Current DH is one of the most balanced perks in the game

The new Dead Hard is fantastic.
It’s still a great perk in the right hands that provides essentially the same “third health state” that old DH provided, only now with plenty of counter play, not the un-counterable ‘DH for distance’ of old.
Now the perk rewards skill full play, precise timing and plenty of mind game potential e.g holding onto it while waiting for the killer to anticipate it and vice versa
great work devs
Agree 100%.
Once the Animation is accurate, its just good work
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Dude the animation is hilarious I hope it doesn't change I love seeing it.
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Dab for your life!
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Agreed. The animation is hilarious. 😂
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Oh yeah someone whose entire history is only about killer buffs and complaining about old Dead Hard, makes a topic to explain the world that it is now a fantastic & balanced perk
OP, would you mind recording some of your own survivor gameplay and show us your skills with this fantastic perk? I would particularly like you to demonstrate these "mindgames / precise timing" you're talking about, specifically against Legion, VPN players etc.
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In 2 or 3 years some of you here will probably want it nerfed again.
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DH is stronger on a skilled player. Its just not a braindead perk so some might find it harder to use.
Tldr: skill issue
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You know that, in order to adequately judge if something is balanced, or "braindead", you have to play it from both sides, right?
For example, a few weeks ago, I claimed that camping was too strong, so I proved it by playing killer and showing video of me getting absurd success with it. I didn't make an effortless post "Hey guys I'm a survivor main who think camping is broken pls nerf" like you guys do.
Here all I see is a bunch of very obvious killer mains congratulating themselves for the nerfs, with only vague arguments like "more skilled", "my friends are able to get good value" (so you aren't then?). Clearly 90% of you haven't tried the perk from survivor perspective.
So, since you all seem to be so knowledgeable about skill and Dead Hard, especially you Dead_Harder, why not show us your gameplay? Please show me a few clips where you use the perk and mindgame the killer with it, because I definitely cannot, even after playing a good 20 hours with the new DH, the only use I can make of it is to try to spin in front of the killer then dead hard and pray that he's a console player who has no choice but to attack right away.
With a 240 Hz monitor and 160 ms reaction time on, I can still not get the "precise timing" you guys are talking about, and I don't see any streamer use this perk anymore (apart from meme players like Sweh). So please can you show us your own skilled gameplay so we can learn from you guys?
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Yeah DH is fine now. If I have STBFL swinging into can actually be pretty beneficial as well
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Hey buddy. It's possible to use dead hard against legion. There are strategies to guarantee they can't frenzy you and will force them to m1 you.
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I've seen a lot of players making good use of it. It's great to see because it feels fair now. Dead hard for distance nonsense is dead.
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It still prevents killers from lunging, which is game breaking, just not being able to use 1 of your 2 methods of attack.
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A half second parry window is too hard for you is all im hearing.
Tldr2 electric boogaloo: skill issue
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Not sure about all the sarcasm here. I am a survivor main and new dead hard is great, just think it should stack on endurance. Against legion I simply don't heal so they usually dont m2 me.
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Also doesnt hard counter trapper.
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Yes! I wouldn't have believed you if you told me so before the rework, but BHVR pulled off the unimaginable: they broke DHs strangelhold on the game, nerfed it and yet didn't "nuke it from orbit" or "nerfed it into oblivion", but indeed trransformed it into a fair and fun perk.
It still is the only exhaustion perk with on-demand activation and it can get you out of the pickle should you be caught out in the open and out of position, but now its not a "fire and forget" type of activation, but needs skill, knowledge and, yes, a bit of luck. Perfect.
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I've used DH more in the past month than I had in my first 2.5k hours of DBD.
At first, I wasn't thrilled with it--I was always ending up on the floor even when I was certain I pressed E before the killer hit me.
I've since learned the timing, and it is arguably a stronger perk than it was before.
If more people invest time in learning how to use new DH reliably, I expect we'll see a resurgence of complaints about the perk.
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Dead hard is growing in popularity again, at least on my end. Not as much as before but I'm starting to see games with 3 dead hards again. You might not be able to use it but that doesn't make it bad. Some can't get flashlight saves, that doesn't mean flashlights don't so anything.
