugging to be countered.
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Sabo is just bad when you could bring a toolbox instead. It also requires some coordination i.e. SWF. Breakdown is the same; good in SWF, weak in solo.
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Bad idea. Killer should be able to hook survivors. They can already just make a safe zone where there's no hooks.
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Everyone on comms identify a spot we want to be the hook "deadzone". Go down on purpose at 4 hooks in that location creating a square/rectangle shape of dead zone area with no hooks. During future chases rush to the area and laugh when the killer can't carry you to a hook in time. There's a reason perma breaking hooks was taken away.
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I've been running Deliverance, OTR, DS & DH, because selfish survivors and tunneling killers have been ruining my DBD experience.
But i'll start running Breakdown and Sabo in honor of this post.
Edit: Killer didn't run any Scourge Hooks, and I was camped then tunneled off second hook. Feel nothing but regret.
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Solo q are too busy holding M1 for longer and running anti-camp/tunnel perks - no space for these perks in the build when not on comms with a SWF.
Would love to see a rework of Scourge Hooks to be a single use only (could be more of them on the map to balance this).
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Not entirely, Sabo lets you know which hooks are scourge and which arent, a toolbox doesnt. While definitely more useful in swf you can still make use of sabo if someone goes down near you while doing a gen.
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Please don't give them survivors the wrong kind of ideas. 😥😥😥
A Scourge Hook fan of the first hour
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Breakdown is one of the perks that I always ended up using on my underleveled survivors when I had to use on for a daily ritual, and while it never actively won me games it always seemed to irritate the killer and throw some kind if wrench into their machine. Albeit they never seemed to be THAT irritated or tilted that they tunneled me out just for playing this perk.
So its some kind of perfect soloQ addition.