When is “spinning” being removed then?

Didn’t the Devs confirm it was a bug before?
If Blights “hug tech” is finally being treated as a bug and being addressed then what about survivors spinning
all it does is widen the gap between PC and console. It is considerably harder to counter a spin on console than it is on PC as they can crank their sensitivity up to 11 and have much sharper/ accurate movement compared to a controller
I’m not sayings it’s impossible to counter, I’m saying that console has an unfair disadvantage against PC
If we’re gonna have crossplay be the standard then shouldn’t a feature that heavily favours one side be addressed?
Did they confirmed spinning is bug? I don't remember exactly.
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Funny thing is, way back when the new survivor animations where introduced, the devs added a turning animation to stop survivors form literally snapping their ankles in order to turn in an instant. As you can probably imagine, the outcry from spinners was so loud that those animations were removed.
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Sounds about right, but I don’t remember.
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Mandy herself said before that it was unintended because you could barely dodge projectiles with it.
If spinning ever were to get adressed (which it obviously shouldn't bc it's such a non issue) killer mains would demand that survivors shouldn't be able to sprint anymore right after.
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If I remember, the outcry was because people were promised that nothing would change. Hitboxes would still function as normal and all would remain good in the world. Then the update hit and hitboxes did not function in the same way and thus there was yet another outcry about more broken promises which, combined with an awful desync, just made for a terrible gameplay experience.
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I’m sure I remember multiple people on the forums before claiming that the devs said it was bug?
bug or not, it’s still an unfair advantage to PC.
imagine if one day the devs said they were adding a really strong aim assist/ auto lock for console for killers like huntress, slinger ect, there would be an uproar from PC players sayings it’s unfair
Yet all this time console players are just expected to lie back and accept a feature that heavily favours PC and puts console at a clear disadvantage
Things like that shouldn’t exist in a game where crossplay is the standard. The devs should be doing everything in their power to try and balance both sides as equally as possible
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Spinning is not a bug, spinning is as a bug as moonwalking as killer is. If it is so hard for you to counter a spinning survivor do like pc newbie killers and just stand still without lunging
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They kinda removed it when the new animations came out but it ended up making movement feel terrible. I’d rather keep it the way it is atm (I do play killer on console for reference)
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Pretty sure they said it was an unintended interaction that they are currently fine with.
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Spinning is actually more ez to pull off on controller than on M&K.
Also whats next? Killers asking for the survivors to begin the trial with all 4 survivors spawned on hooks with a 4% chance to escape to actually play the game?
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The hitbox bug was separate from the animation transitions but the devs panicked and removed both. I would have liked to see how things adjusted for a few weeks after the hitbox fix before removing the animations.
I really liked those movement transitions.
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Tbh it was kinda 50/50 from what I'd seen. Some loved it, some thought it made movement feel awful. I liked some parts of it, and being able to use items whole crouched was a great QOL change as well as having different walking cycles based on how fast you were moving. But overall imo it somehow felt clunkier despite trying to look smoother, and while I would've adjusted I feel like the compromise they made actually looks better than what we had or would have had.
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I think the auto aim is waaay more of an issue the survivors spinning. Yes auto aim i ment to hit the corner
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They aren't exactly comparable though are they? One is bypassing an intended limitation of a killer's power, the other is moving your hitbox in a way to avoid getting hit, which is easily countered by waiting for a second or two.
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It'll be way better to deal with with a more restrictive dead hard.
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auto aim and the killer fov is a bigger issue.
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I think it was declared to be unintended, and they tried fixing it, but survivors claimed it made movement feel terrible, so they reverted the change and then said they were ok with it.
Survivors always want another second chance. It doesn't matter if they messed up, or were outplayed, or were caught in a deadzone. They still want some way to maybe avoid a hit, and the fixed movement made it difficult to do that. It absolutely exploits console's awful camera turn rate, aim dressing's camera yank, and killers' terrible FoV. If these three killer problems were fixed, then 360s wouldn't be an issue.
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This. It actively prioritizes worse targets on puporse as well, like a person on the hook instead of the unhooker, or a flaming barrel if they ran right along it. There's already aim dressing in the game and its bad
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Because unless you are a terrible killer spinning doesn’t give any advantage unlike hug tech.
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Lol, quite a leap from asking to remove some last ditch effort that only works against new players or console players to asking for all survivors to be hooked from the start.
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“Tell me you’re not a console killer going against PC survivors without telling me you’re not a console killer going against PC survivors”
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Any good console player will just tell you there is no difference between platforms, if not with controller it is actually easier.
if you get shredded by it its just your own fault
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Yeah as someone who occasionally plays killer on console, spins aren't that hard to deal with. Just stand still and let them spin into your hit.
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Bruh, spins are super easy. Lunge at max range and if they spin at all you instantly land the hit
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Kind of happy about this. It's too easy to hit a spinner if you actually try.