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When I played killer dead hard was pretty easy to bait. If I already knew they had it and they made it to a pallet...oh well? It's not really that important. More people are learning how to use this version of dead hard and I believe it'll still be in the meta. Then what? I played against a very skilled survivor who used dead hard, soul guard, off the record and unbreakable at the right times. They were good in chases too. That's...just the game. I don't really know what else to tell you because you care very much about your perceived skill level and take this game very seriously.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Well said. Usually the opposite is true for the ones squawking about their amazing abilities.
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So a completely useless perk is what killer main consider balanced. Big surprise.
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Anytime I see someone use Dead Hard effectively, I honestly cant help but compliment them. DH can be tricky to use, but when used right, it's really strong. It's a nice balance between skill, reward, and strength.
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Also power struggle. Had some one use it against me once last game and i couldnt wait for the end game chat to compliment them.
Also one survivor in the same swf had incredibly good timing with dh. Great players.
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Had a 4-Man Flip Flop + Power Struggle go against my Twins the other day actually, was a very painful experience, but at least they made use of a build you dont really see often, I can admire that.
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It's only completely useless if you're completely useless at using it. So yeah sounds pretty much spot on.
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Dead hard isn't useless, it is more balanced now than it was, and imo its still stronger than the other exhaustion perks when used right.
And before you freak out, I'm a survivor main.
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I think I should give it a try too, I see it in almost all of my killer games so I assume it is still popular.
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It's because they obviously don't use the perk themselves.
Do you honestly think they would be complimenting it if they themselves were actually successful at using it?
That's like saying "THE NEW THANA IS GREAT!" just for the sake of leading someone to believe it's actually great. When even people like me who play survivor also, does not believe it is. It is still bad on Legion/Plague but on the rest of the killer roster it sucks.
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That's the point. To prevent from getting hit is what the perk is suppose to do. Which is not game breaking. Using it for distance was. Now anytime someone uses it against me and actually pulls it off I'm like great timing dude. Hell one survivor was able to pull it off 3 time against me in one match. Which was awesome in my opinion.
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But it's not due to expert timing most of the time, is it? They get a free DH the first time, and then we wait it out the next time they use it, unless they option select at a pallet/window. I'll bet auto-Dead Hard still works with it. The point is that you still can't lunge as killer, because this perk is common enough to where you can't, and survivors get free Dead Hard mind games by spinning into you or you being forced to wait for the same reason: the perk exists. And now that they get Endurance instead of just making the killer miss, they can do it in a dead zone as the killer is swinging and use their sprint burst to get somewhere safe. It is used for distance, and it might be stronger than before.
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Well that's the reward of actually pulling it off, gaining distance. It be stupid if they didn't get something from pulling it off. I do agree with u on the auto dead hard still being a thing tho.
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If they do change the animation, I kinda hope they make it look like the survivor is bracing for impact
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I love the new DH. Everytime i manage to time it right especially against a really good killer it makes me feel good. Its not just simply press E anymore. Also i love the animation, i wouldnt mind if it stayed :D
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They found a way before and they will again. There's a hack that lets a survivor complete 5 gens and blink out the exit instantly. You think an auto-Dead Hard is too complex for them?
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I haven't encountered that hack yet but I'm sure I will sooner or later. No I don't think it's too complex for them. They did it before I'm sure they'll do it again. Give them time and they will.
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Meh, I think it could stand to have a bit longer endurance, maybe .75 or so. The window is pretty tight especially without distance now. On console it's still trash either way though
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So someone who hasn't taken the time to try and use the perk properly isn't realizing it's a fair and balanced perk? Big surprise
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I wanted dh nerfed, and i play both sides. But that doesnt make him any wrong. I play this game for over 4 years, the only thing i disagree with is that it takes 2 years until complains about it start again. As soon as enough survivors "got good" and adepted to the new dead hard, complains will rise up again.
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Well if you use it right, it actually gives you WAY more distance now.... kind of crazy in some people's hands to be honest
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Yes guys we get it, old dead hard is was fine and new dead hard is terrible. But for real if you are looping with a pallet still up or against most top tier killers DH still functions just as well. You just might have to think at all to get it to work.
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Skill issue
I never used dead hard(i prefer balanced landing and lithe) but my friend who used it for its main use before the nerf has no issues with the change and actually prefers it
Also inb4 I get accused of being a killer main I play both sides heck I play survivor more often as when my friend is on he wants to to play dbd with me