Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

The state of DBD

Ik I speak for everyone when I say 5 secs ain’t enough to get anywhere off the hook. Most killers will just wait it out and tunnel. Survivors have dumb endurance while killers all run the same gen control perks. The MMR system doesn’t even work. I fight survivors who are sweats when I don’t even play killer like that. Is DBD currently in a rough spot rn?


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I have to agree, the 5 seconds is so bad. I feel they should just rework borrowed and make it 10 seconds base.

    I honestly just use Save the Best for Last and disrespect regardless because off the record. But it would improve my survivor games if the killer had time to reach me before my precious endurance ended.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Nah the only change they need is BT stacking with other endurance effects.

    Call it spite or Entities Mercy or w/e and make an exception for it.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    If the killer is not camping or proxy camping the hook then the 5 secs is enough to get away, 9/10 saves i see when i play killer is just bad choices from other survivors they unhook the hooked survivor before i even turn around, if in a chase they run to get the save leading me right back to you and sometimes you can see them hanging around so soon as i take 10 steps they rush in for the save.

    Survivors cant keep blaming killers when your fellow survivors are just doing unsafe hooks, yes it might suck if the killer goes after you but the other survivor is the one that caused that to happen, when instead they could of waited 20sc for the killer to leave then go for the unhook making it a safe one then going somewhere to heal, so next time you get unhooked and the killer goes after you think if its the killer or another survivor that did a unsafe hook with the killer right there.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    5 sec BT (plus haste) basekit is a good starting point. The problem is the players that just assumed you no longer need to run BT to help counter tunneling, they mostly switched to OTR to help counter it in their builds.

    Do I think it could be extended to 8-10secs? Yes.

    Did the devs also say they're keeping a close eye on this patch and the data collected to make adjustments as needed? Also Yes. And bonus, we've already seen that in the quick nerf to Thanat after "Forever Legion" and "No Gens for you Plague" had a massive uptick in pick rate and I'm assuming kills or DCs.

    As far as DbD being in a "rough spot" they just made a massive update that forced a lot of people into different MMRs and without telling us how the values change for all we know it could have been weeks for those people to lose enough MMR to get to a point where they are just now working their way back up. Personally I think they jumped the gun on MMR and should have kept ranks but made sure everyone went back further each month for match making sake. The reason the old system was so messed up is a players got to red and when reset happened they only had to win a couple games to get back to red so eventually a vast majority of the player base was all the same rank bracket unless you stopped playing for a couple months or smurfed so players of vastly different skills were paired up. This would have made the first couple days of the reset wonky but the try hards would have try harded their way out of your skill zone quickly so you could have relatively chill matches after a couple days. But instead they implemented a mystery MMR that as far as I know doesn't degrade much when you take a break from the game and when it can't find players of the same rating quickly will expand the search to pair you with players not in your rating and we end up almost back to square one of what it was just pre MMR.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,615

    give me a logic and valid reason of why a killer shouldn't tunnel someone out of the game then...

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    The Devs clearly tried to make it harder. This is evident by the measures taken. However, as always, they were way too careful with it and failed.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,615

    fact is that they should modify things in order to make tunneling and camping not viable and in the same time they should make the "fairplay" gameplay actually viable and rewarding... a pity that the game mechanics incentivize the 1st one and the devs didn't nothing concrete about the 2nd...

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Ah the tyranny of "fair play". Rears its ugly head again.

    Camping and tunnelling have their place in the game like anything else and there a tools to assist with it and fight against it.

    I'd hate this game to lock everyone into a single play style, where you have to double hook everyone all the time and play is just formulaic consistency, that is the epitome of dull.

    If there was no threat of elimination till second hook state and you had tools to make sure everyone else must be on second hook state before anyone can die we could achieve the fair play utopia of uneventful safety.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Too much focus on the Casuals that require immediate built-in counterplay over learning existing tools/tactics through experience.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Does DbD still have issues? Yeah a ton

    Is it in a rough spot? No, not even close

  • Minaaa
    Minaaa Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2022

    Yep...the game is in a terrible state.

    Killers tunnel even more now since it is even more satisfying to wait out the endurance.

    The DBD team really needs to learn some product principles, brining out a massive patch with a ######### ton of changes without incremental testing was insane.