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Spinning is counterable on console, problem is Aim Dressing messes it up way too often to where you can’t hit survivors at times due to it
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Okay can we just stop with grouping all survivors together, cuz I can easily do that with killers who do the same #########, but guess what not all killers want an easy game, and I realize that.
Yes, hopefully killers get an FOV change for those with accessibility issues, but it probably won't be done because those without accessibility issues could easily abuse this system. Want to pull out second change though, Rancor and NOED are two great examples, Rancor you can mori a survivor who you didn't even hook a single time, NOED is free insta-down if you got two hooks the whole game. But in the end, guess what I see these perks ran as much as I've seen people 360 is rarely.
I myself have witnessed 360s that were going to be amazing, until they got hit cuz the killer didn't instantly swing, and guess what, the killer was on console (I'm on Xbox so I see the other Xbox players), and I've 360ed killers who were probably on PC (had special characters in user that can't be there on Xbox and PS4)
TL;DR - Don't group everyone on either side together, it's dumb, irrational, and immature. Both sides have second chance perks, that's all there is to it. Also killers do need better FOV, but the developers would have to find a way to do it without it being exploited by those without the accessibility issue.
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Can we stop necroing threads from months ago now, please
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I remember when it happened. It was interresting I wanted to see more of it.
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didn't even realize the date, my bad, was just kinda going through the forums reading posts
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Spinning itself isn't really a problem, the problem is that the autoaim sometimes decides it's going to hit the nearby wall instead of the survivor when they do it, even if you are aiming at them. I'd guess it's a latency problem in regards to spinning. That probably should be fixed, then it would be fine.
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I remember playing right after the movement update and it was boring from both sides.
The survivor movement was so awful that it didn't just kill spinning, it killed almost all techs survivors could use to dodge a swing. Window techs, corner-spin techs, FOV techs, etc. well all off the table at that time. The killer would swing and get a hit and that was the end of the story.
Survivors need to be able to do something to try to make the killer miss or just extend the chase by a few seconds even if it is a low probability thing like spinning or other silly "techs." It keeps chases interesting.
I say this as a killer main too. Show me your best moves baby!
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Not really the reason spinning is a issue for Killers is because of the stupid "Aim Dressing" they put on Killer attacks. Spinning causes the Auto Aim to target a area where the Survivor is actually not causing a miss.
If aim dressing wasn't a thing then spinning wouldn't be a issue.
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Techniques that require game knowledge and skill should not be removed.
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This is not true while like 80% of the time spinning doesn't help there are times that survivors will make movements that I simply can't copy at there speed on a controller. It is rare though but it does happen.
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Spinning/360ing I've learned to deal with as a console killer.
"Aim Dressing" is the thing that needs to die.
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Yes especially with Onis power I swear the camera has jersey right or left so many times when I wasn't even moving the sticks. Oni must of real been mad at that wall to turn and smash it instead of the survivor directly in front of him.
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Me when I didn't know standing still was a thing.
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Yes, lets change a core game mechanic to compensate for your lack of skill.
Why not? Thats what they did when they buffed basekit killer, made gens 90 seconds, and gutted every single survivor perk.
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Spinning is fun. So it's here to stay.
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They set the game back 5 years when they did that. Spinning into the killer's body, yet simultaneously causing them to miss, is objectively game breaking. It needed to go for a long time. But no, we can't fix that because "mah spin tech!" and "these animations look bad!" I'm surprised they didn't ask for a juice box as well.
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That's moving the goal post. We're not asking that survivors shouldn't be able to sprint. We're asking why players with thousands of hours like myself are still getting spun multiple times in a match? Is it really still our skill at question? And yeah, people can have their cheap laughs about it: "You got spun, bruh!" but that doesn't mean that we're bad at killer. They're using that premise to dodge discussing this issue.
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No, the hitboxes did function properly, for the first time in a long time. Survivors could no longer just spin their joystick and reliably deny a killer their rightful attack. Removing the animations entirely and going back the old ones was complete overkill.
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They don't do that. If they see you're too far, they keep running and you whiff.
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But why should we have to do that? What other game, besides F13th because it sucks, forces you to wait out a melee-range hit so that your target is 'actually' in melee range? It's just stupid.
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That's someone who has never experienced "Aim Dressing" into a wall, fence, hay bail,....heck that iorn bush
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I could attest to that. I've spun killers many times with my controller.
What I can't attest to is that ridiculous straw man. There has been nothing said on this forum that has even come close to that.
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What do you want to happen? If the killer gets in range they should get a hit 100% of the time?
That's really boring.
Also old spinning was way worse than it is now.
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sorry but as someone from xbox with over 2000 hours then switched to pc.... youre wrong. very wrong. survivor is hardest on mouse and keyboard, it takes two thumbs to 360 on console and 2 hands with mouse and key. you have to hold shift with your pinky and use other fingers to shuffle the keys which is NOT easy and for me to do it i had to switch my sprinting to alt AND even then huggling loops perfectly is hard. therefore i will always play with controller on survivor. and hitting a spin is NOT hard