An idea for Slender: The Eight Pages Chapter

DaveKing Member Posts: 7
edited October 2022 in Creations

(The text is edited and the power is changed since the first version!)

Hi guys

So, I was born at the millennia and because of that, Slenderman was the first horror game that I have played. It left a pretty big effect on me and that is the reason why I would really love to see him come to DBD.

I created my own concept of what kind of power I believe he would have in the game and I thought that I share you this concept of mine. I would like to see your opinion on this, be bad or good :) (also, if you find grammar mistakes, it's because english is not my mother langauge)

*Chapter Name: The Eight Pages

*New Killer: The Myth: An unknown being, Slenderman haunts in the shadows, appearing closer and closer to it's victims, slowly turning them mad. The only way survivors can hold back the madness and Slender himself, is to collect the Eight Pages on the map. But when they start this, The Myth's wrath shall fall upon them. The Myth's three perks: Always Watching, Something Awful and Hex: Unseen let him see his prey, sabotage the chance to escape and provide a silent hunting

Terror Radius: 16 meters (you have no Red Stain until the First Page is collected)

Speed: 4.0 m/s (100%)

Height: Tall

*Killer's Power: From the Shadows: Start the match in the Shadow Realm, invisible and without a Terror Radius. You move at the Shadow Realm at 125% speed. You cannot attack survivors while in Shadow Realm. By pressing LCtrl, you leave the Shadow Realm and you move at 4.0 m/s (100%) speed. If a Survivor spots you further than 24 meters away, they scream, get Slender-Sickness Tier 1 and you can now attack that survivor. By pressing LCtrl again, you go back to the Shadow Realm. Once the first survivor gets Slender-Sickness, you can use the secondary ability:

Slender-Walk : Press and Hold Right Click to charge Slender-Walk, while in the Shadow Realm. Press Left Click to cancel it. Let go Right Click to instantly teleport to the target location (max range: 16 meters) After the Teleport, you have 5 seconds, after it you instantly go back to the Shadow Realm. You are not slowed after teleporting, but move as you current movement speed is. While your charging the teleport, survivors within 16 meters of you can see you phasing in and out of reality. After you go back to the Shadow Realm, you have a 3 second cooldown of the Teleport.

Slender-Sickness: Survivors gain more Slender-Sickness if they looking at you. After a certain range, they gain the effect faster. This range shrinks smaller and smaller with the bigger Slender-Sickness effect (Tier 1 to Tier 2: 24 meter, Tier 2 to Tier 3: 16 meter)

Slender-Sickness Tier 1: Survivors scream when they get the effect and gets Blindeness (they only see the Pages)

Slender-Sickess Tier 2: Repairing, healing, cleansing, opening, sabotaging speed is decreased by 10%, movement speed is decreased by 5%

Slender-Sickness Tier 3: Survivors gain the Incapacitated status effect. Every 20 seconds, they scream and reveal their position to you

Passive Ability: The Eight Pages: To cure the Slender-Sickness, the survivors must find the 8 Page, spawned on the map. The Pages only spawn, when all survivors have Slender-Sickness, and the Pages can be seen by survivors within 16 meter range. Every Survivor must collenct 2 pages. Every missing page give The Myth


1 missing Page: +5% movement Speed outside the Shadow Realm

2 mssing Page: +10% faster vault speed

3 missing Page: +10% faster palett and wall break 4 missing Page: +15% faster recovery from flashlight blinding

5 missing Page: +15% faster recovery from stuns

6 missing Page: +10% faster movement Speed outside and inside the Shadow Realm

7 missing Page: +15% longer Lunge

8 missing Page: Gain the Undecetable Status effect

After the Eight Page got collected, a 20 second timer starts. After the timer ends, your Aggression goes away and all Survivor gets Cured from the Slender-Sickness

*Perks: Always Watching: You keep watching your prey, even if they don't know it. Every time a Generator firstly being touched, the Generator aura turns yellow and a sound cue will play for you. If the survivor/survivors stops working on that Gen, they aura will be shown to you for 4/6/8 seconds

Something Awful: The Entity gives the survivors hope for the escape. But you think otherwise. You can break a standing pallet. You brake pallets and walls 10% faster. After you break a standing Pallet, a 120/110/100 second Cooldown starts

Hex: Unseen: By the time survivors know you are behind them, it's too late. Until the totem gets broken, every survivor suffers from the Oblivious status effect. If they escape the chase, they get back the effect after 10/8/6 seconds

Post edited by DaveKing on


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    The power sounds so complicated. I am trying to read it and understand it but the more I try the more I don't want to continue. Please try to make it less complex.

