Please make doctor fun.

He's so ######### boring to play as, against, or even think about.
As a survivor, his giant "######### you" blast means you can't hide, your only option is to just run to the other side of the map. You can't even tell when he has it or is charging it, theres literally nothing you can do except just sit in a locker at the faintest hint of a terror radius, which is somehow the worst possible choice. Imagine that, your only defense will just get you killed in the end anyway. "Counterplay" against his power is lose-lose. We have all these killers with sound cues that give survivors info, even when not needed and sometimes detrimental to the killer (Demo roar when undetectable, anyone?) but the one killer who direly needs some sort of sound queue is completely silent.
(Note added after: Iron Maiden makes even this dumb "counterplay" lethal to the survivor and completely negates it.)
As a killer, theres no fun to his power at all. The normal "hahah zap zap you cant vault now" is ok, as it has its own mindgames (even if bland), but his massive zap blast is just too much. If I'm not sure where someone is, I just hold 1 button and often know where half the team is. Worst case, I know they're not here meaning any damage I do to gens will not be stopped for a while. Best case, now I know where 3 or all of their team is, and theres nothing they could do to stop or even slow me. Sometimes, I make them unable to even do generators or heal eachother while still getting their location just because they happened to be near me while I held down a button. Theres no fun to it, I might as well install wallhacks cause, with certain builds, it might as well be.
I'm not asking for a nerf, or a buff, just do something that makes him worth playing. Even nurses are more fun at this point than dying because the killer hit Lctrl and found me while trying not to be spotted.
Static blast does have an audio queue to tell you it's happening. But yeah doctor's counterplay is basically "run calm spirit 4head"
Even then though he's pretty weak right now
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I think Doctor is fun to play, his basekit is perfect to find survivors and his shocks can be fun to use in chases. I hate roaming the map and not find anyone, that's not a problem with Carter. He is, after all, an M1 killer with no map mobility so he needs to find his victims quick and get to chase.
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Thats not a cue, thats that actual sound it makes, and you can only hear that if you're close enough to him, by which point you're more than in range.
Unless you mean the "whoomp" in which case thats when it's already happened.
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You’re actually complaining about doctor?
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Just because you don't find Doctor fun to play doesn't mean he needs to changed.
I like making survivors scream and managing their madness tiers. The fact he can reliably find people makes him not completely useless.
To counter his static blasts, you just count from the last one and then predict the rest. Not hard. And barely any Doctors run Iron Maiden anyway, and if you're far enough away, it wouldn't help in the first place.
There was a post on here asking where all the Doctors had gone. So how often can you say you get him?
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Killer does things, has a power. Go figure.
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I agree. People have forgotten about doctor and most killer have stopped playing him in favour for easier stronger killers, but he's always been insanely annoying and lacking counterplay. I hope he gets changes in the future.
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The "bzzzz" noise that the Static Blast emits is Map-wide
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Lacking counter-play?
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They also complained about Sadako of all Killers
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Fun is subjective and thus irrelevant because there is no way to make something "more fun" that everyone will think is more fun. If it’s balanced, it doesn’t matter.
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Have we actually gotten to the point where survivors are complaining about the DOCTOR, of all killers?? God, it never ends
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I have fun playing as Doctor but I enjoy making people scream over and over. 😂
Playing against him used to be absolutely miserable but they've nerfed him plenty to get rid of the worst builds to play against. I way prefer his blast over the old you continually build up madness just being in his terror radius. Now the main issue is if he camps he can prevent you from unhooking, other than that he's not bad to play against.
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It has to be a troll. I really hope it is a troll, otherwise, there really is no hope for this community.
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Oi leave my good ol doc alone. He fine as he is. Complaining about him just because u can't hide from him doesn't mean he needs a change.
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You still think there's hope for the community? I lost it long ago when I saw an honest complaint about Demogorgon
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Yes, while it's the most toxic community I've been a part of, I've met some of the nicest and appreciative people here too. It's just in human nature to remember all of the bad experiences more than the good. It's those sweet moments that happen in-game that keeps me coming back and allows me to ignore all the toxicity.
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I actually really like going against Doctor, I think his add-ons bring a good variety to his gameplay and make the games with him interesting.
(I am especially fond of the permanent red stain add-ons, which I think are really cool)
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I remember when a Tome entry was "Make survivors scream 50 times". I grinned, tooled up Doctor and got it in a single game! 😂
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I've never understood the complaints to this degree about Doctor. The only reason he'd be boring to play as is when you shock a survivor like 8 times at a loop and haven't even gained enough distance on them to hit them. Y'all act like he's this inescapable killer on the same level as Nurse and Blight, even though Blight I'd argue isn't inescapable. His Static Blast to find you isn't that devastating, because he still has to walk to you and if you think he's coming your way, you're free to hold forward. And that's his only 4v1, btw: A long cooldown ability that makes people within range go up 1 Madness tier and scream.
He has shocks that can block you from vaulting or dropping a pallet. So what? By the time he catches up to you and downs you, a gen will easily have been done. You can be tricky or just plain efficient with your movement to make him miss a shock, in which case he lost distance by slowing down to use his power and got nothing for it. You can drop the pallet or vault the window early so he doesn't even have the chance to use his power. You can drop the pallet from the wrong side so you don't get locked in as he comes around the other way.
If he shocks you enough, you go into Tier 3 Madness, which can create a false red stain and Doctor illusions, but as long as you're occasionally looking at him and listening to his loud mouth breathing, you'll know where he is. If there's fake pallets, you probably know which ones you've used anyway, or can look at the broken pallet debris on the ground, or simply see if he tries to shock you before you get to it. Also, him using his power over and over like that means he can't gain Bloodlust.
I don't know what people see in him to say that he's OP. "He's not OP, just annoying." Then why complain? Try playing as him yourself. Once you get out of the Noobville city limits, you're gonna get beat by gen efficiency like any other killer. He's add-on dependent, his ability doesn't do damage, its range sucks, and it doesn't even work half the time.
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I'm actually a killer main. He's not fun for anyone. Theres just no skill in it.
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Also most people here are acting like I want him nerfed. I'm not saying "Hurr durr remove blast thats all" I'm just asking for somethiong more than "Being within 40m? Thats a shockin."
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Wow, very amazing that you can somehow know the mindsets of the entirety of the playerbase. Get over it maybe?
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I used to have quite a lot of fun with Old Doctor. Having two different modes was a really interesting killer design, fun to play as and against.
And now? Well, we all know what unfortunately happened. Doctor is...bland. Nothing really special about him.