Rework suggestion for Botany Knowledge

I'm not a fan of the last change, so I just came up with a rework idea:
You transform plants found around The Campfire into tinctures that slow down bleeding.
Increases healing speed by 10/15/20%.
While suffering the Hemorrage status effect, press the secondary action button while healing yourself or other survivors to stop the loss of healing progress for 30/40/45 seconds. This effect has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
I thought of this changes because Hemorrage and Mangled are very common nowadays, and there is nothing currently to counter the former, so I thought it would be nice have a perk for that. Botany Knowledge seemed the perfect candidate.
I like the idea of a counter to Hemorrage, but I also think people should start running Streetwise with Botany if the recent change has been an issue.
BHVR has been pushing for specilization in survivors--requiring all 4 perks to be dedicated to a build for real value.
If people want rediculous healing, they now need to dedicate a build to it, instead of just sacrificing one perk.
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There shouldn't be a perk that just straight up counters a status effect. I'm fine with like resurgence and that Jane perk not allowing to to dip below their respective amounts though
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That would be far, far weaker than the current Botany, though.
Current Botany is a genuinely very good perk, making it far more situational by having it primarily be a counter to one status effect isn't that much of an improvement imo.
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actually sounds like an idea for a good new perk
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So theyd need 2 perks (streetwise and botany) to counter one perk (sloppy) or worse theyd need 2 perks to counter 1 addon ( many killer addons apply hemorrhage)? Thats not balanced at all.
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Like others before me have suggested, just take away the stupid efficiency penalty and make it not activate when using a medkit. ‘Hee hee, I’m so smart with plants that I make medkits do worse.’ Like that really makes sense for a “perk”.
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Sloppy only adds 4 seconds to a standard heal and losing progress is due to bad positioning when healing. What wasn't fair was survivors making the strongest items in the game even stronger by only investing in 1 perk and if they wanted to make it just completely busted run 2 with 0 downside that benefited you even when your medkit ran out.
Examples of before nerf at the extreme:
Botany + Self care + Green Medkit (Dressing + Syringe)
3 heals 8.7s long + the insta the same speed + 24s self care heals when it runs out
Botany + Self care + Ranger (Dressing + Syringe)
4 heals 12s long + the insta the same speed + 24s self care heals when it runs out
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So basically nerf it AGAIN?
Not really a fan, keep it as it is please