    Also it does sound like a Wraith / Sadako mix with extra steps.

  • DaveKing
    DaveKing Member Posts: 7

    Sorry, you are right😅

    I will try to write it less complex for you:

    Start the match invis, no TR, cannot attack

    Stalk every survivor, to be able to attack and gain your basic ability

    Can leave SR (Shadow Realm) slowly, or by teleporting a short distance. Teleporting gives you a time frame when you can attack, then you go back to invis

    When a Survivor sees you, they gain a debuff, which they can get rid of by collecting pages. Each page gives you benefits (you can read the benefits in the main text at the Aggression part)

    If all pages are collected, after a time, all survivor loses the debuff and you are forced back to the Shadow Realm and must stalk all of them again to be able to exit the Shadow Realm

    I hope it's a more understandable summary for you😉

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    I really like the creativity and seeing something like this in DBD would be really cool as I am also a fan of Slenderman. That being said, the power is kind of lack luster.

    You start as a cloaked Sadako that has to stalk every survivor for at least 5 seconds. When you finally power up, you gain a single nurse blink, that if you hit or miss you are cloaked again. If you stalk enough, gaining T3 for every survivor, they are afflicted with jump scares that reveal their location. If they want to cleanse the jump scares, they have to collect pages; collecting the pages powers up the killer's chase.

    I think you have something going here for sure but do not be scared to buff him up from current. As he is now, I feel it would not be far off to say he is the weakest of the killers. I think the revealing is nice but as a survivor, I would just ignore the pages. The other thing that concerns me, if a survivor hides all game and you cannot find them, you cannot kill anyone. That would become a strategy to win games against him.

    The perks:

    Always Watching: This first part is pretty strong but revealing auras when survivors let go of a gen could be a really nice addition to the game.

    Something Awful: Little worried about the concept of breaking a standing pallet, it could be something nice added to the game but it kind of removes a fun aspect of the game. Not too sure myself on this.

    Hex: Unseen: Reverse plaything with only a single totem. Sure, why not.

  • DaveKing
    DaveKing Member Posts: 7

    Thanks for sharing your opinion 😀

    If he was a killer in the game with this power, what changes or buffs/nerfs would you suggest?

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    Speed: 4.8 m/s

    Height: Tall

    TR: 0 m with lullaby of 16 m when not fully in shadow realm.

    The Myth starts in shadow realm, he is completely undetectable, cannot be seen or heard. In this state, he can only stalk survivors. Once he reaches his stalk requirement on a survivor, the connection between the shadow realm and reality begins to blend. The Myth now begins to phase in and out of existence for stalked survivors within 16 m, similar to a flickering light. When any stalked survivor stares at the Myth, think how Ghostface reveal works, he becomes motionless while gaining tokens for his power, Phase. The Myth can have a total of 8 charges of Phase and gains a token every second a survivor reveals him. The Myth can consume tokens of Phase to instantly warp forward 0-16m by default or 0-8m while being revealed by a survivor. Phasing cannot be performed through obstacles or survivors. After a consuming a Phase token, the Myth will not gain tokens for 3 seconds. While the Myth is revealed by a survivor, he may so choose to conserve his tokens and warp out of range of stalked survivors.

    Eight pages are spread around the map. as survivors collect pages, the distance of the Myth's Phase power increases, 2 m per page when not revealed and 1 m per page when revealed.

    At the start of the game, all survivors will begin at 0 affliction with the curse and over time gain affliction as the pages exist. For each page existing, all survivors gain 0.5 affliction every second. When survivors reach 700 affliction, they can be mori'd. Revealing the Myth will cleanse the affliction of that survivor by 2 per second.


    I feel like this could work; some details might need to be hammered out but this was just my take. Fun to think about, appreciate the initial post of creativity.

  • DaveKing
    DaveKing Member Posts: 7

    WOW. This is actually really good. You are talented for creating concepts! Thank you for the suggestions😀