    I used to play this game every alternative day, i now play it once every two weeks since it is insanely unbalanced.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940
    edited August 2022

    I've been playing for years for me yes game is in the worst state ever, you can't just nerf DS because it's "popular" this perk was vital for the game, previous version deserved a BUFF imo not a nerf, it was already pathetic against nurse/blight/spirit and co

    if your only fix against tunneling is a perk then make it good and scary, 5 second stun +sprint burst for few seconds + no scratch marks, this 5 seconds BT is incredibly cringe

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    well it's not that hard to understand, do you play both sides or only killer ? get tunneled at 5 gens by a good blight for example and see if you're having fun, defending camping is cringe too it's really Dbd at its worst

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    For me, it's about treating others how you wish to be treated. No one likes to get camped or tunneled so that's the reason to not do it.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940
    edited August 2022

    yeah that's what i thought, have some empathy then Idk

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249

    Some of you should take a step back and gain some perspective. You're talking about a video game here.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,615

    I did a legit question tho... I asked a VALID reason why a killer should play in order to loose instead of trying to win... For your logic then survivors should slow down and let the killer hook them if they were dominating... A pity that you won't see those things, quite the opposite...

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    It's ridiculous to camp and tunnel at 5 gens. It's the most mindless, cheap tactic against Solo Q players, and an easy 4k. Especially now with longer gen times and gen regression perk meta. The fact that something so easy can decimate a Solo Q match is a game flaw. It's also match ruining for 4 players, not just the one. As soon as someone is camped these days, the hooked player usually suicides. Or else, if they get smacked back down immediately at 4-5 gens they just disconnect, which creates a domino effect of every other survivor just giving up before the match has barely begun. The result is usually multiple d/c's and hook suicides.

    Wow. What a fun time, but hey, you got a 4k! You "won". Everyone including Killer gets crap bloodpoints, but you won!. (not you personally, I'm talking in general).

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    What people really don’t like is losing and being eliminated early from a match. I’ve never had a survivor complain to me about tunneling or camping after a match if they won.

    And yes, being eliminated sucks, it doesn’t mean I’m not going to kill survivors.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,220
    edited August 2022

    I don't think the game is in a terrible spot in terms of gameplay, although I do think solo queue is in a bad state. Lack of baseline information/comms was fine when the game released and killers were hot garbage, but players are better now and killers are a lot stronger.

    The biggest issue with the game to me right now is matchmaking and the single queue. Playstyle and builds are a massive factor in determining outcomes in DbD. MMR alone doesn't do enough to sort that, and the matchmaking range often feels way too wide.

    I often end games at 3-4 gens on Ghostface with brown add ons. If you are a top level killer and play with a competitive mindset, you will not be remotely challenged in the vast majority of games. And then I'll randomly get one good team every two or three days that 4 outs me. But on the flip side, even a very good solo survivor player will be matched with teammates who have no idea what they're doing or are just goofing around, and that's insanely frustrating if you approach survivor competitively.

    And I know there's hesitancy about ranked mode because of population, but players aren't going to be attracted to a mode that doesn't exist. People aren't going to show up to a restaurant and order things that aren't on the menu in the first place.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    This is ridiculous. "It's ONLY 5 seconds of Endurance AND Haste" without even using any perks. How did y'all play this game before, exactly?

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I've been thinking a lot about a ranked game mode and casual game mode recently. I know there a lot of concerns about this like longer queue and a player base not big enough to support 2 game modes. But I believe some part of the "problem" with this game is that it can't separate players who wants to play competitively and players who just want to chill.

    I have no business going against a alchemist ring Blight or double ranged Nurse, yet I see them quite often..

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,366

    Adding a casual mode won't do anything.

    People will pick whatever mode has faster queue times, because the "rank" in this game means nothing. Yugioh Master Duel recently added a casual mode to the game and people are complaining they are facing meta decks in casual mode, because the act of being a casual mode doesn't stop people from tryharding.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Ye, that is probably what is going to happen anyway..

    BTW Crow, I'm sorry I lashed out on you the other day in a camping-thread. Hope you can forgive me on that one <3

  • tendyhands
    tendyhands Member Posts: 268

    5 seconds isn't even enough to make it all the way up the stairs of the basement. It's funny how many people kept saying "you can make it to a tile in 5 seconds!" So many people comment that dont even seem like they play the game.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    It's five seconds with a speed boost. It's saved me innumerable times. If they made it ten seconds they'd want it thirty seconds, if they make it thirty seconds they'd want it to give an indefinite endurance token.

    It's not meant to disable hitting a survivor off the hook. It's meant to disincentivize it.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Do you play survivor?

    Because if so, you should know that camping and tunneling still a serious problem. That's what people are complaining about, not when a killer intercepts a survivor that is hook rushing.

    I don't know why people like you are still trying to find excuses as to why tunneling and camping shouldn't be nerfed. I think it's been long enough to safely say that something needs to be done about camping and tunneling, if we want queue times to back to a normal and balanced state again.

    In almost all cases that I get tunneled, it's the killer who simply refused to leave the hook, or came back to the hook to tunnel me. They are cheap and unfun tactics that need to be nerfed. They are way too effective, both for how unfun they are to go against, and how little skill they require.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    9/10 unsafe unhooks I see are because the killer proxy camped the hook and refused to do anything but zone survivors trying to go for unhook.